Champaklal's Treasures 234 pages 1976 Edition   M. P. Pandit


Writings, talks, letters of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother that were preserved by Champaklal. 'These writings to devotees are most valuable..' - Champaklal

Champaklal's Treasures

To the World Vegetarian Congress


Love alone can overcome hate and violence.

Let the Divine Compassion express itself through you always and in all circumstances.

The divine compassion reaches out not only to the one who is eaten but also to the one who eats, not only to the one who is tortured but also the one who tortures.



To give oneself to the Divine, to receive and be the Divine, to transmit and spread forth the Divine: these are the three simultaneous movements which constitute our total relation with the Divine.

It is the supreme Wisdom that decides these things and not the ignorant human will.

And yet the Divine is everywhere in the ignorant man as well as in the sage

S. is always present in our thoughts and living in our hearts.

For the thought the world is small, for the heart there is no distance.

Be faithful to your ideal and dedicate your work to the Divine.

The Lord will possess his universe perfectly only when the universe will have become the Lord.

Here is love and here the Presence, and the indestructible Wealth.

Get rid of all violence and you will no longer have any fear.

For those whose destiny it is to scale the summits, the least false step risks being a mortal danger.:

In the course of time and even in the course of your present life you can make your choice once and for all, irrevocably, and then you have only to confirm it with every new occasion; or else if you do not take a definite decision immediately,1you will have to choose anew at each moment between the falsehood and the Truth.

One of the chief functions of the physical mind is to doubt. If you listen to it it will always find a thousand reasons for doubting. But you must know that the physical mind is working in ignorance and full of falsehoods.

The Divine Love is the essence of Truth and cannot be affected by the human confusions.

In the Ashram one must do only what one may do publicly, for nothing remains hidden. As for my protection it is equally overall and not over some as against others.

You cannot expect another to be perfect unless you are yourself perfect. Now to be perfect is to be exactly what the supreme Lord wants you to be.



Better not count upon man.

July 59


It is not in man's nature to be faithful.

A Company that has no name, no business and no money, is not a Company, it is a fraud.

The only salvation is in an absolute sincerity and truthfulness.



A gift made through vanity is profitable neither to the giver nor to the receiver.

As long as there is within any being the possibility of an inner conflict, it means that he has still some insincerity in him.

It is better to state a truth than to disregard it; but it is much better still to live it than to state it.

There must be nobility in one's nature not to bear a grudge against someone who has done you good.

To realise the progressive truth, theories must be modelled on practice and not practice adapted to the theory.

Men tolerate the presence of the Divine upon earth only on condition that He suffers there.

All that is conducive to the keeping of one's consciousness in the most material planes of the being would be criminal.

There is no greater victory than that of controlling oneself.

One must not take consequences for causes.

Goodwill for all and goodwill from all, is the basis of peace and harmony.

Whatever is your personal value or even your individual realisation, the first quality required in yoga is humility.

Mother is with all those who arc sincere in their aspiration towards a divine life.



For each problem there is a solution that can give satisfaction to everybody, but for finding this ideal solution each one must want it instead of meeting the others with the will to enforce one's own preference.

Enlarge your consciousness and aspire for the satisfaction of all.

All quarrels in the place where food is prepared, makes food undigestible. The cooking must be done in silence and harmony.

Insincerity leads on the path to ruin.

Even within the confusion, there is the seed of the Divine order.

It is good to read a Divine Teaching.

It is better to learn it.

The best is to live it.

Indeed, the goodwill hidden in all things reveals itself everywhere to that one who carries goodwill in his consciousness.

This is a constructive way of feeling which leads straight to the Future.

Those who are ready for the transformation can do it anywhere and those who are not ready cannot do it wherever they are.



Take the division out of the heart and then speak of no division.

Whether I see you or not makes no difference to the help. It will always be there.

In an ardent faith lies salvation.

In the final analysis, it is the Supreme Lord who does all.

We must be faithful instruments.



I am no more living active life; if you are open, help is bound to come.


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