On The Mother 924 pages 1994 Edition


The chronicle of a manifestation & ministry - 'deep and sensitive insight into a great life, its authenticity, artistic vision & evocative creative language'

On The Mother

The chronicle of a manifestation and ministry

  The Mother : Biography

K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar
K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar

On the Mother was selected for the 1980 Sahitya Akademi annual award, and the citation referred to the book's 'deep and sensitive insight into a great life, its authenticity, artistic vision and evocative creative language'.

On The Mother 924 pages 1994 Edition
 PDF     The Mother : Biography


Abdul Baha 40ff, 50
A.B. Patel 573, 686
Agastya, Rishi 133
Aiyar, V.V.S. 85, 132
Alfassa, Mathilde 3-4, 833
Alfassa, Matteo 132, 833
Alfassa, Maurice 3, 833
Alfassa, Mirra see MOTHER, THE

Amal Kiran (K.D. Sethna) 86-7, 244, 253, 261, 264-5, 287, 290, 296-7, 319, 321, 325, 327-9, 341, 354, 358, 372, 387, 402,488,495, 504, 549-50, 573, 590, 604, 618, 686, 691

Ambalal Purani 136, 143, 151, 211-2, 214, 221, 225, 235, 239, 398, 400, 496, 676, 691

Ambu (Ambalal) Patel 496
Amrita (K.A. Iyengar) 85, 91-2,121, 201, 203, 230, 235, 246,263, 296, 326, 328-9, 340/494,691,780
Ananta (Frederick Bushnell) 624

Andre Morisset 28, 477-8, 577, 579, 801, 817, 820, 823, 834

Anilbaran Roy 201, 244fn, 286, 292, 340-1

Arjava (J.A. Chadwick) 255, 259ff, 321

Ashram, Sri Aurobindo 53-5, 105, 126, 215, 220-1, 226, 240-2, 247, 445, 449, 460, 532, 548, 561-3, 573, 636-8, 658, 769

Deva Sangha 200-1, 204, 215, 241, 281

collective meditation and Pranam 213,287, 319-20, 340-2, 349-50,353,417-8,522
Darshan day 223-6, 263, 286, 358ff, 400, 628-9, 708

messages 365-7, 662, 771, 773-4

'birth': 24 November 1926 234-6, 239ff

'very first basis of its formation' 520

Guru-Sishya, Mother-child relationship in 210, 217, 247, 339-84, 546ff, 589, 604-5, 669, 692ff

'brilliant period' 232, 243ff, 340-1
'Soup ceremony' 287ff, 319, 341-4 (cf195)
sadhana in the physical 246, 604
growth and organisation 247ff, 251, 280, 287, 339, 362-7, 373, 445, 449, 459ff, 532,569-75,636-8,678-9,691,699
Karmayoga 251-3, 258, 274, 279, 280ff, 526-7, 546, 688, 748
finances 241, 281, 432, 445, 478-9, 570, 684

union of spiritual and economic power 241, 683-5

hostile forces in 261ff, 275
'a human microcosm' 281-2, 570, 664
Bakery 285
Dining Room 286
cult of flowers 320-4, 419-20
Vedantic realisation in 357
Balcony darshan 361-4, 699

Page 897

Terrace Darshan 363, 708, 715
Prosperity day 364, 588
Christmas day 364
New Year day 364-6

messages, origin of 365-7

prayers and messages 74, 422-3, 446, 449, 458, 463, 479, 518, 547, 606, 689, 706, 721, 738, 758, 770-1

individual and collective movement 367-8
atmosphere 374, 434-5

condensation of force 373

at Darshan time 628-9

Yoga not a Grand Trunk road 382
no escapist retreat 394

threat of closure due to wrong attitude of sadhaks 414
coming of children 432ff
Harpagon Workshop 443
Golconde 279, 436, 443-4, 497
Press 461

Journals 462, 487-8, 614, 758, 760
the 'Service' tree 496-7, 501, 535
Phoenix Hour 507
'divine home in the world' 532

at centre of radiating light and force of transformation 567
and politics 573-4, 601-2

visits of Prime Ministers and Presidents 595-6, 716, 778-9
Delhi Branch 624-5, 652, 679, 772
Theatre 624, 662

Golden Day: 29 February 681-2, 763-4
Vedic character 683
some prominent Ashramites 691
attacked (January 1965) 722-5
a Yoga Research Institute 754-5
and Auroville 769, 777

Auroville 97, 105, 687, 726, 738, 744-5, 756ff, 777-8, 785ff, 808, 810

inauguration 760-3
hierarchy 769
future development 772
place of religion 786
qualities needed 756, 777, 788
administration 757, 787
Matrimandir 726, 763, 791-4, 803

Baha Ullah 40-1

'Bangavani' 679

Bapat, Senapati 682

Baptista, Joseph 199

Barindra Ghose 200, 209, 215-6, 235, 241, 247, 339

Baron, C.F. 571, 662

Page 898

Becharlal Bhatt, Dr 400
Beethoven 304

Bejoy Nag 91, 131, 201, 211, 213, 217, 233
Bhakti Sutras 32

Bhagavad Gita 15, 82, 192, 613-4, 639, 836
Bhagawat, N.K. 639
Bharati, Subramania 85, 132, 220
Bharati, Suddhananda 418
Bhave, Acharya Vinoba 623-4
Bibhash Mutsuddi 670
Bisht, Dr 817-8
Book of Tea 193-4

Bose, Rash Behari 132, 173-4, 183
Bose, Subhas Chandra 424
Bluysen, Paul 46, 89-90

Buddha, Gautama, Siddhartha (Shakyamuni) 42, 60, 96,164-6,172,180, 317, 460, 482, 552, 631, 639ff, 772

Bula (Charuchandra Mukherjee) 820

Carlyle, Thomas 483
Cartier-Bresson, Henri 489
Catherine of Siena, Saint 93
Centre of Education, Sri Aurobindo International

The Mother

opens the School 432-3

interest in the children 432-4, 507-8, 529-30, 668-9
opens the playgrounds 434-6, 531
plays table-tennis and tennis 436, 590
chooses uniform for girls 437-8
launching the Bulletin 466, 676
staging her play Towards the Future 470
the main inspiration 508ff, 676-7
on education 508ff, 728

a sacerdocy 506, 520

its goal 510, 516-7, 733

its present and future method 561

and true knowledge 629

on role of parents 510-11

child-beating 765

message to Ashram students 531-2
summons a Memorial Convention 533ff
opens the International University Centre 532-6
gives the Students' Prayer 536
opens a library, music and dance room 537, 568
opens the gymnasium 538
on its future 538, 669
sells her jewellery for 546
opens the Theatre 624, 735

