Champaklal Speaks 400 pages 2002 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia
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Champaklal Speaks : 'It is the Ramayana of my life'. 'My life is Sri Aurobindo & the Mother only. To write down their sweet memories is Champaklal's worship'

Champaklal Speaks

Champaklal Becomes a Demigod

Long back, I had once told Mother: “I want to see the Divine with these very physical eyes.”

Mother had replied: “Yes, you will see Him.”

On 22nd December, Mother told me: “There is something in your nature that has to be removed. It is not an easy task. Leave it to us, we shall do it.”

Later, on the day fixed by the Mother, Amrita, Purushottam and I presented ourselves before her in the verandah upstairs. Mother called Amrita 'the Hound of Heaven'; she often did some of her occult work through Purushottam.1 When we three went upstairs we found Mother seated in Sri Aurobindo's chair. She looked very different that day, really magnificent.

The occult work began. I was made to lie on the floor and went into a half-conscious state. The Maheshwari aspect of the Mother commenced her work through Purushottam. He sat on my body and pummelled and kneaded it thoroughly; I could hear the sound of his blows but, I was completely passive. The pounding went on for almost an hour. (Hearing the noise, Purani rushed upstairs, but seeing the Mother, he went back quietly.) Also, a lot of hairs were pulled out of my head; later they were offered to Mother who took them in her hand and gave certain instructions regarding them.

Immediately after the work was over I rushed to Mother and embraced her. For a long time she held me close to her like a small child and made me a divine child. What can I say about my experiences during that session?

When Mother narrated all that had happened to Sri Aurobindo, he remarked, “Champaklal has become a demigod.”

I do not know whether I became a demigod, but I do know that for a long time afterwards I felt very different, as if my very existence had become Their instrument. I felt like I was walking in the air, not on the earth, though my feet were on the ground. It was something peculiar. I felt totally changed. I don't remember when this experience stopped. The whole thing was mysterious and beyond imagination.

I recall another session of the Mother's occult working. One day some of us were meditating around her in the same verandah. Among us was Suvrata.2 The meditation began; suddenly, I saw Purushottam getting up, going straight to Suvrata and giving her a resounding slap. Hearing this unexpected sound many opened their eyes and were astonished at what they saw. The Mother's eyes had remained open and steady throughout; she looked majestic. Later she told me that this action had removed some of Suvrata's difficulties.

I have heard how certain adepts, when approached by someone bitten by a poisonous snake, nullify the effect of the poison by giving a slap. I have narrated the above two incidents to illustrate how occult work is also done in this yoga.

I have always been interested in watching the expressions of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Especially during meditations with the Mother it was almost impossible for me to sit with closed eyes. My gaze would remain fixed on her face. In the same way I have learned much from Sri Aurobindo's expressions. In fact it is a boon from their boundless Grace and is unforgettable.

It is impossible to write anything about my experience on 5 December 1950 [the day Sri Aurobindo left his body], when, holding me in his intimate embrace, Sri Aurobindo kissed me again and again. Those of his attendants who were present were a witness to that scene. I mention it here only to emphasize how he responds to one's aspiration—as I said earlier, since childhood I had aspired for the same intimacy with my Guru that Vivekananda had experienced! with Sri Ramakrishna. That was the fulfilment of my aspiration.

Even now, in an ever increasing measure, Sri Aurobindo is showering his infinite Grace; its boundless action is felt everywhere and anywhere. Though he is not in his body, his response is even greater.

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