20+ intimate pen-portraits by Batti of old sadhakas : Manibhai, Mridu, Sunil, Bihari, Bholanath, Haradhan, Biren, Tinkori, Rajangam, Dara, Chinmayee, Prashanto

Among the Not So Great


20+ intimate pen-portraits of old sadhakas with whom Batti was in close personal touch. These reminiscences brings to life the spirit of utter devotion to Sri Aurobindo & the Mother that marked the early days of the Ashram.

Among the Not So Great

An Epilogue

A remarkable epilogue to an equally remarkable story of a more remarkable man.

In the past (in Ashram) Pavitra-da was often addressed by many here as Ramakrishna. I gather that a portion of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa’s being had incarnated in him. It would seem once possessed by Kali, always possessed by Her.

Who could have seen into this past life of Pavitra-da’s? Only one guess — our Lord Sri Aurobindo.

My lover took away my robe of sin and I let it fall, rejoicing; then he plucked at my robe of virtue, but I was ashamed and alarmed and prevented him. It was not till he wrested it from me by force that I saw how my soul had been hidden from me.

Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine and Human: Bhakti

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