Page 899

'fantastic freedom' to students 625
opens the swimming pool 632
renames International Centre of Education 676
opens Mother's School, Delhi 652, 772
admonition to children 710
opens the Art Gallery 734
gives 'the prayer of the cells of the body' 752

influence of Ashram atmosphere on 434, 460, 467, 530-1, 669, 677
physical education in 434-5, 466-7, 469, 511, 541-2, 548, 556-7, 623, 677, 697, 705, 754

prayer of and message to its captains 692

transformation, its cardinal aim 468, 785
teacher's role and qualifications 506, 626-7, 688, 785
psychic: 'leader of the march' 513ff, 539, 677 (cf334)
its international character 538-9, 678
exhibition, on Evolution 568

on Flowers in Yoga 568
on the Future of Man 575
on Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia 575
on Significance of Indian Culture 575
on Mother's laces and fans 613
on Dolls 624
on Mother's writings 649
on Mother's paintings 734, 754

visits of Jawaharlal and Indira 595-6, 716, 777-9
visit of Soviet gymnasts 623
distinctive aspects 678
teacher-pupil relationship in 625-7, 677
visits of the Education and the University Grants

Commissions 695, 715, 731-2, 754

'Free progress' system 728ff

Chadwick, J.A. see Arjava
Chakravarty, Jnanendranath 15fn
Chamberlain, Neville 395-6, 403

Champaklal Purani 212, 222, 227, 231, 235-6, 239, 246, 254, 283, 288, 323, 328-9, 339, 374, 400, 420, 464-5, 470, 489, 492, 496, 551, 651, 679, 691, 700-1, 817, 819ff

Chandradip Tripathi 691
Chandrasekharam, V. 226, 231, 235, 255
Chandulal Shah 255, 265-6, 280, 328-9
Cheddi Lal 821
Chidanandam, V. 231, 765
Chinmayi (Mehdi Begum) 321, 325, 674
Churchill, Winston 410, 416, 423, 425
Coleridge, S.T. 61
Counouma, P. 691, 816
Cripps, Sir Stafford 425ff, 447, 571

Page 900

Dahyabhai Patel 683

Daladier, Edouard 395ff, 403

Daniel, Samuel 38

Dante 111,315,471,633

Dara (Aga Syed Ibrahim) 328

Das, Deshbandhu Chittaranjan 216, 448

Datta (Dorothy Hodgeson) 183, 201, 209ff, 217, 235, 239, 255, 321, 325, 328-9, 674, 691

David-Neel, Mme Alexandra 29, 633
Daulatram Sharma 230
Dayanand Saraswati 624
Deshmukh, C.D. 652
Devi Mahatmyam 278, 662
Dhar, Manoranjan 821

Dhammapada 82, 192, 506, 639ff, 668, 836
Dilip Kumar Roy 48, 92, 213, 226, 255, 260ff, 296-7, 358, 370, 372, 430, 503
Diwakar, R.R. 596, 662, 695
Dostoevsky, Fyodor 481
Drouet, Mifaou 621

Duraiswami Iyer 226, 258, 287, 297, 319, 328-9, 426-7, 493, 691
Dyuman (Chunibhai Patel) 255, 325, 328-9, 418, 683, 816-8, 820

Edith Schnapper 782

Eliot, T.S. 120, 643

The Eternal Wisdom 108, 110, 119

Fanon, Franz 773

Rower Arrangement 195 (cf320ff, 419-20)

Francis, Archduke Ferdinand 109

Francis, Saint 485

French Institute, The 571, 603

Gaebelé, Mme see Suvrata

Ganapati Muni, Vasishta (Nayana) 257-8, 339, 600

Ganapatram Gupta 278

Gandhi, Mahatma 118, 186, 215, 261, 277, 404, 426, 446, 451, 457-8, 485, 810

Gin, V.V. and Mrs Saraswati 778, 821

Gokak,V.K. 173ff

Gould, F.G. 480

Guru Nanak 123, 180, 317

Heilbroner, R.L. 732

Himanshu Niyogi 662

Hitler, Adolf 181, 208, 395ff, 409ff, 422ff, 441ff, 593

Hofman, Dr Albert 742

Hopkins, Gerard Manley 41, 71, 80, 354

Huta (Savita Hindocha) 587-8, 605, 652, 679, 684, 700-4, 712-3, 717, 721, 727, 754

Hydari, Sir Akbar 443

Page 901

L'Idée or Idea 29-30, 32ff, 44, 50ff, 64, 191, 298

L'Idée Nouvelle (New Idea Society) 101ff, 126, 128, 148, 150, 298

Imitation of Christ, The 639

India 46, 82, 128, 200, 404, 446-59, 488, 571, 808-10, 821

see also in The Mother - (3)

Indira Gandhi 596, 777-9, 808-9, 821
Indra Sen, Dr 652, 676, 691
Inge, William Ralph 62, 129
Iyengar, Dr K.R. Srinivasa 173ff
Iyer, C.P. Ramaswami 715

Janina 701

Janine (Morisset) Panier 477

Janet McPheeters see Shantimayi

Jatti, B.D. 817, 821

Jawaharlal Nehru 404, 457, 595-6, 624, 716

Jay Holmes Smith 547-8, 589

Jaya Devi 233-4, 236, 239, 242

Jayantilal Parekh 691

Jesus Christ 180, 317, 482, 762

Jinnah, M.A. 446-7, 451, 458, 463

John of the Cross, Saint 41, 112

Jones, William 497

Joseph Szarka 674

Jotindranath 285

Juliana of Norwich 62

Kafka, Franz 483

Kamalaben Amin 691, 734

Kamaraj Nadar 596, 716

Kanailal Ganguli 218, 224-5, 255

Kapali Sastry, T.V. 1fn, 212, 226, 255ff, 288-9, 297, 341-2, 351-3, 679

Karan Singh, Dr 596, 808

Kennedy, President John F. 488

Kesarimal, Vaidya 649

Kireet Joshi 624, 676, 691

Kishor Gandhi 676, 691, 716, 727, 739

Kobayashi, Dr and Mme 175ff, 183, 193-4, 221, 302, 838

Kodandarama Rao 212

Kothari, D.S. 715, 731

Krishnalal Bhatt 617

Krishnaprem, Sri (Ronald Nixon) 15fn, 259

Kumud Patel 817, 820

Lacombe, Olivier 810

Lajpat Rai 226

Lalita (Daulat Pandey) 328-9, 690

Laljibhai Hindocha 684

Page 902

Lenin, Vladimir 142, 198
Leonardo da Vinci 304
Lizelle Raymond 321, 419
Lord of Falsehood, The (The Lord of Nations)

see in The Mother - (3)

Madanlal Himatsingka 816

Madhav P. Pandit 257, 321, 596, 691, 707-8, 815-6
Magre, Maurice 63, 369-70
Mahabharata 389, 577
Mahavira 180, 317
Maitland, Miss 255, 296-7
Maitra, Somnath 534
Mali (Rafael Corona) 778
Manilal, Dr 398-401
Manoj Das Gupta 677
Manubhai Patel 496
Mao Tse-tung 459, 463, 772
Marx, Karl 762

