The Secret Splendour




At sight of thee upon thy splendid path,

Blissful with step of dawn,

Or sage at eve, or in thy noonday wrath—


A flame of worship leaps out from my eyes,

Immaculate essence drawn

To mingle with Thy mystery. God-surmise


Quickens the aspiration of my lust

For Thy celestial limbs—

 Towards Light I raise behind this mask of dust


Quivering intangible lips of timeless drouth,

Whose longing no night dims

 For mystic marriage with thy ambrosial mouth!


An ache for Truth beauteous, unstained, entire,

Unvisioned yet adored

 In the heart's deep, a paramour of fire,


Cries for fulfilment across sundering space,

Utters its vigil-word

Unto thy ear. The spirit stands at gaze,


Striving through dazzled eyes to reach the arcane

Love-treasure of its Lord

And golden to ecstatic tears all pain!



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