Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal

Need for the Eye Within

The quest for reality and truth requires the development of spiritual vision and the conversion and lifting of the soul to higher and still higher levels of consciousness where is “seen” the divine radiance. But the question is, “Can the human mind with its superficial nature and preoccupation with sense objects know with certainty what reality is?” The mind seeks to understand the cosmos, in which it exists, by dividing and analysing the mass of data and facts observed in day-to-day life and then forming ideas and beliefs about life in the universe. However, if life is so simple as to be understood through the surface existence only, why do we see so much of inner conflict, divided personalities, mental and physical breakdown of individuals? There is, often, an opposition between logical analysis by the mind and actual experience. This opposition usually deprives a person of having a sense of harmony between himself and the world at large. We often confront a situation where our intellectual concepts are distinct from our actual life. There is, therefore, the need for the subtle “third eye” within the individual to know whether there is any reality behind the world we know and beyond the meaning we give to life. Man must learn to handle and combine the facts generally observed and the values gained through experience. A rigorous analysis without any vision can only be at the cost of spiritual insights. On the other hand, a vision that is not disciplined or properly investigated can become a source of possible superstition and fanaticism. There is the eye within all of us, which, during the long and silent hours of contemplation and deep meditation, can lead us to develop our inner being, purify our emotions and thoughts. The discordant elements of mind and heart can be harmonized allowing the seed of spirit to grow.

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