McPheeters see Shantimayi; Vaun McPheeters
Milton, John 312
Misra, Justice S.C. 282
Modern Review 157, 159
Mona Pinto 278-9

Moni (Suresh Chakravarty) 91, 131, 201, 211, 217, 496
Monica Parish 738
Monod-Herzen, Dr G. 282
Moonje, Dr B.S. 200
Moreau, Gustav 473
Morretta, Angelo 762
Morisset, Andre see Andre
Morisset, Francoise see Pournaprema
Morisset, Henri 28, 834
Morisset, Janine see Janine
Moses 180, 482

THE MOTHER 1, 237, 420, 572

Categorised under

1. The Mother (biographical)

2. Others on the Mother

3. The Mother on other subjects

4. Works of the Mother

1. The Mother (biographical)

vision of a past life 3
birth and antecedents 3-4
'completely atheist' 4
Light round her head 4-5
experiences others' sorrows 5
'the supreme maker of forms' 5

Page 903

organises parts of her being 6, 833

schooling, painting, music and sports, 6-7, 700

born to realise the Highest 7, 27

called 'the Sphinx' 7

avoids medication 7-8

communes with Nature 9, 833

falls while climbing a hill 9

develops inner relation with 'Krishna' 10, IS, 31, 86

comforting stricken humanity 10 (cf 136-7)

and 'the Man of Sorrows' 10-11, 76

writes 'The Path of Later On' 11, 16
union with the Divine Presence 14, 66
studies Hindu scriptures 15-6, 32, 82, 192

sleight-of-hand 17

going out of her body 18, 23, 136, 148, 152, 402, 773

makes nights conscious 20

in the region between subtle-physical and the material vital 20-1, 139 (cf 750)

joins the Cosmic Movement 21, 46

with the Théons in Tlemcen 21ff, 834-6

quells the storm 23

crossing boulevard St Michel 25

plays a game of cards 26-7

acting upon others 136-7, 148 (cf 10)

subordinates it to spirituality 152

incident of the cobra 22-3

of the toad 23

marries Henri Morisset 28, 834
birth of Andre 28, 834
launching 1'Idee 29-30
separation from Morisset 29
house in Paris 29, 32, 34, 44, 50, 71-2
meets a Russian revolutionary 32ff
launching a Women's Association 36
her Gayatri 38

plays the organ in an Italian Church 44-5
marries Paul Richard 46
agenda for the future 51ff, 103-6
begins her spiritual diary 63

who is addressing whom 64-6, 69, 82, 98-100, 104, 118, 146-8, 196

incarnates earth-consciousness 69
journey to Pondicherry 78-84
realisation of and radiating Peace 80
meets a clergyman 83-4
'clairvoyant collaboratrix' 81, 100
meets Sri Aurobindo 86
'born into a new life' 88-9
learns Sanskrit and Bengali 91

Page 904

vision of the Himalayas 92

breakdown in health 95

renunciation 96

individual, universal, transcendental 99, 832

'work of creation' 100-6

mediatrix, collaboratrix, creatrix 100, 105, 117, 156

launching the Arya 101ff

Kundalini experience 111

as 'the golden bridge' 115, 293

identification with the Divine Mother 116

vision of Kali, danger to Paris 116-7

as 'paraclete' 122, 138, 242

perfect self-offering 124

departs for France 134

Dark Night of the Soul 134-5

experience in Lunel 136-7, 148 (cf10, 18, 23, 773)

corresponds with Sri Aurobindo 136-45, 154-5

identification with Supreme Principle 138-9

prayer of 31 July 1915 140

identification of her physical with the Divine 142-3

Vedic experience 144-5 (cf98-100)

'sees' Japan before visiting it 154

experience in a vegetable garden 159

experience in a Japanese street 161-2

dialogue with the Divine 162, 168-9, 183-6

'appointed from all Eternity' 163

receives Shakyamuni's message 164
the divine and the human in the Avatar 164
prays to Lord Mitra: his response 166
fivefold functions 169

identification with the cherry-blossom 170-1
'like Mt Fuji' 174, 663
rooms in Kyoto 177

grasp of the evolutionary principle 179
subjected to hard discipline 184 (cf 161)
union of Devotee and Divine 185
catches flu 189

arrogant ignorant Man refuses her gift 196-7
integral liberation 198
as Mahasaraswati 201-2, 211, 294-5
returns to Pondicherry 201ff, 243
experiences Sri Aurobindo's aura 202
vision of Richard going down 207-8
moves to Sri Aurobindo's house 210
managing the household 210-1, 215, 217-8, 223 (also 78)
as Mahalakshmi 211, 225, 296, 529
tackles black magic (stone throwing) 213-4
begins collective meditations 213

Page 905

moves with Sri Aurobindo to Library House 215

installs Sri Aurobindo as the Master of the Yoga 217

interest in cats 218-9

knee-joint inflammation 226

from 'Mirra' to 'Mother' 233-4, 240, 246 (cf230)

on 24 November 1926 235, 239-40

mediatrix between Sri Aurobindo and the disciples 242, 247

brings down overmental Gods 243-5, 340-1 (cf232)

management of the Ashram and the sadhaks 248ff, 251ff, 296-7, 339ff, 445, 463-4, 479, 507, 589, 699

as Tripura Sundari and Sakambari 257-8, 339, 600
strict regimen of work 286, 460-1, 489
evening drives and meditations 287
at the 'Soup ceremony' 287ff, 341 (cf 195)
Powers and Personalities 292ff, 529, 597 (cf 168-9)

as Mahashakti 293, 451 '

as Maheshwari 296, 320

converses with disciples 297ff, 301
aphorisms and mahavakyas 298-9, 318
'inner relation' with disciples 305, 589, 692-4
rhapsody on Love 315ff, 471-7
'games' she fashioned 319ff

her divine levity 319, 341

sortilege 324-8

mini slip-tests 328

rapport with flowers 320ff (cf 170-1, 195)

