Champaklal Speaks 400 pages 2002 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia
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Champaklal Speaks : 'It is the Ramayana of my life'. 'My life is Sri Aurobindo & the Mother only. To write down their sweet memories is Champaklal's worship'

Champaklal Speaks

The Flower Sentences

The Divine solicitude is with you (meaning, you are getting all the help you need). But keep up your aspiration, remain faithful and the wrong movement will be changed into the right movement, so that the Victorious Love may manifest.


Divine solicitude is supporting you in the disinterested work through which you will attain transformation.


By loving consecration and faithful service allow the Divine protection to be with you in your aspiring concentration for integral transformation.


Love the Victor will manifest when there will be established—through the fivefold psychological perfection, the love of the physical being for the Divine, and when, through loving consecration, there will be a complete faithfulness to the Divine.

(Fivefold psychological perfection: faith, sincerity, devotion, aspiration, surrender.)


Open with devotion your vital being to Radha's influence and you will get vital peace, the peace which leads to transformation.


Through peace in the vital, aspire for the beginning of realisation.

(Peace in the vital is at once the basis of aspiration and the condition for the beginning of realisation.)


To keep Agni burning always in the psychic centre is an indispensable condition for the transformation.


Aspire for integral and absolute loving consecration by which will be established faithfulness and purity, the forerunners of transformation.


With simple sincerity offer your vital being to the Divine and the realisation will begin.


To an aspiration for the Divine Love, supported by faithfulness and sincerity in the vital, the Divine's Love will surely answer.


The devotion that accompanies Radha's absolute consecration, this alone has the power of bringing down Krishna's Light in the mind.


Only by the constant flaming up of Agni can an integral loving consecration be realised.

And only by this absolute loving consecration can there be established permanent peace in the vital, the peace on which is based the beginning of realisation, leading ultimately to Transformation, the goal.


Aspire for gratitude—without gratitude the mind cannot get purified.


Realise an integral silence in the being and a complete force of faith in this silence; then only can power descend and bring mastery over the things of the earth.


Aspiration and faithful devotion firmly established in a peaceful vital being and crowned by a simple sincerity—are some of the most essential conditions for a beginning of realisation.


Only to those who have a true humility will power be given.


The power of Agni will keep the aspiration flaming in the physical being. Then can be founded and established in a vital opened to Radha's influence the true supramentalised friendship with the Divine.


Approach the Divine with loving gratitude and you will meet the Divine's Love.


Let your aspiration for progress be cheerful and you will get the Ananda of progress.


Let the Divine cheerfulness suffuse your work. So your mind will be purified and this will bring the beginning of realisation.


Agni steadily burning within will firmly found in you faithfulness and a devoted loving consecration to the Divine.

This is the surest way to Transformation.


Let faithfulness to the Divine be your tapasya. Then there will begin to come a realisation of the true supramental friendship with the Divine.


The generosity of your absolute self-giving will bring to you the revelation of the generosity of the Divine's Love.


Reach through aspiration the intuitive mind; then you will know what is meant by transformation.


Peace in the physical cells leads first to health and then to transformation.


Advance on the way with peace in the physical being as your ground and simple sincerity as your means and, sooner or later, you are bound to reach identification with the Divine Consciousness.


Surrender to the Divine and integral transformation are the two great Steps leading to the new perfect creation.


Open the vital to Radha's influence; it will establish in you an absolute loving consecration to the Divine. Then there will come an integral opening of your being which will hasten the manifestation of Love the Victor.


With simple sincerity, faithfulness and purity, open your vital being to the Divine's Love.


Devoted loving consecration, faithfulness, purity, peace in the vital—these four are the conditions most important for conquest of the power over the most material vital.


A mind quiet and filled with the sweetness of thoughts exclusively turned towards the Divine is the gate through which there will be the constant connection between the supramental light and the material being.


Be simply sincere in your obedience to the Divine. This will take you far on the way to transformation.


The Power in the mind, complete mastery over the sex centre, supramentalised psychological perfection, perfect transformation. Love the Victor—all these belong to and will come with the Supramental Future.


Wakefulness, resolution and an integral even basis in the physical are initial conditions for the realisation.

Aspiration in the physical for the Divine's Love, a complete opening of the physical being to the Divine's Love and the turning of the whole physical consciousness towards the Divine, are the conditions for the last and entire transformation.


A transformed life-energy is the dynamic power for transformation.


Only if you have faith and vital confidence in the Divine, can the Divine Help come to you.


In the sincerity of your effort towards silence lies the assurance of a purified mind.


Let patience and endurance be your companions on the way to physical transformation.


Turn your consciousness to the Supramental Light, and let the supramental influence permeate through a pure mind, your sex centre. Then you will obtain mastery over the sex centre.


With aesthetic taste and vital purity build up vital harmony. This will make possible the manifestation of the supramental beauty in the physical.


Let the flame of devotion help you to have the patience needed for transformation.


Open your vital generously to the Divine with simple sincerity and thoroughness and keep up the spirit to conquer the vital enemies. So can be established a perfect and integral purity.


The complete opening of the vital to the Divine leading to the entire conversion and to the transformation of the power in the higher vital and the conquest of low vital movements like greed for food and sexual desire are the necessary conditions for bringing into the physical the principle of eternal youth.


You must get rid of the rising of the desires in the vital and establish purity in the cells before you can be fit to enjoy divine prosperity.


A consciousness luminous without obscurity, turned towards the supra-mental light and full of a supramentalised plasticity are the conditions for the manifestation of the supramental light upon earth.


Let an integral offering of your being be the form of your purified worship.


By integral endurance, perfect mental plasticity and the organisation of an integral progress conquer the vital enemies.


By vital stability, by purified life-energy and by the supramental influence in the cells it will be possible for the body consciousness to undergo the supramental transformation which will fix the ananda in the sex centre.


Be completely obedient to the Divine's Love. This will transform your being till it becomes supramentally plastic.


First aspire for vital purity and fix firmly a thorough stability in the vital. Then only can you in truth make the offering of your vital being to the Divine.


Silence all outside noise, aspire for the Divine's Help; open integrally to it when it comes and surrender to its action, and it will effectively bring about your transformation.


Resolutely keep up the spirit to conquer the vital enemies who stand in the way of the opening of your vital to the Divine's Love. The Divine's Love is the sure maker of vital harmony which will lead to a very successful future.


Let gold be turned to the service of the Divine. So it will get purified and take its true place in Krishna's play in the material*.


Surrender all falsehood; your physical mind will be converted and a mental victory won.


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