On The Mother 924 pages 1994 Edition


The chronicle of a manifestation & ministry - 'deep and sensitive insight into a great life, its authenticity, artistic vision & evocative creative language'

On The Mother

The chronicle of a manifestation and ministry

  The Mother : Biography

K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar
K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar

On the Mother was selected for the 1980 Sahitya Akademi annual award, and the citation referred to the book's 'deep and sensitive insight into a great life, its authenticity, artistic vision and evocative creative language'.

On The Mother 924 pages 1994 Edition
 PDF     The Mother : Biography



The Mother's writings and recorded conversations have been published in the original French, as well as in authorised English translations. The Mother often wrote or spoke in English too to her disciples, and most of these writings and conversations have also been collected and published.

In the birth centenary edition of the Mother's Collected Works the following titles have come out to date:

Vol.1 Prayers and Meditations: Prayers and meditations selected by the Mother from her diaries of 1912 to 1919, and five prayers of a later date.

Vol.2 Words of Long Ago: Writings before 1920: Early essays. Transcripts of talks given in 1912 to seekers in Paris. Essays written in Japan between 1916 and 1920. Tales of All Times: stories for children. And other writings.

Vol.3 Questions and Answers. Oral answers to questions about Yoga raised by disciples in 1929 and in 1930-31. Oral commentary on The Dhammapada in 1957-58.

Vol.4 Questions and Answers 1950-51. Oral answers to questions about the Mother's essays on education and self-development, about her Questions and Answers 1929, and about Sri Aurobindo's The Mother.

Vol.5 Questions and Answers 1953. Oral answers to questions about the Mother's Questions and Answers 1929.

Vol.6 Questions and Answers 1954. Oral answers to questions about the Mother's essays on education and self-development, and Sri Aurobindo's Elements of Yoga, The Mother and Bases of Yoga.

Vol.7 Questions and Answers 1955. Oral answers to questions about Sri Aurobindo's Bases of Yoga, a chapter from his The Human Cycle, two chapters from his The Synthesis of Yoga, and the Mother's drama. The Great Secret.

Vol.8 Questions and Answers 1956. Oral answers to questions about Part One of Sri Aurobindo's The Synthesis of Yoga and his Thoughts and Glimpses.

Vol.9 Questions and Answers 1957-58. Oral answers to questions about Sri Aurobindo's Thoughts and Glimpses, The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth and the last six chapters of The Life Divine.

Vol.10 On Thoughts and Aphorisms. Commentaries, oral and written, on Sri Aurobindo's Thoughts and Aphorisms; given during 1958-70.

Vol.11 Notes on the Way. Conversations with a disciple, between 1961 and 1973, about the spiritual experiences and sadhana that the Mother was undergoing during that time.

Vol.12 On Education. Essays on education and self-development, written during 1949-55. Correspondence and conversations with students, teachers and physical education captains. Three dramas: Towards the Future, The Great Secret and The Ascent to Truth.

Vol.13 Words of the Mother. Short written statements about Sri Aurobindo, the Mother herself, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Auroville, India and other nations.

Vol.14 Words of the Mother. Short written statements about Yoga and Life:

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Man's relationship with the Divine, the path of Yoga, elements of Yoga, difficulties, human relationships, work, parts of the being.

Vol.15 Words of the Mother. Short written statements, and conversations, about Yoga and life: The Gods, religion, war, wealth, government, progress, transformation and the Supramental, illness and health, messages for the New Year, for Darshan days, etc. And other subjects.

Vol.16 Some Answers from the Mother. Correspondence with fourteen disciples, including letters from the Mother to her son, Andre Morisset.

Vol.17 More Answers from the Mother. Correspondence with six disciples on their work, study, sadhana and life.


The Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library in thirty volumes is the definitive edition of Sri Aurobindo's Works. The more important volumes in the context of the present work are:

Vol. 5 Collected Poems

Vol. 12 The Upanishads

Vol. 13 Essays on the Gita

Vol. 16 The Supramental Manifestation

Vol. 17 The Hour of God

Vols. 18-19 The Life Divine

Vols. 20-21 The Synthesis of Yoga

Vols. 22-24 Letters on Yoga

Vol.25 The Mother

Vol. 26 On Himself

Vols. 28-29 Savitri - A Legend and a Symbol

Vol. 27 Supplement


Sri Aurobindo Ashram (Pondicherry)

Poems on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (1954)

Sri Aurobindo and His Ashram (7th Deluxe ed. 1985)

The Sunlit Path (4th imp. 1992)

The Mother on Herself (2d ed. 1989)

India and her Destiny (2d ed. 1989)

Health and Healing in Yoga (5th imp. 1991)

The Mother: Paintings and Drawings (1992)

Flowers and their Messages (4th Revised ed. 1992)

The Spiritual Significance of Flowers (1994)

Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (Pondicherry)

A New Education for a New Consciousness (1992)

Ever to the New and the Unknown (1993)

Sri Aurobindo Ashram (New Delhi)

Pioneer of the Supramental Age (1958)

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Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir (Calcutta)

Loving Homage (1958)

The Golden -Book of The Mother (1958)

Dalal, A.S.

Living Within (7th imp., 1994)

The Hidden Forces of Life (1990)

The Psychic Being (2d imp., 1990)

Growing Within (1st ed. 1992)

Das, Nilima and Sethna, K.D.

Glimpses of the Mother vol.1 (1978), vol.2 (1980)

Gokak, V.K. and Reddy, Madhusudan

The Flame of Truth (1968)

Huta (Hindocha)

White Roses (complete ed. 1982)

Madan, P.K.

