Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga 166 pages 1991 Edition


Sri Aurobindo's Psychological Thought - Implications Of Yoga For Mental Health

Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga

Dr. A. S. Dalal
Dr. A. S. Dalal

Sri Aurobindo's Psychological Thought - Implications Of Yoga For Mental Health

Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga 166 pages 1991 Edition


Accidents 148,158-59

Adler, Alfred 6,7,29,51

Adverse (vital) Forces 112-14

possession by 113, 113fn

Affirmation 119,126-27

Anger 98,98fn

Anxiety (worry) 88, 89-90, 98

Archetype(s) 26-27,50

Assagioli, Robert 54,67, 135

Attitude(s) 117-28

and behaviour 117

and circumustances 120-23

witness 126

Auto-suggestion 119


and consciousness 59,60

and identification 70


and archetypes 50-51

and attitudes 117

and insight 61

motivating forces 7

Behaviourism 10-11, 14

and psychoanalysis 11-12


fullness of 62,63

individual and universal 60

inner 39,41,139

parts of 30,56

planes of 86

surface (outer) 17,41,138

Benson, Herbert 146

Bergson 6

Berne, Eric 52, 53

Breuer, Joseph 25

Buddha, the 96

Cannon, Walter B. 145,


Capra, Fritjof 49

Consciousness 18

and attitudes 118

and awareness 59,60

concept of 57,57-58

cosmic 58

and ego 18,19,58

essence of existence 58

evolution of 30

mental, rising above 124

and mind 17, 33-34

objectivising 88

physical 103,106

physical, vital, mental 118-19

science of 16-17,21

and self 60

spectrum of 18,19-20,58

widening 74

Datey, K.K. 151

Defence mechanisms 90-91

Depth psychology 5,10,57

Depression 98,98fn, 111

Desire(s) 96-97, 101,102

Detachment 142-43; cf. Witness


Disidentification 135,136,


Doubt 94-95

Dreams 35, 37,42

Drug addiction 106

Dyer, Dr. Wayne 129fn

Ebulia 95

Ego (egoism) 16, 18-19, 25,50,

Page 162

68,110-12, 11Ofn, 133, 134,

136, 142

and consciousness 18,19,58

and disturbances 109-11

and freewill 133-34

and identification 74-75,76

and over-sensitiveness 112

Ellis, Albert 53,54

Epilepsy 114

Evolution 30-31,32

Fear 97-98

Freud, Sigmund 4,5,24-25,51,


and Jung 6,27-29

and repetition compulsion 9,

37. 106

and repression 7,9,24-25,


and Sri Aurobindo 7,9,37

and the unconscious 7,24,


Gestalt Therapy 52

Gita, the 132,133,135,137,


Gunas 133,134, 137,138.142

Habit 104106

Hartmann, E. Von 23

Holmes, T.H. 100,101

Humanistic Psychology 14-15

Hysteria 113

Identification 65-78, 136, 137,


and awareness 70

conscious, methods of 76-77

curing nervous diseases 75

and the ego 74-75,76

and knowledge 69-70,71,72,


two types of 69-75

Iilness(es) 9,10,147,148,149

chronic 106

curing oneself 149-50

and stress 145

and vibrations of disorder 158

Impatience 98-100

Inconscience (Inconscient) 8,


and the subconscient 8fn, 34

Indecision 95-96

Inner being see under Being

Insanity 113

Introspection 17,57

James, William 24,117

Jung, Carl 7,9,23,29,38,53,

57,67, 111

on ego 19,111

and Freud 6,27-29

and Sri Aurobindo 7,9, 19,


and the unconscious 6,7,


45, 50-51

Kant, Immanuel 23

Karma 134,137

Leibnitz, Gottfried 23

Libido 6,7,29

Life-force see Vital, the

Mania 111

mantra 126-27

Maslow, Abraham 14, 15

Page 163

Masochism 102,103

Mastery 129-43 passim

Menninger, Karl 129

Mental (psychological) health

(well-being) 62,63,83-84,


Mind 33-34,56,118-20

and consciousness 17

and the vital 85-86

connotation of 85-86

control over 142

disturbances of 87-96

higher planes 43

limitations of 44,120

mental will 103-104,119,120,


physical 87,92-96

vital 90-91

Mother, the (quotations)

