The Secret Splendour




A Goddess rapt in the sun of her timeless self

Waits ever aloof with shut eyes and lips sealed,

Both arms lifted to a bodiless blue beyond.

A mystery burns that I can never grasp:

I search and search through void eternities

And my blood is a song in the dark with drift unknown.

But, while that face is a superhuman dream

And the figure a farness of transcendent bliss,

The feet touch earth and give themselves to me—

Feet that are standing still, yet with a calm

As of all boundaries reached and journeys done:

Here time lies conquered neath a weight of trance.

Light has come down—a heaven close to clay

Keeps offering to my bewildered brow

A strength to rest on, to my longing lips

A warmth of love to kiss. By refuge here

My heart feels in its own brief blinded cry

The overture of some crescendoed life

Through which mortality shall kindle up

And seize truth's perfect form with minstrel hands!





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