Champaklal Speaks 400 pages 2002 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia
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Champaklal Speaks : 'It is the Ramayana of my life'. 'My life is Sri Aurobindo & the Mother only. To write down their sweet memories is Champaklal's worship'

Champaklal Speaks

Champaklal Hiding

After Sri Aurobindo's accident my work changed. But my going down with Mother when she went downstairs to give Pranam was retained. Both Kamala and I used to accompany her. I would be in Sri Aurobindo's room. At the time of going down either Mother or Kamala used to call me.

There are two doors between Sri Aurobindo's room and the 'long passage' (when visiting his room, we enter by one and come out by the other). Once it so happened that when Mother came to call me, she stood near one of them and asked Kamala: “Has Champaklal gone?” Coming out by the other door, I stood behind her and replied: “Mother, I am here.”

Mother turned round at once and said to Kamala: “See how he is hiding behind me!” Then she looked at me and smiled. And what a smile!

In itself the incident may seem small, but the way she used to act and speak made such occasions memorable. Only those who have experienced them can understand what I mean here. You [Madhav] will understand, for you also have had such experiences.

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