Champaklal Speaks 400 pages 2002 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia
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Champaklal Speaks : 'It is the Ramayana of my life'. 'My life is Sri Aurobindo & the Mother only. To write down their sweet memories is Champaklal's worship'

Champaklal Speaks

22 June 1935

In the dream I had, on the first-floor of a building. Mother was sitting with some sadhaks she had selected and were close to her. I too was there. Everyone was in a jovial mood and Mother was distributing nice things. Suddenly P came there even though he was not invited. He looked very sad, angry and disppointed. He held both my shoulders and started ridiculing me. Mother did not like this. After a while, I saw that she was no longer there. Then P too left. At once I got up and went into a nearby room where I saw Mother was standing on a kind of platform. P too was there and was about to attack her. As soon as I saw this, I rushed forward, caught hold of him and brought him down. When I went to catch him, he tried to frighten me by showing something like a knife. Undaunted, I held him tightly and took him away. He wounded me, I started bleeding but did not bother about it. I was happy because I had overpowered him. Even after the dream was over, the effect of the fight remained on my body. Does all this mean anything?

It was not P himself, but a force which took his figure, a force of discontent and dissatisfaction and externalisation from the inner consciousness. This tried to touch you and hold you after coming in though unwanted into your (and others') intimate relation within with the Mother. As the Mother disapproved it tried to attack her but your inner being (psychic, inner mind, inner vital) threw itself upon it and pushed it out and continued fighting with it so as to drive it away. The effect on the body means only some difficulty in the external being caused by the adverse force during the fight.


Sri Aurobindo

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