'flower-games' 320-4

cult of flowers 419-20

action through flowers 419

five of her prominent workers 328
understands all languages 339
tight work-schedule 339ff, 461
serious illness in 1931 342-4

prayer on recovering 346-8

her symbol 345-6

at meditation and pranams 349-50
begins the Balcony darshan 361ff
Sri Aurobindo's accident 398

prays to Sri Aurobindo 399

24 April becomes a Darshan day 400
knowledge of medical science 400
friendship with mosquitoes 401
trance moods 402 (cf 18, 23, 136, 773)
eyes at the back of her head 402
spiritual intervention in the War 404ff

to pro-Nazi sadhaks 414, 423

avowal of the Allied cause 415-7

wartime prayers arid messages 422-41

Page 906

vision of its extension 424

as Mona Lisa 420

supports Cripps' Mission 425-6, 571
calls on her time 460-1, 489
self-portrait and portrait of Sri Aurobindo 465, 700, 734

paints 'Emerging Godhead' or Golden Purusha 694

decline in Sri Aurobindo's health 490-1
supramental Force passing from Sri Aurobindo into her 492, 807
hymn of gratitude to him 503-5, 518
Playground classes 505ff

range and soul-quality of her discourses 505ff, 518ff

begins Wednesday classes 548-9

different ways of answering questions 607ff

open air spiritual workshop 610

touch of universality in her answers 627-8

how to receive her teaching 628

understanding her words 636 (cf 372)

her 'silences' 670-2

her words: carriers of potent occult forces 759

draws infinite energy from the universe 507
prayer for world's survival 547
healing touch 549
'very ambitious' 551
meditations and prayers 555, 713
moves up to her new rooms 568-9
mediates between the Indian and French Governments 571-2
declaration on Pondicherry's merger day 572

desires dual citizenship 572-3

against politicisation of issues 573, 725
charter to the workers of the Ashram 574
'Dream' of an international township 574-5, 726
'I am with you' 589
sees Nehru and Prasad 595-6
comments on her photographs 596

her photographs on calendars 707-8

descent of the Power of Ananda 597-8, 790
advice to the Unity Party 602
message to the French Institute 603 (see also 571)
'No child of mine can be a zero' 605
stages 'The Spiritual Destiny of the Earth' 606
not a poet: 'content with doing' 607
distributes her saris to sadhikas 613
experiences the Supramental Manifestation 614-20
changes her way of working: restricts interviews 622
message to the Soviet gymnasts 623
sees Vinoba Bhave 623-4
visits Ananta's island 624
opens the Delhi Branch and the Mother's School 624-5

Page 907

suffers hemorrhage in left eye 633

symbolic dream of the Ashram as a big hotel 636-8

identification with Nature 655

promise of Nature's collaboration 655-6

in the supramental on 3 February 1958 657ff
using her 'new' force to cure 661
the only thing still 'intolerable' to her 661
illness in December 1958 674

vigilance and ministry during 679

experience of Light and Life in the Inconscient 675
on 29 February 1960: the Golden Day 681.2

plays on her new Wurlitzer organ 681

promotes industrial ventures by disciples 683-5
to Ashramites engaged in collective projects 688
no defeatist 689-90
morning-routine in 1950s 690
gives flowers and cards on birthdays 691
breakdown in health 699
inspiration of Ashram artists 700-4
'Hour of God' message 706-7

its presentation on 1 December 717-8, 735

85th birthday 708
sadhana of the body

constant invocation to the Supreme 713

descent of 'this Truth-Power' 715

publishing her Notes on the Way 719ff

experiences: incommensurable, incommunicable 719, 739

sensitising the material consciousness 720

'a bombardment of adverse forces' 722

'vibration of Ananda' 735 (see also 717-8)

Terrace Darshan: 24 November 1965 737

22 January 1966 740

experiences 'consciousness of dead on earth' 741

direct perception of inner reality of people 741

cells becoming conscious 749

the T: not within, not above 750

in the subtle-physical world 750

vision of earth's effort 752

effect on her children 752-3, 805 (cf525, 636)

Terrace Darshan: 24 November 1967 753

concrete experience of the cells 766

the 'creation of equilibrium' 766

powerful penetration by supramental forces 766-7

experience of the Divine Presence 767-8, 783, 804

reversal of consciousness 'in all details... domains' 768

simultaneous experience of suffering and Ananda 768, 784

what tires her body 769

descent of superman consciousness 770ff, 780, 784

Page 908

spends 3 hours with Sri Aurobindo 772

symbol of the whole earth 772-3, 777, 794-6 (cf123, 525)

body's only business now 773

complete immobility and aspiration 775

perception of the why and how of creation 775-6

'ill-health' and transformation 780

material vision of a psychic being; its future role 784

body becoming impersonal 784-5

change from a 'diamond look' to the 'Infinitude' 794

'I have changed very much...' 794, 798

nestling in the Divine 796, 804, 816

transformation of her physical mind 798

body's choice: its only prayer 798, 807

her birthday as everyone's 804

bears 'a frightful pressure' 804-5

vision of her changed body: 'younger than most of you' 805

experiences supramental consciousness 807

'I have the feeling... I am That 816

releases Sri Aurobindo memorial stamp 717
declaration after attack on Ashram 723-4
launches Auroville 725-6, 839

inaugurates it 760-3

how she reaches her decisions 733
reminiscences on her 90th birthday 759-60
on 29 February: the Golden Day 763-4
vision of collective progress 768
message on her 91st birthday 771
message for 4-5-67 774
sees Indira Gandhi, V.V.Giri 778ff, 821
messages on Sri Aurobindo's centenary 789, 799, 801-3, 829
crisis in health 789-90
glimpses a black cloud approaching India 795

mantra during the Bangladesh crisis 795, 808-10

message to Indira Gandhi 809

things taking an extreme form 807
her last messages 814-7
on 21 February 1973 816
breakdown in health 816ff
on 24 April 817
on 15 August 818-9

deterioration in health and the end 819-20
laid in state 820ff
interment 823-4

recapitulation of her life 831-44

2. Others on the Mother

Alexandra David-Neel 29
Amal Kiran 86-7, 264-5, 287, 319, 341, 549
Amrita 91-2

Page 909

André 478
Baron 662-3
Bibhas 670

Champaklal 212, 222, 420
Chidanandam 231, 765
Dilip Kumar 260
Ganapati Muni 258
Ganapatram 278
Huta 588

Jay Smith 547-8, 589
Jaya 239

Kanailal 218, 224
Kapali Sastry 256-7, 288-9
Kodandarama 212
Lizelle 49
Maurice 369
Minnie 765
Mishra 575

Mrityunjoy 270, 289, 364
Munshi 537
Narayan Prasad 434

Nirodbaran 273-4, 398-9, 437-8, 444, 494, 590
Nolini Kanta 86, 196-7, 217-8, 234, 822-3
Okhawa 174-5
Pavitra 227-9
Purani 211, 235
Rishabhchand 278
Romen 365, 708

Sahana 263, 281, 285, 287, 289, 364-5
Shanti 271-3
Subbarao 222
Sunil 681-2
Surendranath 417
Suvrata 418
Udar 279

Vasudha 266, 287
Vijayatunga 461

3. The Mother on

creating one's own world 5 (cf 642)
learning an art 6-7
love mundane and divine 7, 315-7, 378, 475-7, 544, 739, 791 (cf250)

success in marriage 476

Divine omnipresence 8, 546, 568, 614, 636, 747, 772, 787 (cf 689)
Paris Charity Bazar 12-3
sin and punishment 13

and Nature's upheavals 13

and Kali's working 724

Purusha-Prakriti 15-6, 592, 603 (cf155)

