Patterns of the Present 200 pages


Vrekhem applies the evolutionary vision of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother to derive a positive interpretation of the global situation and present state of humanity.

Patterns of the Present

From the Perspective of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother

Georges van Vrekhem
Georges van Vrekhem

The author puts the present situation of humanity in the perspective of the evolutionary vision of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. The result is a positive interpretation of the global situation.

Patterns of the Present 200 pages

Note About the Sources

The first edition of Sri Aurobindo’s writings was published thirty years ago, in view of his birth centenary in 1972, and appropriately called “Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library” (SABCL).

At the time of writing this book, a new revised and augmented edition of Sri Aurobindo’s writings is being published: “The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo” (CWSA), but many volumes of this new edition are still awaiting publication.

This puts the writer in the uncomfortable position of having to quote from two sets of Sri Aurobindo’s works. The reader interested in retracing the sources should therefore know to which set of works the quoted writings belong.

To the “Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library” belong:

Collected Poems (vol. 5)

The Upanishads (vol. 12)

The Life Divine (vol. 18 and 19)

Letters on Yoga (vol. 22, 23 and 24)

On the Mother (vol. 25)

On Himself (vol. 26)

To “The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo” belong:

Essays Divine and Human (vol. 12)

Essays in Philosophy and Yoga (vol. 13)

Essays on the Gita (vol. 19)

The Synthesis of Yoga (vol. 23 and 24)

The Human Cycle (vol. 25)

Savitri (vol. 33 and 34).

All quoted works of the Mother belong to the centenary edition of the “Collected Works of the Mother” (CWM), and have been checked against the original French edition.

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