Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

A Magnificent Mystic Darshan


I was with the Mother. It was an extremely beautiful, fascinating, ethereal and futuristic place. To write about its uniqueness, there are simply no words. I am obliged to use the word 'Place' as I can think of no other word. Inexpressible, marvellous lights were constantly changing. It seemed that we were in a golden light. This golden light was of an entirely different radiance than any on earth. I could even feel its touch on my body.

Sri Aurobindo was also seen there in a golden, transparent, luminous, radiating and altogether new body. One after another, all were seen doing pranam to Sri Aurobindo. From where they came and to where they went, it was not possible even to imagine. They came, did pranam and disappeared! All of them were seen doing pranam in their own different ways. Some did simple pranam, some did 'sashtang' (whole body) pranam, some after doing 'sashtang' pranam, stood up and turned round and round on the spot and after that, some folded their hands and stood still. Some of them stretched their folded hands up and down and were seen uttering something. Their voices, though quite audible, were not comprehensible. It was not clear what language they spoke in.

One person appeared and, standing on one leg, spun round and round, extended arms up and down, did pranam and disappeared! Another entered, formed a variety of Mudras, turned into a child and there and then vanished! Some closed their eyes while some kept them open. The one who was perceived as coming last was crystalline, did 'Pradakshina' (circling round) of Sri Aurobindo, and after 'sashtang' Pranam, stood up and, lifting up both the hands in salutation, chanted 'Om' with a continuous and prolonged voice in a sky-rending but extremely sweet voice. On a uniform note, the person went on prolonging this one Word. During that time, a variety of beautiful; bright and lustrous colours were seen in space. Finally, a shimmering golden light slowly started descending. This person disappeared in a distinct manner by gradually ex­panding and widening in all directions and finally becoming imperceptible. Thereafter the sound of 'Om' was heard inter­mittently in a melodious music like the Mother's. The music continued for a long time. At the end, only the 'Om' sound was heard in a single chant.

Beholding all these sights, I stood fascinated and spellbound! Then I heard the Mother's extremely sweet and magnetic call—'Champaklal!' The Mother appeared before me in an entirely new and beautiful form and put Her right hand on my left shoulder. Next, She placed both her hands on my two shoulders. After that, She put both her hands on my head.

Thereupon She softly stroked my forehead, horizontally, with both her hands. Then, very tenderly, She covered one of my eyes with one palm and the other eye with her other palm. Now She softly caressed my whole body from top to toe and from down upward. I became in-drawn. Yet I was aware of everything. I could even see all that was happening around. I kept standing still for a long time.

Once again, a very tender note was heard: “Champaklal! Champaklal! Champaklal! Come!” And clasping my hand, She took me forward. When the Mother had appeared, I had sighted Sri Aurobindo at a little distance. That distance remained constant. I felt I was rising higher and higher. Sri Aurobindo was also visible the same way at the same distance. After I had ascended quite high, Sri Aurobindo was not seen. I could not recollect actually when I lost sight of Him.

I rose higher and higher and on reaching a great height, a very bright, radiant, golden and vast sun was viewed overspreading the whole of space. This too was at a little distance which remained constantly the same. I experienced intense heat and felt as if my body would be immediately burnt to ashes. But when the Mother, seizing my hand, declared, 'Champaklal! Now you sit here,' and kept both her hands on my head, instantly I felt an extraordinary peace accompanied with a pleasant coolness in my whole body. Once again, the Mother pronounced, 'Champaklal, now you will only sit here, peacefully. Do not open your eyes. You shall open them only when you feel the touch of my hands on them. Don't even try to open them because they will not open even if you make an effort! So sit quietly in the midst of whatever happens. I shall come in my own time.' Instantaneously a mighty transformation came on my entire body. It is not possible to express in words all that happened. I have no idea how long I sat there.

A soft touch opened my eyes. There was no limit to my delight! I experienced amend, ananda, ananda, a celestial ecstasy! I found myself just in front of that august sun which had hitherto been at a distance. Holding my hand, the Mother led me right inside the dazzling and resplendent sun which radiated ethereal coolness. There I had Darshan of Sri Aurobindo in His luminous new form. Retaining my hand in Her grip, the Mother brought me straight to Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo gazed at me fondly. His sweet familiar voice summoned, 'Champaklal!' And the next instant I spontaneously laid my head in His lap. He stroked my head caressingly with his soft silken hands. Sri Aurobindo lifted my head. I got up in my usual natural way and stood before Him. And I saw the Mother instead in the same place! After a moment, once again, I had Darshan of Sri Aurobindo! Wonderstruck, I stood immobilised! Then a Darshan of a 'two-in-one' body left me stupefied. It was a transcendental Darshan! I have used the word 'body' as I have no appropriate word. Their body was not like what they had been in Their physical form. It was a radiant, lustrous, translucent and indescribable form. What a Supernal, Supernatural Darshan!

Champaklal, in the form of a lovely baby, was seen lying and happily playing and enjoying himself in Their lap. Their glowing, gracious, tender, smiling glance held Champaklal's eyes. They were caressing his whole body with both Their hands, in a gesture of blessing. They lifted him slowly and gently and pressed him tenderly to Their mighty and radiant bosom. They seemed to have merged him in Them and thereby made Champaklal very much blessed indeed. What a boundless beatitude!

The vision is over but its impact persists. I have formulated it in words though much of it is beyond expression.

On 13.7.1984, was the pure, sacred, blissful and extremely auspicious Guru Purnima (full moon) day.

In Bharuch, Kamalaben's brother's bungalow which had been named 'Kripa' (Grace) by the Mother.

In this place, Grace descended also on Champaklal.

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