Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

Mother in Golden Body


The interpretation by Amal Kiran is given after the Preface.

“It is more than a vision.

“It is a concrete experience. The reality of it communicates itself to the reader. It confirms our faith that Mother is very active and working through her chosen instruments.

“As I feel it, what happened to you in this experience can be a landmark in her manifestation. It needs to be well assimilated.

“I feel deep joy in your experience.”


M. P. Pandit

“Soon after receiving the Golden Vision, I felt that I had received a lot.

“It is my faith that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are always present and they are doing the last work of the physical transformation of Mankind (or this world) along with the other works for the maintenance of this world. This faith is strongly supported by your dreams, visions and experiences. I get the satisfaction of almost experiencing myself your experiences.

“In the first dream (2.9.1976), the black lid of the external earth nature is transformed by its Supramental, golden flame and bliss. It appears that the children participating in it belong to the Supramental world.

“Regarding the vision near the bed (23.11.1976), I believe that it is the transformation of the nervous sheath.

“In the third—I think it shows that this whole cosmos is His creation, He is doing everything, and is taking us more and more close to Him.

“In the fourth (16.4.1979)—the Mother has come nearer to us and the world. By the vibrations in the center of the forehead and the fire, the work of transformation of the physical proceeds.

“By the blow of the golden hammer the part of the inner physical which resists is thrown out. The way is opened for the Mother's golden light to descend in our inner being and stay, illumine and spread there.

“In addition to the cosmic form of the Mother, Her eternal luminous golden form is also seen. We have the vision of both, the form of Light and the formless Light.

“The criticism by the intellect is utterly vain. How can it have even a glimpse of the vision and the experience? As Sanjay says at the end of the Gita, “I cherish again and again the memories of this.” The memory of God's marvellous form amazes me and I enjoy it enormously. In the absence of the experience, it would be desirable and beneficial to meditate upon it now and then. May the presence of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo become eternal.”



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