The Secret Splendour


The Slave*


Naked and hungry, abject, pale with fright,

A slave—behold my ageing, tortured clay—

 Free once I revelled through the foam-fresh day

Of honeyed Hybla with her dim blue height.


I left the happy isle!.... If ever you rove

Towards the bee-music and the wine-delight

Of Syracuse, following he swan's spring-flight,

O friend, remember the fair soul I love.


When shall I see again he welcoming glow

In pure Clearista's gaze of mauve sky-trance

Beneath her dark eye-brow's victorious bow?


Fly, seek her, voice my longing—you shall know

Her by the lonesome question in her glance,

Love's dream-eternity of fathomless woe.







* After the French L'Esclave of Jose-Maria tiereclia.

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