20+ intimate pen-portraits by Batti of old sadhakas : Manibhai, Mridu, Sunil, Bihari, Bholanath, Haradhan, Biren, Tinkori, Rajangam, Dara, Chinmayee, Prashanto

Among the Not So Great


20+ intimate pen-portraits of old sadhakas with whom Batti was in close personal touch. These reminiscences brings to life the spirit of utter devotion to Sri Aurobindo & the Mother that marked the early days of the Ashram.

Among the Not So Great


The first day anyone above 16 years who comes along is told very casually, “Ek sho dund, dui sho baithak” (100 push throughs, 200 deep knee bends). No more is said, no word of encouragement, not even an enquiry — perhaps you don’t even know if he is looking at you. After you complete the quota — an hour or two after — you go to Birenda and say, “Birenda, I have finished (or I am finished).” Two words “Badi jao” (go home) and you are dismissed. If you endured this distant, cool treatment for a week or two, you were “admitted in”, i.e. given closer, more warm and personal attention. He then taught us many exercises with weights, insisting on correctness of style. He trained us in weight-lifting too. He would say carrying heavy weights is partly a matter of habit.

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