Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

A Vision of the Famous French Artist



Claude Monet

Whenever I visit beautiful places and also the spots of natural grandeur, I keep on looking at them with great admiration, I also feel inclined to simply close my eyes and lie down. Today I could not control this tendency of mine1, and hesitatingly I stretched myself on the open lawn.

As soon as I closed my eyes, it started drizzling. It was an extraordinary rain of a golden hue. It touched my body as if I was bathing in it. But its unique feature was that it did not wet the body. I sensed the golden fluid entering into me and flowing everywhere within, with the result that I could see nothing but the golden light inside my body. Then this scene was over.

The trees in the garden turned luminous. Amongst the trees whose branches were hanging like creepers, I noticed that one tree was extending up slowly. Gradually it rose so very high that its top could not even be seen! In the meanwhile I saw a charming Being lovingly caressing the creeper-like branches with a soft sweet smile and gently gliding down. On descending, this Being came close to me and started rubbing my whole body with his two hands. I felt very good and so continued to lie down. Then this Being opened my mouth and put some white glistening liquid inside and applied something on my tongue. Then I saw myself clinging to him. He told me, “You have to come with me. Sri Aurobindo has instructed me, 'You have to go down. My Champaklal has come there. I had arranged his coming. You too will be glad to go to your own place'.” The Being added, “Sri Aurobindo seemed to be very pleased as he said this. I have never seen him so happy before, although many a time I have witnessed his showing pleasure without speaking. He was in such high spirits that I have no words to recount it. So, come! You do not need to do anything. Remain just as you are and go on watching what happens. You must not ask even a single question. Also, do not speak.” Then we started rising higher and higher from out of those hanging creepers. Finally this magnificent Being stopped.

Here I experienced a golden light radiating constantly from above. There were many persons—small as well as big. Some were moving about, several of them seemed to be doing something, but it was all hazy. I could not see anything clearly enough to know details. Then this royal Being commanded me, “Wait here only. Do not move even an inch from here. I shall be back shortly.” On his return, he took me to a place and explained, “This is my residence. Here too, do not ask questions. Discern on your own whatever you can. I shall display to you my paintings here. Before that let me tell you something. But then, no queries from you. After I have disclosed to you everything, I shall take you to Sri Aurobindo.”

“For a long time I lay in a condition of so-called deep sleep. But it was not 'sleep' as on earth. You will understand only when you yourself experience it. I had no mind to come out of this 'sleep'. But Sri Aurobindo aroused me in his own way, and advised, 'Now you have to do two things. First, on earth there are many children who are my own but only some of them are in search of my light. Out of them very few know what my light is. For these children you do not have to do anything. As for those who are seeking a new light, staying here only, you have to guide them in the same manner as I helped you to paint. I myself am doing this work. When you go on earth, you will see it in several places'.” Then this fascinating form further addressed me, “Come, I shall now show you my paintings. Try to fathom them as much as you can according to your capacity. But do not ask even one question.” On seeing some paintings, I was simply overwhelmed with joy, and woke up. I was being told, “Sitting on the lawn is not allowed.” It was clear to me that I was not supposed to see more—that is why this came just as an excuse.

Later I came to know that the imposing figure which I had seen was that of the well-known French painter Claude Monet. I was also informed of his special liking for the very trees I had seen in the vision. These trees were noticed in many of his paintings that I got to see there. I learnt that he was very fond of gardens. He himself worked and created exquisite gardens. But generally what happens, occured also in the case of this artist. After him, those delightful gardens remained no more. However, some persons, by closely observing his paintings, have done an excellent experiment and made lovely gardens as of his time.

The reason for my writing' could not control this tendency' is that in such places, when I lie down, I am asked, “Dada, are you tired?” That is why I avoid it as much as I can.

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