This booklet has been compiled from articles published in various periodicals and personal letters of Jibendra Kumar Gupta.

Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects

Jibendra Kumar Gupta

This booklet has been compiled from articles published in various periodicals and personal letters of Jibendra Kumar Gupta.

Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects 106 pages

Longevity In The Ashram

In 1920's average longevity of an Indian, if I recollect correctly, was a mere 23 years only. In ig8o's it has reached the national average of about 57 years. A record increase in about 80 years. This is due to the control and eradication of four largest epidemics in the country namely, plague, cholera, small-pox and malaria which used to take toll of millions and millions of lives annually. The high rate of infant mortality of those times has also been successfully reduced thanks to the improvements of the hygienic conditions of the people. On the whole, there has been a' great improvement in medical and public health care and the social services which are also to be taken account of in the reduction of mortality and increase of average expectation of life: Where formerly it was difficult to find a man of the age of sixty, it no longer seems so strange and bizarre to meet a man of seventy, eighty and even upwards. Two factors are then responsible for this more than doubling of the average expectation of life, viz., control of epidemics and reduction of infant mortality. There is a greater awareness now of the value of the health and hygienic needs in the country. After independence numerous urban and rural health centres have been established in the country like India with its numerous population which is on the increase to the tune of 15 millions a year, it is a meagre, it must be conceded that something substantial has been done to meet the health challenge of the people. Efforts are on the way and we hope to see better results in the not very distant future ensuring health and longevity of its people.

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The Ashram here is unique in respect of the average life-expectation of its inmates. It is nothing unusual to find any number of men and women here ranging from 70 upwards to go. I cite one of the instances : In one house alone there were three above eighty, three above seventy and a few below. In one family alone there are five from above eighty to ninety. All this has been possible due to strict disciplined life and dietary habits of the inmates.

It has been observed that walking is one of .the best exercises for the old people. In the Ashram there are a number of persons above 80 who do walking from four to six hours a day. And all of them are keeping good health.

There are fixed times for the three meals served here. They are purely vegetarian but quite nutritious. They contain milk, curds, bananas and brown bread and rice in addition to the usual dal and vegetables. It has been observed, that those who take too much protein food like meat and fish have been more subject to ailments than the pure vegetarians. Not only the average longevity of an ashramite is greater than the Indian average but the ashramites generally have better health than the people of the same age outside.

In Georgia, a state in the U. S. S. R. it is nothing unusual to meet people above 100. The climate of the place added to dietary habits of the inhabitants accounts for this rather strange phenomenon. People who live in hilly and mountainous countries and have to walk up and down the valleys for their daily work are also said to be very long-lived.

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