Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

A Dream - Transcending Time


Somewhere on top of a high mountain, a priest approached me and asked me to do some ceremony. I was not keen on doing it. But the priest said, “Just have an experience of this also. I know from where you come and I know that about you which you yourself even do not know.”

Kamalaben was with me. She told me, “As you say, you are not particular about either doing it or not doing it. You say both are equal for you. So there is no harm in doing. Have an experience, as Baba says.” The priest smiled and told Kamalaben, “I know he will do it. I know that these things are not necessary for him at all. But for you, it is better you do it.”

Both of us performed the ceremony with some leaves and flowers, as he instructed. There were no deities whatever. Some persons present there also wanted to perform the ceremony and asked the priest if they could do it. But the priest refused and did not even look at them. They remarked, “Maharaj, we shall give whatever Dakshina is needed for it.” The priest did not answer. These people persisted very much, and pleaded again and again. The priest questioned, “What can you give? Do you know how and what to give?” Some persons were annoyed at this reply of the priest and went away. But some remained and very humbly submitted to the priest, “Please tell us what you mean.” The priest explained, “Here you do not have to give external things but offer everything from within. Come after you have lost all interest in what you are doing, at your place. Then surely I shall receive you very joyfully.” They enquired, “Can we remain here for some time?” The Priest replied, “If it pleases you.”

Our ceremony was over. The priest paid more attention to Kamalaben than to me. He then instructed me, “Now take all these flowers and leaves and follow me.” Kamalaben said that she was not coming. It was more than enough for her. She stated that her whole body had become quiet and something was going on in her. She wanted to be very quiet and did not wish to move from there. The priest told me, “Yes, she cannot come. It is better for her to remain here.” The priest asked me to carry my flowers and leaves as well as hers and we started.

The path was sandy and uneven. We went up and down. There were some hillocks on the way. There was sand everywhere but, while we walked, our legs did not at all sink into it. We felt as if we were walking on a concrete road but as we looked down, it was all sand. The place was like a desert. I have heard about deserts and seen them in my visions too. But this place was totally different.

As we proceeded, we came across a very wide, almost an endless range of mountains on the right side. They were magnificent and of varied hues, aspiring to touch the skies. On the left was a vast expanse of glittering sand. I then saw a small pool full of golden beautiful water. I learnt that it was very deep. The priest asked me to sit down. He said, “Put all you have in this water,” and repeated “Put all you have. I know you will be able to do so.” I offered in the water all that I had carried along with the flowers and leaves. I then noticed something dark in colour emerging from me though I could not perceive where it came from. That too went into the water. The priest chanted: “Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Jaya Ho!” I experienced something new which I am unable to describe. The priest looked very happy. I told him, “I request you to please wait here. I am coming back. This place is so enchanting, and the atmosphere is absolutely unique.” We had visited many lovely places but this was incomparable!

I wished, Kamalaben also could share the joy of this experience. The priest smiled and said, “Try if you can.” I went to Kamalaben. She refused to come. But I pleaded, “You must come. You know well that generally I do not insist on anything you do not want or do not like to do, but now come for my sake.” Kamalaben relented: “All right, let us go.”

We walked a lot. Kamalaben remarked, “Really, the place is exceptional. We have seen many places but this is unparalleled. No words to match it! Now I realise why you wanted me to come. Oh, what an atmosphere! One does not wish to move from here.” We went a little further when she declared, “Now I can go no further.” I too observed that it was not possible for her to continue any more. I submitted, “Well then, next time we both will go surely.”

I went back alone to the priest. He smiled and said, “Are you satisfied now? I knew Kamalaben would not be able to come. Time is not yet right for her. But if I had told you this before, you would not have believed me.” I replied, “Next time I want to come with her and with some other persons.” The priest confirmed, “Yes, next time Kamalaben will surely be able to come.” I told him about Bansidharbhai. He said, “Yes, I know everything about him.” The priest enquired if I would like to go further. I replied, “Indeed, your offer is very tempting but I think it would be better if I come next time. Kamalaben is also waiting there. Of course, she has told me not to worry about her and that the Mother is with her.

Just then I heard a sound and woke up. I realised that I had been nicely dreaming! There was a knock again and I got up and opened the door. Birenda was there. I was surprised to see him at that time. Generally he comes in the morning. I thought perhaps he did not want to disturb me in the morning. He was with me for some time. After he left, I noticed that the curtain between Sri Aurobindo's room and his bathroom was down. I thought that perhaps it had opened by itself. But the right side of the curtain's flap was fixed on to a hook. So it seemed that the curtain was purposely let down. I conjectured that some special visitor had come to see Sri Aurobindo's room.

When Birenda had left me, it was ten minutes to six. I waited for fifteen minutes. There was some sound and it became quiet again. The curtain remained down. Time passed but no one came to fix it up. I thought that Bansidharbhai might have gone to bring the photograph for me and so Janardhanbhai must have come to attend to Sri Aurobindo's room. He seemed to have forgotten to lift up the curtain and must have left by this time. It was ten minutes past six—time for Bansidharbhai to come. I thought of going towards the curtain. Just then Kamalaben came. I enquired why the curtain was down. She could not understand me. I saw that she was preparing for my bath. This puzzled me very much. I wondered at this preparation for my bath at that time! I enquired, “What is the time?” I was surprised to learn it was morning while all along I had been thinking it was evening! Nirod-da also came.

Still I could not find a link in the time-gap. It has never happened like that in my life—this discrepancy about the time. The Mother alone knows the reason. Each one will explain it in his own way. Only the Mother knows the reality. On one side externally I was so much puzzled about the time while, on the other, there was an inner pull of the experience—which was a dream!

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