The Sun and The Rainbow

Three Little Conversations with the Mother




15 January 1962




Sehra: Mother, did you read my letter mentioning the predictions-made by astrologers about February?

Mother: Yes. Many people have asked me about these predictions. The astrologers say that something bad will happen. Even Punditji says so. Every time I hear all those things I try to see what the truth is. But always there is a blank. I see nothing. There is neither a Yes nor a No. This may mean that nothing is going to happen. Or else it may be the Supreme's Will that I should know nothing and not interfere with anything. Usually I don't interfere with happenings in Nature.

Sehra: But, Mother, aren't you and the Supreme the same?

Mother: Yes, and when I go into a trance I see everything. Even in the present case I must have seen everything, but when I come back into the outer consciousness I sometimes forget and there is a blank.

Sehra: You mean you want to forget and so you don't remember.

Mother: You may put it like that if you wish. But when I am meant to interfere I clearly remember everything I see in my trance. For instance, I see the great threat of a world war, and I put all my force against it to prevent anything that may develop into a world war. Even lately I have done that.

Sehra: I am asking you about the astrologers' predictions because it is said that half of Bombay will be submerged in water. I feel very worried; my people are staying just opposite the beach in Bombay. Will the predictions come true?

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Mother: Well, if anything bad threatens to happen, we'll see about it and prevent that also.

23February 1962

Mother: Why were you so late? You are always in time here.

Sehra: I was cooking for my guests.

Mother: Have you come straight from your cooking?

Sehra: Yes.



Mother: Oh, that's why I have such a delicious smell. You must have prepared something very nice. It is so nice that I would like to eat it. I keep on smelling it. Yes, it is delicious. But, you know, I can't eat at present because my teeth are weak. When I get a new set of teeth — I mean not false, the real ones - then I'll ask you to prepare some food for me.


24February 1962


Mother: You must have been in Egypt once, an Egyptian lady.

Sehra: Mother, why do you say this?



Mother: Because I saw, just now, behind your shoulders, an Egyptian god with a head-gear on which there was an eagle. You were as if standing held and protected by him.



Sehra: You are protecting me now. So it must be you at that time also.

Mother: Yes, I know, but I don't like always to say it was I or that I have done this or that. You see, it must have been a promise given at that time and it is being fulfilled now. Similarly the promise which is given now will be fulfilled in the course of time — in the future.

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