Page 910

travelling in the occult 18-9, 25, 402
Mme Théon 23-4
occult warnings 25-6, 30
gambling 26-7

need of sound adhara 30, 246
sincerity and gratitude 35-6
Thought 36-7, 57-8, 312-3, 712

transforming one's nature 37, 43, 51, 59-60, 69, 181, 330-1, 510-7, 525-7, 541, 556-9, 562, 567-8, 598, 605, 622-3, 630, 635, 642-3, 645-7, 664-5, 672-3, 701-2, 720, 747, 754, 767, 769, 784, 800-1, 824 (cf 295-6)

Dreams 38-40
suffering 40-2, 59, 79, 743, 747
the supreme discovery 42
present (7th) creation and pralaya 51, 523, 593, 598, 634-5, 672, 741, 806, 812

fall of the cardinal Emanations 208-9, 593, 602 (cf303)

true hierarchy 54, 105, 611

one's place in universal work 55-7, 123, 526-7', 701
peace, silence and sadhana 67, 671
two ways of uniting with the Divine 72-3, 306
the Divine Grace 73, 345, 679, 813

and Karma 401, 546

obedience to and trust in 528, 648, 781

aspiration and 593-4

contact with 673

and the horoscope 713

and human egocentric imbecility 776, 806

taking care of material things 78
India 82, 92, 423, 425-6, 539, 725, 732, 756, 799

her true mother-country 79, 572-3, 760

foresees freedom of 205

partition of 206, 451

Soul of 451-2, 454, 716, 841

her spiritual flag of 454-5, 572

her spiritual map of 455-6, 537

spiritual leadership of 537, 732, 756

choice before Indian Government 759, 779

Indo-Pak war 795, 808-10

action in union with the Divine 94-5
illness caused by disharmony in the being 95

by vital beings and vampires 189, 311-2

by fear 189-90

by disequilibrium 313-4, 785

consciousness as a ladder 97
First World War 113-7, 141-4, 566

man's key-role in evolution 115, 562-3, 567, 742, 774 (cf707, 752)
active and contemplative life 123
Japan and its people 156ff, 193

its lack of spirituality 160

Page 911

Beauty, Truth, Love 168, 721, 739

where true maternity begins 178

mankind's phoenix hour 179 (cf 621)

basis of men-women equality 180, 437-40, 592, 603, 626

race of supermen 180-2, 542, 619-21, 636, 670, 749

world union through uniformity 186-7

on the ground of the Spirit 187-8, 192, 303, 614-5, 633, 717-8

nations as souls or aspects of Mahashakti 451

religions and the supramental creation 188, 633-5, 742

and spirituality 317-8, 633, 786-7 (cf83)

morality and spirituality 304, 641

Lord of Falsehood and Lord of the Nations 208, 573, 593, 602
Hitler 208, 396, 414

Nazi sympathisers 414-6'

Falsehood and Death 208-9, 593, 601-2
'Rekhas' or lines on palms 221-2
founding her Ashram 217, 240, 242, 251, 573-5

its research in Yoga 754

cats educating their kittens 218-20, 560
animal behaviour and human perversion 219-20, 540, 560-1, 651, 667
lower (human) and higher (spiritual) law 300, 331, 633-4
symbolic character of human body 302, 562, 653, 752
memories in deep consciousness 302-3, 523, 750
Art as Yoga 303-4
ideas of Good and Evil 303, 659

falsity of its dichotomy 711

sorting true from false impulses 641, 721, 727

motivation for doing Yoga 305, 309
psychic being, the divine spark 306-7, 513ff, 539, 784 (cf 192-3)

and the 'psychic presence' 334-5, 557

the irrevocable plunge into the Divine 305, 308
getting out of the Karmic cycle 309
grappling with adverse forces 310ff, 557
place of adverse forces in the cosmic scheme 311, 526
vital beings, vampires 311-2
individual initiative and universal Will 314
psychological perfection 323

the five psychological perfections 612

total surrender 330, 526, 747
maladies of the vital 332
true resurrection 333
right attitude 335 (cf 57, 543)
the Sublime and the Beautiful 336
atmosphere in the Ashram 373-4, 434, 636

at Darshan time 628-9

cooperating with the Divine 375-6 (cf 739)
how to find her in this life 377
Suicide: sheer stupidity 377, 642, 713

Page 913

jealousy and vanity 378, 652
justice and evil-doers 401
Ahimsa 401
hypnotism 402
Churchill 416
Cripps' mission 425-6
War and her disciples 428
need for malleability 432
women's care of their body 438-9
New Woman's ideal of Beauty 440
Atomic bomb 442
sports and yoga 469
'modern' art 473

yogic discipline and destiny 479
things to cherish and defend 486

meditation and concentration 522, 554-5, 664-5 (cf123, 308)
'History' and the truth about the Past 523 (cf 554)
reading on ugly and terrible sides of life 523-4 (cf 661)
knowledge at 'gnostic' level 524
austerities and liberations 540-5
defining the Divine 546, 605
sincerity and realisation 551, 641, 648, 669
service to humanity 551-2
reality and making rules 554
true humility 553, 555 (cf56)
cure for boredom 555-6, 646

problem of Transformation 556-8, 562-3, 567, 591, 634-5, 665ff, 670, 672-3, 713-4, 719-21, 743-4, 749-51, 766, 784, 800-1, 805, 806 (cf245-6)

three approaches to 749 (cf 295-6)

Western and Indian music 557
Relativity 558

self-knowledge and world-knowledge 559 (also 56)
'God' and the 'Divine' 561, 668, 748, 787 (cfM011:64-8)
role of Earth in the Cosmos 562, 653, 774
fear of death and how to conquer it 563-5
Asuric forces and the two Wars 566
collaboration between occultism and spirituality 591-2
money and Karmayoga 600-1, 683-4
power of 'integral immobility' 613, 735
mystic truth at heart of Reality 614, 650
Supramental Manifestation 615-21, 812

the new stage of evolution 666

its progress 667-8

'child prodigies' 620-1 (cf 567, 746)
cure for corruption 622
Radha-consciousness 628
meeting evil by supramental Force 630-2
film Rani Rasmani 634

Page 913

words and acts 636, 771

atmosphere created by one's actions 642 (cf 5)
materialism, science and spirituality 643
containing the ego 644-7, 688, 762, 776, 800 (cf327)
delight of detachment 646-7 (cf 689)
youth and progress 645, 754, 758
Nirvana and the Path 647
Niraya (Hell) 648

behind loneliness and sorrow 652
double movement of evolutionary Nature 653 (cf 655)
the 'censors' 660
corpulence and depravity 667
silence and sadhana 671
Delight: raison d'être of the universe 689
cure for petty frustrations 690
levels of perfection 696-7
Fear: the worst thing 713

descent of a Truth-power and the Hippie revolution 715, 720
aspiration for the divine life 717
basic requirements of the Path 719, 725
true aim of life 721, 824
people's demand for miracles 736
how to serve the Truth 739, 795, 807
use of LSD 742
lila and maya 743

gifted children born recently 746 (cf620-1, 567)
strife in the world 747, 794-6
the Lord's laughter 748
why sinners seem to prosper 756
what to expect from her 764
how to act with servants 765
union of opposites in the Supreme 776
the art of sleeping 779
Pavitra's passing 780

the four categories of human beings 798
imperative need for agreement 801
what she expects of her children 805
true freedom 816

