Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

A Dream Transcending Time


An actual experience, transcending time.

This vision shows that in the path of yoga a total surrender and offering “of oneself and all one is and has and every plane of the consciousness and every movement to the Divine” is required. Here, under instructions from the priest, a ceremony is done with flowers meaning that sadhana is done through the activity and play of the psychic being. Offering of mere external things is superficial, and without true value. One must “Offer everything from within”. “When you give yourself, give completely, without demand, without condition, without reservation so that all in you shall belong to the Divine Mother.” Such an extraordinary ceremony of offering can be done only by a few people, not everyone can do it. One can visualise the ascent to the higher consciousness (Range of Mountains) only after such an offering and explore the vast expanse of Truth which is full of glittering sand. One may, first, see one's individualised consciousness (Pool of Water); which in this case is golden (full of Divine Truth).

However, one has to strip oneself completely of the past, offer everything and then even the dark forces of obscurity in one's earth-nature will automatically vanish. One can then experience “OM! Shanti!”—the peace and bliss.

The vision clearly points out that such a state of peace and bliss is attainable only by those who have the will, the aspiration and total surrender. It is not possible for those, for whom the “Time is not yet right”. Champaklal himself has said in Prartbana ane Udgaro—”“Do whatever you can with total devotion—with all strength—surrender everything at the feet of the Divine alone—Gracious Mother will give happiness, peace and bliss.”

After the end of the vision, Champaklal faces an unusual time-problem. The impression created by this phenomenon is that the inner time-sense does not correspond to the outer one. Also, what the right time is for attaining the state of peace figuring in the dream cannot be calculated by our outer time-sense.

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