Overman 172 pages


Overman - is defined as the Intermediary stage between the Human and the Supramental Being. Sri Aurobindo’s quest is not for a next evolutionary stage in some “beyond”, but right here on Earth.


The Intermediary between the Human and the Supramental Being

Georges van Vrekhem
Georges van Vrekhem

Overman is a metaphysical book which dwells upon the concept of the ultimate progression of man into a highly enlightened species called the supramental being, towards which, the author says, the intermediary stage (the Overman) has already been reached. Contrary to established mystical or religious concepts, Sri Aurobindo’s quest is not for a next evolutionary stage in some “beyond”, but right here on Earth.

Overman 172 pages

Introductory Quotes

In the untransformed part of humanity itself there might well arise a new and greater order of mental human beings: for the directly intuitive or partly intuitivised but not yet gnostic mental being, the directly or partly illumined mental being, the mental being in direct or part communion with the higher-thought plane would emerge: these would become more and more numerous, more and more evolved and secure in their type, and might even exist as a formed race of higher humanity leading upwards the less evolved in a true fraternity born of the sense of the manifestation of the One Divine in all beings.

Sri Aurobindo: The Life Divine, p. 999

It might be that the psychological change, a mastery of the nature by the soul, a transformation of the mind into a principle of light, of the life-force into power and purity would be the first approach, the first attempt to solve the problem, to escape beyond the merely human formula and establish something that could be called a divine life upon earth, a first sketch of supermanhood, of a supramental living in the circumstances of the earth-nature … It would not be the total transformation, the fullness of a divine life in a divine body. There would be a body still human and indeed animal in its origin and fundamental character and this would impose its own inevitable limitations on the higher parts of the embodied being.

Sri Aurobindo: Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, pp. 536-37

It can be affirmed with certainty that there will be an intermediate specimen between the mental and the supramental being, a kind of overman who will still have the qualities and in part the nature of man, which means that he will still belong in his most external form to the human being of animal origin, but that he will transform his consciousness sufficiently to belong, in his realisation and activity, to a new race, a race of overmen.

The Mother: Questions and Answers 1957-58, p. 277

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