Are the views of two of the 20th century's most distinctive 'integrative' spiritual teachers complementary or contrasting?
absolute self-giving, 109
Advaita process / Adwaita process, 69
of the way of knowledge, 114-117
agnosticism, 2, 4
aspiration, 3,4, 12, 107, 111, 120
attention, 38, 39, 104, 105, 117, 152
avyaktam, 78
Bahai faith, 2
being, concept of, 77, 78
Bhagavad Gita, see Gita
aim of spiritual practice, 144
attention, 104, 105
concept of surrender, 109
egoic self, 144
enlightenment, 151
meditation, 117
perspectives of time, 20, 21
practice of living in the present
moment, 151-153, 155
self concept, 77, 78, 80, 114, 115
calm state, defined, 24
Christianity, 146
concentration, 119
Mother's viewpoints, 29, 30
phenomenon of, 14 reversal of, 29, 30
in the teachings of Eckhart and
Sri Aurobindo, 81-84, 154
Darshanas, 68
dispersion, state of, 118, 119
the Divine, 5,6, 71,72,79,105,106,150
Eastern spiritual philosophy, 4, 5
Eckhart's viewpoints, see also teachings
concept of enlightenment portals,
17, 18
dealing with negative reactions,
the Divine, 6, 151
false egoic self, 78, 79
God concept, 6, 150
incarnation, 60, 61
joy, love and aliveness, 59
liberation, 40-42
limited nature of perceiving, 48
meaning of "analyzing," 39, 40
meaning of "labeling," 38, 39
the Now, 16, 151
Page 169
observations and aspects of
Presence, 36-38, 54, 55, 58,
64, 65, 117
pain-body, 18, 19
paradoxes in spiritual teachings, 20
perspective on desire, 45-48
presence of mind, 33-35
reversal of consciousness, 30
scientific observation, 35, 36
self-realization, 52
silence, 25
simplicity of enlightenment, 25, 26,
spiritual path/practice, 42-44,
surrender, 52, 55, 63
time, 21, 22, 51
true self, 79
egoic self, 110, 124, 125, 144, 149, 153
continual state of waiting, 10, 11
insatiable desire for things, 9, 10
mental activities, 12—14
negative reactivity and resistance, 9
self-seeking attitude, 11, 12
vulnerability and insecurity, 8, 9
Eckhart's teachings, 24
partial and momentary states of, 23
portals of, 16-18
simplicity of, 25-30
as a state of present-moment
awareness, 31
and time, 20, 21
vs liberation, 22-25
existence, principles of, 68
France, Anatole, 5
freedom, 142
Fudoshi, Zen Master, 117, 118
conditions for spiritual birth,
138, 139
distinction between suppression
and self-mastery, 134
doctrine of "desireless action,"
46, 105
Jivatman, 79, 80
liberation, 142
mental knowledge, 86
method of self-discipline,
125-127, 136
natural self in, 135
Purushottama of, 78, 110
steps to becoming an impartial
witness, 136, 137
supreme secret of, 121-124
surrender, concept of, 109, 110
God concept, 2, 5, 6, 150
guru's grace, power of, 27, 28
Hinduism, 144
human traits, 16
impersonal Reality, 5, 6, 110
the inner body, 17
inner change, process of, 121-144
Jivatma, 79, 80
Jiyu-Kennett, Rev., 150
Jnana Yoga, 114
Kapila, 113
karma, 5
kensho experience, 151
knowing, 102
Advaita process of the way of, 114
methods of, 102, 103
paths of, 115, 116
spiritual, 116
Lele, Vishnu Bhaskar, Yogi, 141
liberation, 23, 40-42, 65, 120, 144,
146, 147
Lila, concept of, 83, 84
Mahabharata, 20, 107
Page 170
Mayavada (Illusionism) doctrine, 82
meditation, 55, 117, 118, 142, 151
mental being, 101
mental noise, 12,13
forms of perception, 12, 13
mental phenomenon vs phenom
enon of consciousness, 14
and practice of witnessing Presence,
14, 15
higher, 95, 98