4. Works of the Mother

The Path of Later On 11-2
The Sapphire Story 31
A Leader 32ff

Words of Long Ago 32ff, 55-60, 505, 519
Virtues 35, 650
On Thought 36-8, 312
On Dreams 38-40, 519
To Know How to Suffer 40-2
The Supreme Discovery 42-3

Page 914

Prayers and Meditations 63ff, 126,136,142,195-7,299,301, 344ff, 370,383,479, 548-9, 555, 701

Radha's Prayer 93, 535

Talk to the Women of Japan 178ff

Women and the War 178fn, 438

Conversations 297ff, 301ff, 370, 385, 506, 524.-5, 550, 600

Words of the Mother 297ff, 301ff, 506, 550ff, 710

Some Answers by the Mother 375

Youth 468

Energy Inexhaustible 469

Towards the Future 470ff, 758

Foresight 479

The Ideal Child 480

Tales of All Times 480ff, 505

Commentaries on the Dhammapada 506, 639ff

On Education 508ff

Science of Living 509

Transformation 515

The Four Austerities and the Four Liberations 540ff, 545

A Dream 574-5, 726

Ascent to the Truth 575, 582ff, 594, 624, 662, 758

The Great Secret 575ff, 586, 594, 662, 758

The Problem of Women 603

The Mother on Sri Aurobindo 694-5

Meditations on Savitri 701ff, 712, 818

About Savitri 811ff

Mother Teresa see Teresa, Mother
Mother's School, New Delhi 652, 772, 797
Mountbatten, Lord Louis 450-1, 457
Mrinalini Ghose 153, 199
Mrinalini Chattopadhyaya 209
Mrityunjoy Mukherjee 270-1, 289, 349, 364, 379, 691
Muhammad (Mahomet), Prophet 180, 317, 482, 485
Mukherjee, Dr Shyamaprasad 533
Munshi, K.M. 426, 490, 536-7
Mussolini Benito 395ff, 403-4, 430

Nag, Dr Kalidas 534
Nandini Satpathy 778
Napoleon Bonaparte 405

Narayan Prasad 244, 320, 349, 354-5, 359, 434, 691
Naresh Bahadur 362, 652

Navajata (Keshavdev Poddar) 686, 691, 726, 816
Nehru, Jawaharlal see Jawaharlal
New Age Association 716-7, 727, 739, 745, 764, 780, 816
Nietzsche 181

Nirodbaran Talukdar 136, 164, 230, 273ff, 282, 342, 357, 372, 377-8, 398-400, 408, 427, 437-8, 443-4, 489-92, 494, 505, 590, 676, 691, 816, 818

Page 915

Nishikanta Roychoudhury 230

Nishtha (Margaret Wilson) 321, 398, 589

Nivedita 49

Nolini Kanta Gupta 78, 86, 91, 131, 196-7, 201, 203, 210-1, 217-8, 233-5, 246, 255, 263, 283, 297, 327-8, 340, 430, 435, 451, 494, 496, 534, 578, 595, 639, 691, 724, 761, 790-2, 801, 816, 820, 822-3

Noren Das Gupta 676
Norman Dowsett 724

Okakura Kakuzo 175, 193-4

Okhata, Dr 175-6, 183, 194

Okhawa, Dr S. and Mme 173ff, 183, 193, 838

Panu Sarkar 495

Parubai Patil 691

Parul Chakraborty 548

Patanjali 836

Patel, A.B. 573, 686

Patel, Manibhai 685

Patel, Sardar Vallabhbhai 457, 463

Pathak, G.S. 778

Pavitra (Philippe Barbier St.-Hilaire) 227-30, 235, 246, 280, 287, 296-7, 321, 325, 328-9, 362, 372, 433, 478, 494, 496, 558, 578, 678, 690-1, 732, 734, 780

Plato 315

Poincaré, President Raymond 132
Pondicherry 46-7, 89-90, 534, 571-2, 595, 756
Ponnuswami Aiyar, A.R. 353
Pournaprema (Francoise Morisset) 477
Poushpa Dass 745

Prabartak Sangha 200, 205, 213-4
Prabhat Sanyal, Dr 200, 491-5, 507, 817-8, 820
Pranab Bhattacharya 435, 437, 465, 549, 580, 652, 691, 734, 817-20
Prapatti (K.C. Pati) 691
Prasad, Rajendra 596
Prithwi Singh Nahar 408, 691
Prithwindra Mukherjee 29
Promode Kumar Chatterji 681
Punjalal 235, 497, 691
Purani, A..B. see Ambalal Purani
Purushottam Patel 325

Raja Yoga 15

Rajagopalachari (Rajaji) 404, 427, 457, 571

Rajangam 224, 235-6, 239, 255, 325, 329

Rajani Palit 233, 268

Ramana Maharishi, Sri 257

Ramanuja, Sri 180

Rarnanujachari, M.V. 483

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Rai, Pratap Chandra 483

Rainer Maria Rilke 59

Rassendran, J. 131

Reddy, C.R. 462

Richard, Paul 46ff, 78ff, 86, 89-90, 100ff, 107,119,126, 150,153,183, 201ff, 207-8

Rikiu (Zen Master) 194

Rishabhchand 63, 255, 277-8, 498, 691

Robi Gupta 723

Roger Anger 726, 744, 756, 778, 792-3

Romen Palit 268-9, 311, 365, 708

Roy, M.N. 404

Roy, Motilal 49, 89, 100-3, 107, 118, 127, 132-3, 149ff, 203-5, 213, 241, 281

Ruud Lohman 803-4

Sahana Devi (Gupta) 255, 262ff. 281, 285, 287, 289, 296-7, 335, 349, 356, 359, 364, 371, 691

Salvador de Madariaga 534
Samir Kant Gupta 12
Sanat Banerji 241
Sanyal, Dr see Prabhat Sanyal
Satprem 719, 753, 772-4, 777, 794, 808-9, 816
Satwalekar, Sripad Damodar 683
Satyakama Jabala 730
Satyendra Thakore 276-7, 400, 490
Saurin Bose 153
Schuman, Maurice 571
Seyril Schochen 763
Shakespeare 312, 324
Shankar Chettiar (Chetty) 47, 131
Shanti Doshi 271-3

