The Secret Splendour


An Appreciation and an Appeal*


Till now you've drawn my soul

Out to the doors of sense—

But now you are pushing my sight

Deep to the lushed intense


Core of the secret heaven

Hung in the heart

Where sits your beauty forever

Alone, apart


From the crowding hands of the world—

A love complete,

Offering to one sole clasp

Its deathless Feet.


If my life takes not their seal,

Never shall I win

Safety from gloom and greed:

The abyss is all within.


Time must be conquered there

For the Eternal's play

 To flower into flesh

And never fade away.


I know that your sweet limbs

Withdraw from gaze and touch

 Because the outward light

I crave and prize too much.


* One day I thought the Divine Mother was moving away from me in outer contact This hurt very much. But, if it was a fact, 1 tried to see the truth behind it. The result was the personal poem here.

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I know that the dim distance

You place between us two

Is only the beckoning path

Of an inward rendezvous.


But O my earth-embodied

Darling divinity,

 Be not too swift in the grace

Of the deeps you plunge on me.


Keep yet a visible smile—

How in so short a span

 Do you hope to make a griefless

God of this fragile man?


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