illumined, 96
intuition, 96
levels of, 95, 96
ordinary, 95
outer and inner, 95
overmind, 96
silencing of, instructions, 141, 142
and spiritual life, 84-91
supermind, 94, 96
vital, 155
and the witness consciousness,
Mother's viewpoints
attention, 105
consciousness, state of, 16, 29, 30, 67
delight of being, 10, 11
faith, 4 fear, 8
mental knowledge, significance of, 88
mental witness, meaning of, 92
the Now, 16
moment, 108
remedy to mental noise, 13, 14
self-seeking, 12
Mukti, 22, see also liberation
nature, modes of, 142-144
nigraha, 129
nistraigunya, 142, 143
the Now
Eckhart's viewpoint, 16, 122
meaning, 15, 16
Mother's viewpoint, 16
Path of Devotion (Bhakti Yoga), 113, 115
Path of Knowledge (Jnana Yoga), 113
Path of Works or Action (Karma Yoga),
113, 115
peace state, defined, 24
personal effort, 111, 112
The Power of Now (Eckhart), 1
Prakriti (Nature), 68-76, 114
Presence, observations and aspects of,
36-38, 54, 55, 58, 103, 104,
122, 123
Prières et Meditations (the Mother), 2, 5
psychic being, 3
psycho-analysis, 132, 133
methods, 120, 121
need for, 28, 29
Purusha (Soul or Conscious Being),
68-76, 114, 128
Purushottama, of the Gita, 78, 110
quiet state, defined, 24
the Reality, 77, 78
rebirth, 5
rejection, 107, 125, 153, 154
Sankhya yoga, 113-116
self-acceptance, 152, 153
self-concept, 3, 77
Buddhist views, 77
personal, 80
true, 79
Universal, 79, 80
self-realization, 1, 20, 21
silence, 17, 24, 25, 98, 99
space, 17
spiritual evolution, 5
spiritual path, 42-44
spiritual practice, 65, 66
Page 171
aim of, 144-147
methods, 112-121
zeal in, 107
spiritual teachings, paradoxes in, 20, 21
spiritual transformation, 146, 147
Sri Aurobindo's viewpoints, see also
teachings; yoga
the Divine, 71, 72, 78, 150
integral transformation, 23
power of Guru's grace, 27, 28
relevance in the spiritual life, 7, 8
self-realization, 21
silence, 24, 25
spiritual path, 43, 44
time, 25, 26
witness consciousness state, 67-76
Sri Ramakrishna, 27, 28
on spiritual path, 42, 43
stillness, 100, 101
śuddhi, 120
surrender, concept of, 52, 55, 63,
105-111, 121
Tao Teh Ching, 44
tapasya, 28
ego, self and being, 77-80
evolution of consciousness, 81-84
instruments of the teacher, 161, 162
method of spiritual practice,
personal effort and surrender,
process of inner change, 121—144
related to mind, 84-103
spiritual practice, 144-147
of Sri Aurobindo and method of
practice, 157-160
theosophy, 4, 5
thoughtless awateness, 14
thoughts, 139, 140
Buddhist and Hindu perspectives of,
chronological vs psychological, 21, 22
and enlightenment, 20, 21
traits, human, 16
transformation, see liberation
the Truth, 7
Truth-Consciousness, 84, 96, 97,
158, 159
unconsciousness, 19, 23, 49, 50, 63,
64, 75, 81, 83, 91, 94, 122, 123,
129, 154
the witness consciousness, 67-76, 91-94
witnessing Presence, practice of, 14-15
yoga, 6
Adwaita and Sankhya processes in,
69, 70
aim and object of, 145, 146
attention in, 104, 105
and bhakti, 116
concentration, role in, 120, 121
general methods of practices, 91, 113
intellectual preparation for, 87
mental will in, 154
personal effort in, 107
rejection, teptession and
suppression, 129-134
and silence, 24, 25
stages in, 124-128
surrender, meaning of, 109, 110,
120, 121
yoga-siddhi, 20, 21
zazen, practice of, 151
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Dr A S Dalal
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