The Secret Splendour



"It is inconstancy

 To watch the myriad dew of flickering light

Impearl the mystery

Of the enormous efflorescent night.

O close your eyes and press

Your face to mine: is not your heart appeased?

Leave to forgetfulness

The slow sky-moments wandering to the east!

Why must you love to scan

The boundless music-glimmer of the main?

Vast-souled surf-echoing man,

 To me your songs are an eternity of pain!


"The flames in twilight's wake,

The twinkling miracles of unknown dream-dust,

In throbs of silver make

A wanton beauty's beckoning star-lust!

To my heart's frenzied glance

 A siren soul builds with enchanted clay

The face of lonely trance

With which night waits for the illumining day!

The inscrutable foam cry

Spells some strange wayward passion's reverie,

Luring to far reply

 Of world-forgetful thirst love's near-mouthed ecstasy!"

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