Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

Are Visions Helpful in Sadhana?


Some time, while working or preparing juice or while walking, I see different types of scenes (visions) with open eyes. Some of these are clear and some are not. Some of these are related and meaningful, while some are totally meaningless and irrelevant. I remember some of these and some I forget immediately. At times, they go on like a movie, but most of them are forgotten and are also blurred in appearance.

Beautiful gardens, orchards, rivers, mountains, cities, forests, birds, beautiful sceneries and different types of idols are seen.

Today, in Satyen's room, at 2.30 p.m., after reading prayers, I was sitting on a chair. No sooner my eyes were closed than I saw in Satyen's room, near his easy chair, a big drum (barrel) filled with water. I asked Satyen, “Satyen since this drum (barrel) is filled by you, you would know its capacity in terms of number of pots of water.” Soon afterwards, my eyes opened. Can this mean anything? What does this mean?

Are the visions helpful in sadhana in anyway? And, if yes then, how?

Does my previous dream about a travel have any meaning?

The particular things seen may be of no importance, but the power of seeing is of importance and can be of great help in the Yoga. It enables you to see things belonging to other planes (other than the physical) and get knowledge that is useful for sadhana; also to have concrete contact with the Mother in those planes (mental, vital, psychic worlds) etc.

I shall tell you about your long dream afterwards.

Sri Aurobindo

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