Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

A Message from the Mother


The Mother and Sri Aurobindo gave me Darshan in a dream on 20th February 1985. The Mother was in peals of laughter. Seeing this, Sri Aurobindo kept on looking at me and then at the Mother with a buoyant smile. What a delightful laughter it was! The Mother was gazing at me with fond affection. It was an extraordinary sight! Then the Mother exclaimed, “Champaklal, Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! But is this the way? What are you doing? Have you not written about us (and our way of working) in your book? You were shown everything. You understood well too.... Why are you then reacting in such a way?” On hearing these words, Sri Aurobindo burst into laughter. Usually Sri Aurobindo smiled softly. But at that time he chuckled aloud in the same manner as the Mother had done many years earlier. Today after ages I had the rare privilege of witnessing both the Mother and Sri Aurobindo in sparkling mirth. A magnificent spectacle indeed!

Then the Mother recalled, “Champaklal, did you not mark that many a time I worked the whole day without taking any food? All the time was spent in meeting people. And that too in what a way! What kind of persons I was obliged to see and what not and how much I had to bear! Very few individuals know about it. But you were present all along. I had kept you with a purpose. When I used to apprise Sri Aurobindo of the day's happenings, then too you were often there. Have you forgotten all this?

“Do you not perceive that you have to work like me? Can you not see even from the way I change your circumstances and also the programmes planned by you, and set them anew? Because by giving importance to what you have to undergo on meeting others, you wish to stop going out and retire completely, I am compelled to re-organise your environment. Do you not understand even then? You have yet to work further, more and more.

Au revoir.... Champaklal.... Au revoir!”

Bidding me good bye and smiling sweetly, the Mother left.

Then Sri Aurobindo smiled gently and asked me, “Champaklal, did you follow? Did you grasp what the Mother told you?” Having said this, Sri Aurobindo roared with laughter and my eyes opened! That exhilarating laughter! I can see it clearly even now.

The Mother's birthday brought a great benediction for Champaklal.


After this dream, the Mother made me recollect one of the past incidents. The Mother and Sri Aurobindo then stayed in the Meditation House. The Mother's new apartment upstairs was not yet built. On climbing up the staircase of the Meditation House, there is a passage where the Mother's big photo is placed on Darshan days. In that small passage, the Mother would ask me to wait so that when necessary, She could call me. The right side of the passage was kept closed. That was the time when the Mother confided in Sri Aurobindo experiences of her own sadhana and also all the personal affairs of the sadhaks and sadhikas. Due to the Mother's speaking loudly, even though the partition door was shut, everything could be heard because of the open space on top. During that period, I used to be in a real fix. Should I stay on or leave? Such things were heard that one ought not to remain there. But since the Mother Herself had instructed me to be there, how could I go away? If She needed me and called for me then? That is why I say I was in an embarrassing situation.

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