Champaklal Speaks 400 pages 2002 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia
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Champaklal Speaks : 'It is the Ramayana of my life'. 'My life is Sri Aurobindo & the Mother only. To write down their sweet memories is Champaklal's worship'

Champaklal Speaks

Tea in the Ashram

Mother said to me once that she did not like people in the Ashram taking tea. Then she added: “I don't like it. But I cannot forbid them because Sri Aurobindo himself takes tea.”

Speaking of Sri Aurobindo's tea, which he stopped after his accident in 1938, let me tell you he was never particular about it. Look at this small note in my files:


This night Sri Aurobindo has not taken his tea. Is there anything wrong in the milk or in the tea? Anything wrong in the person concerned? Or in me?


Your child, Champak

No, I must have forgotten about it.

Sri Aurobindo

So you see, this was his attitude to tea as indeed to many other things. I remember Mother tried once to stop the distribution of tea in the Ashram; but that could only be for a short period. It had to be resumed and it continues. At first it used to be distributed by me through Kamala, then through Rajangam. Thereafter it is been done by Ravindra.

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