Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

An Experience of Boundless Ananda


'To go to a particular “Place”, with Sri Aurobindo, where we had been before': this thought arose in my mind. Just then a grand, luminous and typically new kind of vehicle appeared. I sat in it. There were others too but none of them were known to me. Sri Aurobindo Himself was driving it. It was a majestic sight! After that what happened and how I was left alone, I do not know. But I was clear about where I had to go. So I walked on and on.

After covering a long distance, I came upon a locality where I felt that the “Place” I was looking for was hereabout. The buildings were exquisite and fascinating and of an altogether novel structure. But they all were closed. No person was seen there. Later, from the upper part of a very pretty house, an elevating fragrance was emanating. This brought the certitude of that “Place” being definitely there. I was naturally and spontaneously drawn to it as to a magnet, and stood at the gate. The door opened automatically. I experienced the joy of finding the destined place. Momentarily a thought had crossed my mind earlier: 'As all the persons have gone away in the vehicle, how shall I be able to reach that “Place”?' But I arrived at the ordained sight.

There was a fragrant and exalting atmosphere indicating that a Yajna (fire-sacrifice) had been just performed inside. And I recollected—yes, yes, this was certainly the spot where Sri Aurobindo had taken me and where He had performed a mighty Yajna. As I reflected thus, Sri Aurobindo's powerful as well as extremely sweet voice resounded. It brought to me immense Ananda. Sri Aurobindo was chanting Vedic Hymns. Hence I became absolutely sure that He wanted to take me there indeed and had asked me to come.

Then I started going from one hall to another. The halls were of a novel type and inside they were painted with unique and radiant colours. There were no doors, but each time I proceeded as guided from within, instantaneously the way out would open very naturally and from there I would go on to another hall. Thus when I reached a particular hall, I felt it was a place of worship. The spot was enchanting! Its atmosphere was just indescribable. But the inner voice impelled, 'No, no, I have to go further than this.'

The melodious, powerful and captivating chant of Sri Aurobindo was heard all along and it seemed I would reach Him very soon but it was not happening like that. The chant came closer and closer and yet the halls, each excelling the earlier one in beauty and intensity of atmosphere, kept on coming continuously. They all had an effect on me but I could not comprehend what was going on in me, what was happening. In all these halls, some presence was felt but it was invisible. For a moment a thought came, 'How fine it would be if one could stay here!' But it was evident that some unseen Force was guiding me on. I had been under the impression that I was going forward on my own, towards the “Place” indicated by Sri Aurobindo. But a contrary thought arose and I perceived that it was not so. The Unseen Force was directing me and by this Force alone I was being pulled on and on.

Later I entered into another hall. I was very much charmed by it. Yet I wished to advance further. Here, despite my endeavour, the way out did not open! As I could not come out and as the way did not reveal itself, I felt very uneasy. Then it occurred to me: ‘This is only a dream. When I wake up, I shall come out of it.' So I tried to rouse myself but could not awake! I smiled and asked myself, 'Where is the cause of this uneasiness?'

The effort to awake myself continued. I experienced uneasiness as well as amusement. There was an awareness of the contradictory states of wakefulness and dream existing simultaneously. I laughed at myself again for this unreal uneasiness. I struggled to rouse myself but was unable to do so. Consequently I felt a great suffocation. Then a godlike strength entered into me. And gathering all my force, I exerted myself to wake up. Finally I really woke up.

Then I saw myself in yet another hall. It is not possible to give a description of this hall. At that moment it appeared to me that Sri Aurobindo was just behind the hall. I felt relieved. At last after making me undergo many new experiences, He had brought me to my destination. Now I yearned to be with Him. But the atmosphere of that hall did not allow me to go further. A sort of attraction held me back. Just then a tremendous pull came from somewhere and an invisible Force thrust me forward.

Now there were no more halls. I entered into an open, vast and magnificent expanse. I could see many sites far, far away. Then all of them turned aglow with a resplendent golden light! Just then Sri Aurobindo's chant seemed to me to originate from above but immediately I heard His clear voice in front of me. That was certain. Suddenly a person held my hand and took me forward. The person remained invisible but led me on and on. He had gripped me tight in his clasp, yet the touch of his hand was extremely soft and tender! By this touch, some transparent fluid started circulating in me from top to bottom and from bottom to top and spread everywhere, in each atom of my body. In the beginning, this fluid was of one colour. Then its colour started changing into different colours. But the speed at which the colours interchanged was so tremendous that it surpasses all description. What then can I write on this subject? Finally the golden, transparent, glowing fluid coursed in my entire being and permeated me. When my whole body was completely suffused, it radiated light. Even the limbs started disappearing one after another and no trace remained of the body! Light alone was there. Later even this perception ceased and there was nothing but boundless Ananda.

My eyes opened.

On 23rd December 1981 morning, as I lay with eyes closed, in beatific contemplation, this beautiful dream-experience was lived.

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