Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

A Sketch after seeing the vision:

“The Vision had a marvellous effect on my entire body.

OM, SHREEMA, M—all these symbols, the way I saw them were looking real, alive. How can that be shown? A variety of rays of light of various colours were spreading.out from all its sides. I could not show all these colours here. This is an ordinary sketch from which I wanted to make a large painting, but it does not seem possible now. It is also difficult to write about it.”



Champaklal’s dream about our School Children


There was a function arranged by the boys and girls of our school.

I saw a wide open place filled with luminous golden Light. There in its midst the Mother and Sri Aurobindo were sitting on a huge luminous golden throne, in their luminous golden bodies. They were charging everything around with their luminous golden Light.

A little away, on the right side of the golden throne, boys, girls and teachers were standing in that golden Light. There was no difference between students and teachers in their way of standing.

After a short while I saw them going to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother one by one. Each one stood just in front of them praying for what he wanted and expressing in words his inner condition very sincerely.

All were self-gathered, concentrated and gave an impression of complete self-surrender. Their expression was wonderful, remarkable. They were at their best and they passed one by one with the expression of a joyful contentment on their faces, as if they had obtained what they had wanted.

Nirod was there standing at one end. He did not move from his place but went on looking at the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. He was indrawn and his face was very expressive. Half an hour passed; still he did not move from his place.

Those who had finished going to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo were standing and watching what was going on, and were very happy because they got more time to remain with them. All of a sudden Nirod took a piece of paper in his hand and, standing where he was, began to write something. He wrote a paragraph and showed it to me. I was surprised to see his handwriting exactly like Sri Aurobindo's when he used, to write in his early days. He wrote only a short paragraph but it was very beautiful. He had written about the Mother and Sri Aurobindo and his own inner condition, expressing it very sincerely. It was remarkable.

I asked him to go and show it to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. He said, “No”. Since he was not willing, I wanted to take it myself but my eyes opened before I could do it. I tried to recall what he had written, but failed.

I saw this dream on the same night of 2.9.76 when I saw the “Wonderful Dream” which has been published in the Mother India of November 24 last year.

I had given Nirod my accounts of both these dreams but he took no interest in the second dream. So I put aside my account of it. But when I saw in our playground programme of last 21st February each group saying its prayer, I remembered this dream. The whole of it came in front of my eyes. I found it very interesting.

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