Shantimayi (Janet McPheeters) 255, 296-7, 321
Shastri, Lal Bahadur 596
Shyamsunder Jhunjhunwalla 817
Sisirkumar Ghose 234
Sisirkumar Mitra 433, 676
Socrates 315
Soli Albless 568
SRI AUROBINDO 232, 420, 503, 635-6

Categorised under

1. Biographical
2. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother

3. Others on Sri Aurobindo

4. Sri Aurobindo on other subjects

5. Works of Sri Aurobindo

1. Biographical

experiences in jail 52-3, 162, 657

aim in retiring to Pondicherry 85, 102, 133, 199-200, 209, 215-6
his Yoga 85, 140-1, 201, 207, 209, 215, 247

Page 917

occult action on events and people 103, 148-50

in a French Presidential election 132fn

in the Russian Revolution 198

'never a philosopher' 131

aims and achievements 149-52, 204, 380, 503

'Krishna' and 'Kali' in 155

'teeming with the catch of the Infinite' 200

and India's independence 206, 450, 458

his Samata 210

change in his complexion 212

descent of Divine Consciousness 214, 216, 232-3 (cf Siddhi Day)

bringing down the Supermind 223-4, 226-7, 380-1, 503-4 (cf216)

not for himself 380

bridging the Empyrean and the Abyss 382 (cf 657)

crossing a difficult border 383

sonnets on 385ff

explorations in the world-stair 391ff

Arya 53, l00ff, 107ff, 127-8, 131

intellectual side of his work 101

and the War 109, 119-21, 128, 141-2

British moves against him 132
passing of Mrinalini Ghose 199
refuses presidentship of 1920 Congress Session 200
healing the cat Kiki 219
Evening Talks with disciples 220-1, 242
birthday talks 223-6, 232
what might cause his death 226
withdraws into seclusion 233, 241-2, 246, 251
Siddhi Day 234-6, 239-40, 615 (cf descent of Divine Consciousness)
difficulties and dangers in his life 262, 380
correspondence with sadhaks 247ff, 265, 273-4, 283-4, 370ff

on his Savitri 265, 387ff

at Darshans 358ff
sustains a fall 398-9
converses with his attendants 400ff
involvement in the War 404ff, 571

revision of The Life Divine 408-9

intervention with a spiritual force 411-2

knowledge of military and diplomatic moves 413

warns against support for Hitler 414-5

contribution to the war effort 415-6

against India seeking Japanese help 424

supports Cripps' proposals 425ff, 571

calls it the Mother's war 427-8

message on Independence Day 452-4
accepts the National Prize 462
contributes to Bulletin 466-8
prophetic vision of the post-war world 487-8

Page 918

growing taciturnity 489-90
sees K.M. Munshi 490
sees the French cultural commission 571
last Darshan and the lower earth-nature 490
takes up Savitri in earnest 491
pulling down the supramental light 491-4, 503
passing 492ff

interment 493ff, 501ff, 823
birth centenary celebrations 788ff, 803, 810, 829

2. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother

inner history in Savitri 3-4, 8-9, 12, 14, 16, 28, 44, 81, 84-6, 115, 126,184-5, 203, 286, 293, 315, 387-93, 491, 493-4, 496, 502, 610, 674, 695, 706-7, 734, 793-4, 809, 817, 824-5, 829, 831, 833, 839-40, 844 (also 569)

symbols 46-7, 51, 345-6
first contacts 49-50, 78-9
location of their Ashram 53, 567
first meeting 86, 126

its significance 87-8, 92, 140

its result in her 88-9, 94-5

way of conversing 87, 207
unique (Avatar) role 97-8, 139, 141-3, 152, 163-4, 201, 326, 343, 394, 420, 502, 591, 760, 774, 831-2
'divine Centre' 105, 126, 567
exchange of letters 136, 139-42, 144-5, 154-5
identity of consciousness 229-30, 243, 354-6, 394, 830-2
maintaining the Ashram 240, 248ff, 251, 280-2, 432ff, 443ff, 459
action of their spiritual Force 136-7, 230-1, 243-5, 249-50, 282, 356-7, 367-8, 589
'Leaders of the Way' 373, 380, 420
atmosphere 374
Sri Aurobindo on the Mother:

in her Prayers and Meditations 65

her self-surrender 86

her Vedic experience 145

her role in his Yoga 201, 237, 240ff, 247, 282, 288, 295, 380, 460

guidance through her 230, 243-4, 248, 253, 292, 355-6, 590

her motherhood 233-4, 246-50, 253

her illness in 1931 344

is Sri Aurobindo's Force 354

her aura 362-3

her share of difficulties as path-finder 380

her victory 384

her occult working on sadhaks 339, 343, 395 (cf-230)

War and her disciples 427-8

her Spiritual Flag of India 455, 466

inner relation with sadhaks 247, 283, 305, 692

The Mother on Sri Aurobindo:

his aura 202-3 (cf 84)

his Work: no mere experiment 332

Page 919

his sovereign peace 336
and mayavada 336
Savitri 389-90, 393
transfers from his body to hers

the supramental Force 491-2, 494, 807

the Mind of Light 503

his body charged with supramental light 494
significance of his passing 503-4, 799, 807
continuing his work 537, 799, 807
'belongs to the future' 606, 799

'is the Future...'754

the 'Golden Purusha' 617, 694
significance of his birth 635-6, 712, 831-2, 829
what he expects of us 636
his prose style 653-4, 656-7
what he came to tell us 669, 802
her understanding him anew 768
laying down Auroville's future 772
messages on his centenary 799-802

3. Others on Sri Aurobindo
Amal Kiran 86-7
Andre 478

Champaklal 212, 420
Jaya 234, 239
Kapali Sastry 212, 360
Narayan Prasad 359

Nirodbaran 273-6, 360, 398-9, 408, 493
Nolini Kanta 86, 204, 217
Purani 212, 221, 225, 235
Richard, Paul 48-9
Shanti 271
Subbarao 222

