The Secret Splendour



Magic gem-cutter, lapidary of light,

Transmuter of the crystalling consciousness,

Swiftly converting each dull bead of glass

To a flawless and omniscient Koh-i-noor!

Soon may thy plan scintillate into sight,

A myriad divinity of diamoid

Set in a sable vast of silences.

A heart of unified humanity

immense with the invisible muse of the One,

Wakeful within to numberless life-beats

Silvering out in the abysm of clay

Star-moments of a paradisal peace!

An adamantine energy shall break

bach mortal bound, yet seem for ever still,

Even as Arcturus and his fiery hosts

Hurl with undreamable speed through infinite space

Yet stand firm-fixed for earth's astronomy.

All movements of that energy take rise

In the farness of a supracosmic sleep

And the most gorgeous plunging forth of flame

Knows no fatigue, no shattering of cool rest,

Since one sole Being stretches everywhere,

Leaping through time from self to deathless self.



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