Champaklal Speaks 400 pages 2002 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia
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Champaklal Speaks : 'It is the Ramayana of my life'. 'My life is Sri Aurobindo & the Mother only. To write down their sweet memories is Champaklal's worship'

Champaklal Speaks

The Ashram, the Samadhi, and the Symbols

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When I came to know that Shri Jauhar had named the centre he started in Delhi as Sri Aurobindo ASHRAM, I told Mother, “There is only one Sri Aurobindo Ashram and that is in Pondicherry.” Afterwards Mother asked Shri Jauhar to rename it 'Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi Branch'.

Later, when I saw that Shri Jauhar had asked permission to inscribe Sri Aurobindo'S SAMADHI on the vault in which Sri Aurobindo's relics were enshrined in the Delhi Branch, I said to Mother, “There is only one Samadhi of Sri Aurobindo, only the one here in Pondicherry. Nowhere else should this name be used.” Then, on 28 November 1957, Mother changed the word Samadhi to Shrine. In the press proof reproduced here you can see that the Mother has struck out the word Samadhi and replaced it with Shrine. The Mother was against using the word Samadhi and told roe: “Show this to those who do not accept it.” And she signed it.

These are examples of how the Mother acted on suggestions from others if she felt them to be right.

But sometimes even if she did not feel it was right she let things go on. For instance she did not like people printing her symbol. Generally she flatly refused permission but in some cases she would allow it and later remark: “Since they are asking for our permission to print it, it is better to consent. Otherwise what can we do if they print it without permission?”

Similarly Mother did not like people writing an address in this way:

Champaklal Chottalal Purani
C/o Sri Aurobindo Ashram

She did not like this c/o (care of) but what could be done!

Thus, to make any final pronouncement on her working is extremely difficult. We have only to see whether we ourselves are sincere or not in our work. We have to remain extremely alert to see that we are not working to satisfy our personal desires and our likes and dislikes.

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