4. Sri Aurobindo on

supreme Sastra, Veda in the heart 14-5, 75

occultism 17-8

dream-consciousness 39-40

the path of this Yoga 152, 155, 208-9, 227-8, 274, 375

its assured success 152, 232

state of Samadhi 87
collective transformation 92
desiderata for effective action 102
the true Aryan 108-9
First World War 118-9, 141, 198-9
reading Life Divine 121 (cf 656-7)
his teaching and the purpose of Arya 127-8

and the coming Satyayuga 128

pitfalls of revolutionary Indian movements 151-2
Dr Okhawa's process of cure 176

Page 920

the 'Secret of Secrets' 197

the Way of the Bhakta 197

League of Nations 216

India's salvation and mission 200, 216

the Power guiding her 458

significance of his birthday 232
the world of the Gods 232

founding his Ashram 240, 247-8, 251 (cf200, 204, 215-6)
love mundane and divine 250 (cf475, 544-5)
hostile forces and Ashram sadhaks 261, 275-6, 374-5
hardships in his life 262
sadhana and newspaper-reading 274

two necessities of 377
and suicide 377
cheerfulness in 378
difficulties in 379-80

ego and its liberation 327
law of sacrifice 327, 614

interpreting his and Mother's words 372, 771 (cf 636)
coming spiritual revolution 376, 672, 707, 782 (cf227)
Hitler 208, 394ff

and the Iron Dictators 396
and Chamberlain 403
threat of Asuric forces 403
the Dwarf Napoleon 405
traitor Quisling 409-10
and children of Wotan 410-1
menace of Hitlerism 414
sadhaks desiring Nazi victory 414-5
missing the bus 415
fascination for 15 August 415, 441

the Japanese threat of 1942 424
discipline in Golconde 444
Cabinet Mission of 1946 447
Hindu-Muslim problem 448
prevailing cynicism and the coming Light 450
partition of India 452, 809-10
Gandhi's tragic end 458
sports in the Ashram 460, 466-7
supreme perfection 467-8 (cf 696)
invasion of South Korea 487

foresees Chinese intentions on Tibet and India 487-8
East-West understanding 488
purpose of his embodiment 503
money power 600

human progress and new stage of evolution 666, 707, 752
the best kind of meditation 716

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5. Works of Sri Aurobindo


Arya 53, l00ff, 107ff, 126ff, 133, 148, 150, 191, 197-8, 201, 203, 212, 215, 281, 324, 370, 376, 385, 408-9, 615, 654, 657, 685, 830

synthesis of all knowledge 107

its intrinsic meaning 108-9

Revue de la Grande Synthèse 101, 108, 109, 127

Karmayogin 102, 508
Dharma 102

The Synthesis of Yoga 14-5, 101, 110, 119,182, 198, 214, 305, 324-5, 327, 370, 389, 468, 548, 613-4, 621, 629, 696, 793, 842

The Life Divine 39, 101, 103,110,119-20,152,182,198, 214, 324, 370, 389, 408-9, 417, 468, 548, 650, 653-4, 656, 664ff, 667, 672, 680, 682, 793, 830

Kena Upanishad 101
Isha Upanishad 101, 110
The Secret of the Veda 101, 110, 119
The Human Cycle 182, 198, 548

The Ideal of Human Unity 182, 198, 385, 487, 548, 573, 685
The Future Poetry 182, 198, 203, 491
Uttarpara Speech 198
A Defence of Indian Culture 198, 203
Essays on the Gita 197-8, 324, 326, 385, 398, 589
Bhavani Mandir 216, 241, 706

The Mother 255, 292ff, 337, 345, 375, 385, 525, 529, 600
Yoga and Its Objects 326
Hymns to the Mystic Fire 327
Letters on Yoga 372
Lights on Yoga 372, 385
Bases of Yoga 372-3, 385
The Riddle of This World 385

The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth 466-8, 621, 633
On Yoga 525

Thoughts and Aphorisms 664, 688, 710ff
Thoughts and Glimpses 629, 633
The Hour of God 706-7

The Rishi 52

A God's Labour 94, 347-8. 382, 390

Trance in Waiting 112

Descent 112

Bird of Fire 170, 385-6

Invitation 202

Despair on the Staircase 220

Thought the Paraclete 313, 381, 386

Rose of God 381-2, 386

The Divine Hearing 383-4

In Horis Aeternum 385

Page 922

Trance 386

The Life Heavens 386

Musa Spiritus 386

The Pilgrim of the Night 387

Urvasie 387

Uloupie 387

Chitrangada 387

Love and Death 387

The Cosmic Man 394

The Children of Wotan 396, 410-1

The Iron Dictators 396

The Dwarf Napoleon 397, 405

In the Battle 406

Perseus the Deliverer 406

Collected Poems and Plays 429

Assignation with the Night 490

Hymn to Durga 535, 539, 706

The Blue Bird 595

The Descent of Ahana 650

Ilion 680

Savitri 265, 387-93, 449, 491, 501, 615, 701, 793

Aswapathy and the Avatar 184-5
Night and Dawn 333, 812
its revision 387-8
guide to Yoga 389-90
on war and destruction 395, 406
The Book of Fate 491
prophetic words of Narad 501-2
defeat of Death 565
symbol behind the legend 830

Sri Aurobindo's Action 788-9
Sri Aurobindo Society 685-6, 717, 726
Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library 788
Srinivasachariar, Mandayam 85, 220
Sri Prakasa 596
Stalin, Joseph 395
Standard Bearer, The 79, 205
Still-sitting movement 153, 175-6, 194, 221, 302
Subbarao, G. V. 222
Subramaniam, C. 716
Sudhir Ghose 488

Sundaram (Tribhuvandas Luhar) 691
Sunil Bhattacharya 681, 700, 718, 734-5
Surendra Mohan Ghose 251, 450, 534, 571-2, 595, 686
Surendra Nath Jauhar 165, 288, 417, 507, 538, 624, 689, 709, 733, 747, 797, 817
Suvrata (Mme Yvonne Gaebele) 321, 418
Syed Mehdi Imam 617

Page 923

Tagore, Rabindranath 5, 175, 183, 262, 582

Tan Yun-shan, Prof 532

Tandon, Purushottamdas 226

Tara Jauhar 691, 710

Tea Ceremony 194-5, 287-8, 319, 321

Teilhard de Chardin 732

Teresa, Saint 38, 62, 129

Teresa, Mother 552

Théon, Alma 21-5

Théon, Max 21-5, 191

Thompson, Francis 28

Thoreau, H.D. 186, 485

Tiruvalluvar 485

Tilak, Lokamanya E.G. 199

Togo Mukherjee 723.

Tolstoy, Leo 108, 186, 485

Truman, President Harry 488

Udar (L.M. Pinto) 278-9, 435, 493ff, 685, 691, 723, 788, 795, 817
Uma Sahasram 257-8
Underhill, Evelyn 61, 96
U.N.O. 446

Vasudha Shah 255, 265ff, 287, 674, 691, 699, 817
Vaun McPheeters 255, 296-7
Venkataraman, K.S. 258, 351, 377
Vijayatunga, J. 461, 535
Vincent de Paul, Saint 551-2
Virgil 485, 633
Visvamitra, Rishi 92
Vivekananda, Swami 15

Werner Haubrich (Saumitra) 674 ,.
The Wherefore of the Worlds 110, 120, 127
Wilson, Margaret see Nishtha
Wilson, President Woodrow 398
Wordsworth, William 5-6, 111, 484, 514
World Union 573, 685-6, 755
Wretched of the Earth, The 773

Yogic Sadhan 91
Yoga Sutras 192
Younghusband, Sir Francis 409

Zen Buddhism 153, 193ff, 288
Zir Naidu 47, 131
Zola, Emile 21fn
Zoroaster 482

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