Champaklal's Treasures 234 pages 1976 Edition   M. P. Pandit


Writings, talks, letters of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother that were preserved by Champaklal. 'These writings to devotees are most valuable..' - Champaklal

Champaklal's Treasures

Very Precious

The niece of our Joshi (laboratory) was bringing something special to be offered to Mother each time she visited the Ashram. On the last occasion, she brought a box containing 1,111 Blessing packets. They had been arranged beautifully in square marbled envelopes. In each envelope was a golden cover with a heart-shaped window; within that were placed flower petals. Mother was very happy on seeing it and named it GOLDEN HEART BLESSING PACKET. With a memorable expression she placed both hands over the packets and moved them from one end to the other, over and over again, saying, 'pretty', 'beautiful'.

When the girl left the room. Mother took the box near her chest and held it with her hands crossed over it. Looking at me, she said: 'pour moi' (for my use), 'pas à vous' (not for you). Then she gave me the box saying, 'Keep it very carefully, very precious, very precious. Give when I ask.'

But as you know she used them very little. She has left them for us. As I look back, I understand why “she asked me to keep them carefully and why she did not use them freely.

Speaking about Blessing packets, I am reminded about the special packets of DIVINE'S LOVE. You remember Kamala had wanted plastic boxes and you had arranged for them. Kamala would fill a box and send it to Mother or give it personally. How happy Mother was when she received the box each time! It was a great privilege for Kamala. At some stage Mother stopped using these packets. I could not understand why she was still sending the Divine's Love flowers for making packets, though she was not using them. The collection went on growing.

Then on the occasion of the last Kali Puja day, she said she would give these Divine's Love packets to people. It was on 5.11.1972. She distributed them freely.

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