Towards Divine Living (1974)

Poddar, Vijay

On Women (5th imp. 1990)


Some letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (1989)

Sethna, K.D.

Life-Literature-Yoga (2d ed. 1967)


The magazine literature on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is a growing, and almost a global, phenomenon. Only some of the more important journals are mentioned below, many of them issuing from Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry.

Arya A Monthly Philosophical Review, edited by Sri Aurobindo Ghose, Paul and Mirra Richard, (1914-21). Photographically reproduced in 7 volumes by All India Press, Pondicherry, 1990

Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual, Calcutta, since 1942

The Advent (Quarterly) since 1944

Sri Aurobindo Circle (Annual) since 1945

Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education (formerly Bulletin of Physical Education) (Quarterly) since 1949

Mother India (Monthly since 1951- originally fortnightly) since 1949

Srinvantu (Quarterly) Calcutta, since 1953

World Union (Quarterly, then Monthly, now Quarterly) since 1961

Sri Aurobindo's Action (Monthly) since 1970

All India Magazine (Monthly) Sri Aurobindo Society, since 1971

Service Letter (Monthly) M.P. Pandit, since 1972

Golden Light (Annual) Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore, since 1972

Collaboration (Quarterly) Matagiri, New York, since 1974

Call Beyond (Monthly) Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi, since 1976

Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research (Bi-annual) since 1977

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Auroville Today (Monthly) since 1988

Gavesana (Annual) since 1989

Integral Vision (Annual) Sri Aurobindo Society, Colombo


Arjava (Chadwick, J.A.)

Dalal, A.S.

Dowsett, Norman C.

Dowsett, N.C. and Jayaswal

Gokak, V.K.

Gupta, Nolini Kanta

Heehs, Peter

Huta (Hindocha)

Jauhar, S.N.

Joshi, Kireet and Artaud, Yvonne

Mukherjee, Jugal

Nandakumar, Prema



Pandit, Madhav

Pandit, Madhav, ed.

Poems (1939)

Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga (1st imp. 1992)

Psychology for Future Education (1977)

Dimensions of Spiritual Education (1975)

In Life's Temple (1965)

Yoga of Sri Aurobindo (2d imp. 1983)

Sweet Mother (1974)

Sri Aurobindo: A Brief Biography (1989)

Matrimandir (1974)

My Mother (1982)

Exploration in Education (1974)

From Man Human to Man Divine (1990)

A Study of "Savitri" (1962)

Sri Aurobindo: A Brief Biography (1972)

The Mother (1977)

Our Mother (1977)

Talks with Sri Aurobindo vol.1 (2d ed. 1986) vol.2-3 (2d ed 1985) vol.4 (1989) Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo Vols. 1 & 2 (Complete ed. 1982)

Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo (3d imp. 1988)

Sri Aurobindo's Humour (1974)

Sri Aurobindo for All Ages (1990)

Memorable Moments with the Mother (2d ed. 1st imp. 1993)

Mrinalini Devi (1988)

Dream Cadences (1946)

The Yoga of Works (1976)

The Yoga of Self-Perfection (1983)

Commentaries on the Mother's Ministry in 4 vols. (1983, 1983, 1985, 1988)

The Mother and I (1984)

The Yoga of Transformation (1989)

An Early Chapter in the Mother's Life (1990)

The Mother of Love (3d ed. 1990)

Collected Works of Sri T.V.Kapali Sastriar

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Pavitra (St-Hilaire, P.B.)


Poddar, Vijay

Pournaprema (Françoise Morisset)

Prasad, Narayan


Purani, A.B.

Reddy, Madhusudan


Rishabhchand and Shyam Sunder

Romen Palit

Roy, Dilip Kumar

Roy, D.K. and Indira Devi

Sahana Devi

Sarkar, Mona

Sastry, Kapali


Sethna, K.D. (Amal Kiran)

Sethna, K.D. and Nirodbaran

12 vols. (1977 to 1992)

Breath of Grace (1973)

Champaklal Speaks (2d imp. 1976)

Champaklal's Treasures (1976)

The Message of Sri Aurobindo and His Ashram (1947)

Education and the Aim of Human Life (4th imp. 1990)

The Future Evolution of Man (3d ed., 4th imp. 1990)

On the Mother Divine (1968)

Towards Tomorrow (1989)

Une Drole de Petite Fille [Mirra's childhood by her grand-daughter] (1982)

Life in Sri Aurobindo Ashram (2d ed. 1968)

Lotus Grove (1977)

Stotra Samhita (1977)

The Life of Sri Aurobindo (4th revised ed., 5th imp. 1988)

Sapphires of Solitude (1960)

In the Mother's Light 2 vols (1951)

The Divine Collaborators (1955)

Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo (3d ed. 1974)

Sri Aurobindo: His Life Unique (1982)

The Destiny of Man (1969)

The Golden Apocalypse (1953)

Eyes of Light (1948)

Sri Aurobindo Came to Me (1964)

Pilgrims of the Star (1973)

At the Feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (1985)

Sweet Mother: Harmonies of Light vol.1 (2dimp. 1989) vol.2 (1979)

Flame of White Light (1960)

Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness (Translated from French by Tehmi. 8th imp. 1990)

The Passing of Sri Aurobindo (1951)

Overhead Poetry (1972)

Altar and Flame (1975)

The Mother - Past, Present and Future (1977)

Our Light and Delight (1980)

The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo (2d ed. 1992)

Some Talks at Pondicherry (1974)

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Shyam Kumari


Light and Laughter (1974)

The Technology of Consciousness (1991)

Vignettes of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (2d ed. 1990)

More Vignettes of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (1991)

How They Came to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother vols.1-4 (1990-94)

Poems (1952)

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