Visions of Champaklal 190 pages 1990 Edition   Prof. Roshan Dumasia


A large collection of dreams & visions of Champaklal representing deeper spiritual experiences. The interpretations given by Sri Aurobindo for some is included.

Visions of Champaklal


I saw a grand, majestic and very alluring figure. It was a Digambar's and appeared to be made of luminous white snow. It was so fascinating that I could not take my eyes off him. He gazed at me with his charming, penetrating and captivating eyes, and said, “Champaklal!” I could not answer. I simply looked at him. He caught hold of my hand and called again—”“Champaklal, come!” He held my hand in such a way as to make me get up. We started walking, and walked a long distance. At last we came to a wide-open and very fascinating place—the luminous white snow was seen everywhere. Now there was no way. I was led by him. We were going higher and higher and covered quite a bit of the long distance. I enjoyed walking and looking at the beautiful Himalayan scenery. We reached a place where nothing except beautiful water was seen. We had seen beautiful water at Sheshnag शेषनाग but the colour of this water was much more beautiful than that at Sheshnag.

The Digambar signed to me to stop. He looked at me from top to bottom, with his powerful penetrating eyes. He bent down and moved his hand all around my feet. As soon as he touched my feet, I started to lift them because I did not like him to touch them, but he signed to me to remain quiet and not to stir. After this I had a feeling that my feet were stuck there. With both his hands he then touched me from top to bottom, front, back and all over. A strange, powerful but very pleasant feeling passed all over and inside my body. After this, I felt as if there was nothing inside my body—no bones, no flesh! The body became very light—so light that it would be blown away by a little wind! At the same time my legs were very firm and steady. I was very astonished by all these changes.

The Digambar held my hand and gestured to me to start walking. We began walking further upon water as if we were walking on the ground! He had held my hand in his strong grip and every now and then he would glance at me and smile. Without uttering a word, his look was as if he was asking me, “Enjoying yourself? Happy?” Here also we walked a long distance until we reached a place which abounded in many varieties of beautiful flowers of different colours, some of them never seen before. They were in full bloom. One could see nothing but these beautiful flowers. The place was filled with a variety of fragrances. I enjoyed it very much. Here too there was no way, but as we walked we found the way, as if the plants were parting to make way for us. We covered a great distance in this beautiful place. As we walked further, the view changed. Here the colour of the water was dark green or dark blue—what the exact colour was I cannot say. But of the same colour there were big lotuses fully bloomed, with their large-sized leaves and high stems—all of the same colour. The place was full of the lotuses fragrance. It made us feel so happy. Again the Digambar made a sign to me to walk on further. Here too, as before, the way showed itself as we walked.

Again the scene changed. Here the colour of the water was deep red—so also everything else in deep red colour—the lotuses, their leaves and stalks. Now there was a different type of fragrance. We walked further and saw everything exactly the same but in yellow colour, and the fragrance was different. Likewise I saw the same view again and again but in different colours and fragrances—after yellow, pink, light blue, snow white, silvery—but here there was a very strange thing—sometimes the water, lotuses, leaves and stalks were all in snow-white colour while at times they appeared in shining silvery colour. It was a beautiful sight indeed! Each place was full of its different fragrance. When we reached the top, everything was bathed in brilliant bright gold—the water, the fully opened large thousand-petalled lotuses, their big leaves, their long stalks. Everything looked so beautiful and magnificent that one cannot imagine it! The place was charged with their sweet fragrances. On the way, in between, I saw a few persons going about here and there, walking upon water as one walks on the ground. But, right at the top, there were only seven persons. They went towards the lotuses, stopped for a while and went on further. The atmosphere there was quite different from that in any other place. It was totally new. I saw all this with great astonishment and was benumbed!

Digamber Maharaj looked at me and said smilingly, “Dance now as much as you want, to your heart's content! You wanted to come here, did you not? Now I go. When you need me, you have just to call me and I shall be near you.” I was about to sit. My eyes opened.

This whole marvellous sight is in front of my eyes as if I was still there. Slowly the scene becomes faint but in my memory it remains a wonderful, magnificent, extremely beautiful, inexpressible and astounding scene.

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