Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

An Experience of Om


I was sitting with my eyes closed, not in meditation, simply sitting. Many times I sit like that. I also lie down with eyes closed as I feel nice that way.


I hear the infinite sound of “Om” coming from afar, just one word “Om”, in the same prolonged rhythm continuing endlessly. It appears to be chanted at a very far distance. Then it sounds as if this chant were now coming nearer and nearer, very near me. In a moment, it seems as if it was being spoken just by my side. Then in a short while, I feel, “No, no, this sound is arising from within me!” Then it looks oh! except this sound, there is nothing else in the universe! Then it appears that all are speaking only Om! What can one say to this? Can one call it a sound or what else?

After waking up, it occurs to me that all this happening at the same time is not possible in the usual way, but that I have heard it and experienced it that way is also as much a factual truth.

Even after waking up, there is a unique and indescribable feeling of Ananda in having heard and gone through this impossible experience.


21 is a sacred and auspicious day.

1) The sound is being chanted at a far, very far distance.

2) The sound now appears to be coming nearer and nearer.

3) The sound, i.e., the word Om, is being spoken just near me.

4) The sound is coming from inside me, is being repeated in me.

5) In the entire universe, except this sound, there is no other existence; this alone is everything.

6) Each and everyone is speaking only Om.

These are 6 kinds of experiences happening simultaneously. The date of these experiences is also 6.

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