Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

A Vision at the Lake Estate


I was just sitting on the window sill of one of the houses at the Lake Estate of the Ashram and looking at the lake. The sight of a vast landscape always makes me happy. There was no water in the lake, even then I very much enjoyed the view. Whenever I see such a scene, I go on looking at it and after some time, there is a tendency to close my eyes. Such sights draw me within. At times I see something or I get peace and joy.


I saw some children emerging from the wide space. They were of different ages. There were young boys also. I was surprised to spot some of our people who are no more with us. I saw almost all of those who had passed away in the Ashram and also those from outside who were connected with the Ashram but were no more alive.

Tirupati, Krishna Shashi were also there. They were all standing with folded hands in a deep prayerful mood, with their heads uplifted towards the sky—some with eyes open and some with closed eyes. Their simplicity and genuine faith without any kind of pretension were really striking and admirable. Such sights delight me and make me extremely happy. I very much enjoy watching the expression of people. Near the Mother, I always had a chance to see it and still the Mother is continuing this privilege. I saw all our brothers and sisters there. It was drizzling and the atmosphere was filled with a nice smell of earth. They all began to dance. A little later, they came out and went away in different directions. Soon after that there was a heavy rainfall. Now the lake was full. I got up and went in the directions where I had seen them going but could not find anyone there.

I walked further and saw a beautiful place. There were pretty houses with small gardens around them. They were situated at different places in harmony with nature; some were on top of the hill, while some were down below. I remember the Mother once said that in Japan she had seen that they do not just build the houses anywhere but set them in a harmonious blending with nature and have a garden around them. The plants are also grown in a natural way, everything in a rhythm with nature. I also saw small natural ponds at different places—some of them full of lotuses, white and red, and some with lilies of various colours. Everything was so harmonious and beautiful! As I went further, I saw fruit gardens but the trees appeared different from usual. Under the trees, I saw some children with luminous races. They stood here and there with closed eyes and folded hands. A little later, they opened their eyes, looked up and opened their palms. I was surprised to see fruits in their hands. Again they did namaskar, bowed and left smiling. Their expression was worth seeing when they stood under the fruit trees.

As I walked further, a very charming young boy came towards me in such a way as if he knew me. I too had the same feeling of familiarity. He spoke smilingly: “The Mother has said when Champaklal comes, bring him to me.” I walked with him. On the way, I saw many birds and animals moving freely, and some children played with them freely. I saw deers, elephants, horses, cows and some others. I looked around for tigers and lions but they were not seen. I enquired from the boy whether they were there. He replied, “The Mother has said that the time has not yet come for us to go where they are.” We went further. There were different groups moving about here and there. This charming young boy took me to different places one after another. As we went on, I saw from a distance the Mother with children. She was giving some lessons to them. When I reached that place, the Mother said to me, “So you have come! Now you will see how things are developed here. This child of mine will take you around.”

We proceeded and after walking some distance, I saw the Mother again! She was giving lessons to grown up boys. I turned and looked back at the place from where we had come. The Mother was there also with the children! But I did not see myself there. I laughed and laughed again. The boy did not ask me any question but he too began to laugh. When we reached the place where the Mother was with grown up boys, She asked me, “Champaklal! What makes you laugh so much?” I replied, “Mother, I saw you there. And you are here also at the same time! But I did not see myself with you there. If I had seen myself there and here also with you, how amusing it would have been! As soon as this thought came to me, I saw myself there and here too with you, Mother! This made me laugh. Mother, how interesting and delightful it is when we see ourselves with the Mother!”

Wherever we went, I saw the Mother at each place, giving lessons. I too was there with Her. The boy now remarked that it was our last place for going to the Mother. Here She was with elder boys. She told this charming boy, “Take Champaklal to Prasad Bhavan.” On the way, the boy stated, “Only inmates of this place are allowed to go there.”

Far off, I saw a beautiful bower. It was covered with various kinds of creepers—full of beautiful flowers. When we reached there, I saw a gigantic Service tree full of lovely flowers—the atmosphere was filled with the fragrance of these flowers. Some of the branches of this tree were touching the ground and there was no way to get in. I observed a small pillar nearby. The boy went towards the pillar and stepped upon it. I noticed the branches going up slowly. We entered and the path got closed again. The boy led me further. There was a small beautiful pond and in its midst there was an exquisite dome-shaped building covered with creepers, which I had seen from far. But there was no way to go to the building. We stood on a platform and to my surprise a very artistic bridge emerged from below and led up to the Prasad Bhavan. As soon as we reached the platform on the other side, the bridge disappeared.

We entered the Prasad Bhavan and felt a very peaceful atmosphere filled with sweet, pleasant fragrance. No windows or doors could be seen—only one whole graceful wall which was made of a peculiar substance. I could not understand the arrangement but can only say that it was magnificent. I had a feeling that this Prasad Bhavan is not only for seeing but also to get experience. The boy first stood just in the centre of the Prasad Bhavan, with folded hands. He turned around with his closed eyes for a few seconds. He opened his eyes and turned again all around. Slowly he went towards a golden circle in the wall and pressed his finger inside it. At this, on the upper side of the wall a small door slid inside and I could see a bright sun with its rays pouring down. Then this door closed and another door opened from the wall below the golden-circle. A dish came out and the door closed automatically.

We came out of the Prasad Bhavan and again stood on the platform. The bridge emerged as before and disappeared as we stood on the platform on the other side. While returning, I noticed from the bridge exceptionally pretty fishes of varied forms and colours. Some of them I had not seen even in the best aquarium of India at Madras, which I had visited in 1920.

Before going to the Prasad Bhavan, the charming boy had informed me that absolute silence was observed there and that the Mother was very particular about it. After we returned, he explained, “There are 5000 shelves like the one shelf we saw. In the future we shall get our cooked food from there. It is not yet complete. All this is done by the Mother's instructions and only under Her guidance.” It dawned on me that cooking in the future would be done by solar energy. He then asked me whether I felt the Mother's presence in the Prasad Bhavan. I replied, “Yes, that is why I was often looking back. I did not see the Mother but felt as if she was coming behind us.” The boy remarked, “I did not say anything beforehand because I wanted to know whether you felt the presence or not.” He then led me further to a place where the Mother was with elders and was explaining about Her work. She asked me, “Champaklal, did you see the Prasad Bhavan?” “Yes Mother!” I replied, “I have no words to say what I experienced there!” The Mother added, “But the place is not yet complete. I shall call you. Do not be impatient. The time has not yet come for you. I am with you all.”

My eyes opened.

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