Champaklal Speaks 400 pages 2002 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia
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Champaklal Speaks : 'It is the Ramayana of my life'. 'My life is Sri Aurobindo & the Mother only. To write down their sweet memories is Champaklal's worship'

Champaklal Speaks


Like all of Mother's programmes, the arrangement for her giving Pranam also underwent many changes.

In the early years Mother used to come downstairs for meditation and Pranam in the Meditation hall in which the Mother's couch is kept since 18th November 1973. During meditation and Pranam, Mother would sit on a low meditation- seat kept along the eastern wall of this hall. This ornate woodenasana (seat) was brought by Purani from Bharooch; his father had used it during his worship and meditations. (After Mother stopped coming downstairs, Promode Kumar's Darshan painting was hung on this wall.) For many years, Mother's chair was kept beside the staircase, facing east, during the time people came to her for Pranam or distribution. (On special occasions her chair was kept along the northern wall of inner hall.)

In 1927, when Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved from Library House to Meditation House, Bijoy was given the small room which later became Bula's room (the room to its north was Purani's). And for many years, after Bijoy shifted to another place, Mother used that small room to accept Pranam in the mornings.

Talking of that period reminds me that while Mother gave Pranam here I swept her two rooms upstairs. Then, when she came up after Pranam, I would sit at the door and help her take off her sandals and put on the ones she wore indoors. (In one of her paintings Chinmayee has depicted this scene.) This work, perhaps insignificant to some, was for me an occasion to feel blessed. In her infinite Grace, the compassionate Mother gave many such opportunities. I am filled with ananda when I reminisce about them.

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