becoming conscious 56

circumstances 121-22,124

curing nervous diseases 75

depression 98

desire 96-97, 101-02

desire and love 72

establishing peace 154-56

fear 97-98

feeling of inferiority 111

feelings and perception 91-92

hurry 99-100, 153

identification 69-70,73-74,


illness is a disharmony 109-10

influence at conception


inner immobility 150

physical mind 92, 93, 94-95

positive peace 146

psychic openness 83-84

source of anxiety 88-90

tamas 102

vibrations 158-59, 160

widening of consciousness 74


forces of 7

unconscious 10

Myers F.W.H. 38

Normality (normal state) 19,



neurosis 96

Ornstein, Robert 16,57

Pain 150-51

Patel, Chandra H. 151

Pavlov, I. 12

Peck, M.Scott 113fn

Physical (being) (consciousness),

the 86-87,93,118

and nerves 105

disturbances of 102-05

vital-physical 105

Possession see under Adverse


Prakriti (Nature) 132,133,134,

137,138,141,142, 143

Prana 7

Prenatal influences 107-08

Projection 91-92

Psychic (being), the 114, 126,


and psychological health 84

meaning of the term 87

Psychoanalysis 4-6, 14, 49-50,


Page 164

and behaviourism 11-12

and reductionism 13-14

Psychological health see Mental



and self-knowledge 20-21

nature and scope 16-17

science of consciousness 16-17

and yoga 48, 56-57

Psychosomatic disorders 108-10

Psychosynthesis 54-55, 135

Purusha 132,134,138,141,


Rahe, R.H. 100, 101

Rajas 130,131,133,141

Rational-Emotive Therapy


Rationalization 90-91

Reductionism 12-14

Relaxation (relaxing) 146,


Repetition compulsion see under


Repression 25

Rosenman, R.H. 99,153

Sachchidananda 63

Sanskaras 36

Sattwa 130,131-32, 133,141

Self, the 43,54.137,138

and consciousness 60

and existence 60

Skinner, B.F. 12

Sri Aurobindo (quotations)

becoming fully self-aware 46

being the mind's master 142

circumstances 122-23

complexity of nature 55-56

concept of the vital 6

connotation of mind 85-86

consciousness 58-59

ego 19,111-12

fullness of being 62,63

habit 104

healing-power of

knowledge 56

the Inconscient and Matter 31

knowledge by identity 71

matter, Life and Mind 31-32

mind 44

motivating forces 7

need to know the whole 29

psychoanalysis 5, 13-14, 37

psychology 3,4,16-17

Rajas 131,141-42

and reductionism 12-13,13-14

Sattwa 131-32,141-42

Self 60

self-awareness 59

the subconscient 9-10,34,

35-37, 38, 39,105,106

the subliminal 38, 39-40,41

Tamas 130,142

tendency to keep grief 102

the two beings 138

the vital mind 90-91

weakness of will 103

witness attitude 126

Stress 100-01,145

Subconscient (subconscious),

the 9-10,30,34-37,38-39,


and the inconscient 34

and the subliminal 8

and the submental 34-35

Subliminal, the 8-9,30,


Page 165

and collective

unconscious 41-42

and the subconscient 8


(Superconscient), the 30,


Superego 12,25,28,50,52,66

Supermind 43,62,62fn

Surface being see under Being

Sutich, Anthony 15

Tamas (inertia) 102-03,130,

133, 141

Titchener, E.B. 17

Transactional Analysis 52-53

Transpersonal Psychology


Type A behaviour 99,153

Unconscious, the 4, 23-46


collective 6,7,26-27,28,41,


personal 7,26

Vibrations 158-59, 160

Vital, the (life force) (life

nature) 6,79,33,118-20

and the mind 85-86

disturbances of - 96-102

free expression of 101

masochistic tendency of 102

physical 87

Vital envelope 148

Vital-physical, the see under

Physical, the

Watson, J.B. 11

Welwood.John 20,24

Widening (oneself)

(consciousness) 74,157-58

Wilber,Ken 18,20,57,58

Will see mental will under Mind

Witness attitude 126; see also


Wundt, Wilhelm 3

Yoga 21,83

and psychology see under


and psychotherapy 55,62,


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