Champaklal Speaks 400 pages 2002 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia
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Champaklal Speaks : 'It is the Ramayana of my life'. 'My life is Sri Aurobindo & the Mother only. To write down their sweet memories is Champaklal's worship'

Champaklal Speaks

Occult Workings

In Library House, meditations were held in the verandah upstairs with people sitting around Sri Aurobindo.

After some time Mother started a group meditation in Sri Aurobindo's room. She used to sit on Sri Aurobindo's cot. This meditation was meant only for women but Mother herself asked me to join saying I could do my work afterwards. People used to joke that Champaklal is a woman. But I continued. And, you will be surprised to know, gradually, one by one, all asked for permission to join, and meditations with Sri Aurobindo automatically stopped.

During these meditations the occult work was highly interesting. Once, on a deep impulse from within, I collected a number of lotuses, counted the number of persons in the Ashram and took as many lotuses inside the room. I had counted along with those who were present, those who were not in the room. When my turn for pranam came, I took the lotuses to Mother. I held each lotus in my hands, looked at Mother, concentrated and identified myself with one of the ashramites, then offered it to her on behalf of that person; in this way I offered one lotus for each ashramite. As I was doing this Mother's face changed completely and it gave me the impression that she had become the Lord of the Universe. At the end of the meditation Mother asked me: “How did you get the idea? Very interesting.”

Another day, when I went to the Mother for pranam, I arranged lotuses all around, keeping seven buds by my side. As I offered each one to her, she opened the bud carefully, petal by petal, and kept it on one of the centres of her body and then kept it on the corresponding centre of my body. Seven for the seven centres. I became aware of a big change in her appearance—a change in relation. Magnificent!

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