Champaklal Speaks 400 pages 2002 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia
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Champaklal Speaks : 'It is the Ramayana of my life'. 'My life is Sri Aurobindo & the Mother only. To write down their sweet memories is Champaklal's worship'

Champaklal Speaks

Bearded Man and Uncle’s Consternation

I came to know from Chandulal that his sister's son had come and was due to go back that same night. I asked him whether the boy had seen Mother.

Chandulal: “No.”

C: “Why not? Is he going without seeing Mother?”

Chandulal: “He has no permission to see Mother.”

C: “Why?”

Chandulal: “Mother says it is not necessary. 'He only came to see you, and that he has done.' So it is not necessary for him to see her.”

Obviously, he had not pressed the matter. A thought crossed my mind that if any of my people came, I would ask for permission once, but if Mother said No, I would not ask again. For others, however, I would ask again. But later I realised that it was not right to ask again for permission.

Then, I went to Mother and asked: “Mother, Chandulal's nephew has come.”

Mother: “Yes.” She was a bit serious.

C: “Mother, is there any occult reason for your not seeing him? I learnt that he has no permission to see Mother.”

Mother smiled, but it was not the usual smile. It was a meaningful smile though I could not understand it at that time. As you know, every expression, every gesture, every act of hers is meaningful often beyond human understanding.

Mother: “If he stays I will see him.” Mother knew very well that he was going that night.

C: “If you agree to see him, he will surely stay.”

Immediately I sent word to Subhadra, Chandulal's wife, as she was taking a keen interest in the boy. She was overjoyed and at once ran and called her nephew. And I told him.

In the evening, the boy waited at the gate from where Chandulal was to take him to the railway station. As soon as Chandulal came he told him: “Uncle, I am not going.”

Chandulal: “Why?”

Boy: “I am going to have Mother's darshan.”

Chandulal: “But I told you Mother will not see you.”

Boy: “Uncle, I have been told that the Mother will definitely see me.”

Chandulal: “Somebody seems to have played a joke on you. I am telling you, the Mother will not see you.”

Boy: “A bearded man called me and informed me that Mother will see me.”

Chandulal was surprised. He came to me and asked if it was true that Mother was going to see the boy. I said, “Yes.”

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