Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education





New Delhi

18-20 January, 2002




Professor R.M. Kalra(Honorary Adviser)

Dr. J.D. Sharma(Research Associate)


Darshan Bhawan

36, Tughlakabad Institutional Area

New Delhi -110062

I Introduction

1.1The Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) orgnized at New Delhi a three day National Seminar from 18 to 20 January, 2002 on "Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education : Theory and Practice".

1.2A Pre-Seminar Discussion on "Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education" was also organized on 5m January, 2002. Participants deliberated on several issues related to the theme of the Seminar. The deliberations of the pre-seminar and suggestions of the participants proved useful to chalk out the programme for the Seminar. A copy of the "Highlight of the Presentations and Suggestions given in the Pre-Seminar Discussion" is included in the Raport of the Seminar.

1.3The National Seminar on the Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education deliberated on the following major themes/topics:

*Macaulay, English Education and its Impact

*Educational Philosophies of the Leaders of the Ranascent India

* Vision of Value-Oriented Education

*Innovative Practices in Respect of Value-Oriented Education Oriented Education

*Contributions of Literature to Value-Oriented Education

II Participants

2.1A copy of the programme of the seminar is included in the Report of the Seminar.

The Seminar was organized atjamia Hamdard (University), New Delhi 110062

2.2About 300 participants attended the Seminar. The participants included eminent philosophers, educationists, Unversity/College/School teachers, representatives from several NGOs, literacy figures, retired persons and several other individuals. Among others, the Seminar was attended by the Chairmans/ Directors of apex educational orgnizations like:

*University Grants Commission (UGC)

*National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)

*National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)

*National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA)

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*National Open School (NOS)

*Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS)

These organization are stake holders in the field of education in the country.

2.3 Professor Murli Manohar Joshi, Hon'ble Minister of Human Resource Development, Science and Technology and Ocean Development gave inaugural address. The inaugural session was also addressed by:

*Professor Kireet Joshi, Chairman, ICPR

*Professor Rajendra Prasad

*Shri M.K Kaw, Former Secretary, MHRD, Government of India

*Shri Siraj Hussain, Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Hamdard

*Professor D.P. Chattopadhyaya, Chairman, Centre for Studies in Civilizations

The Valedictory Address was delivered by Shri T.N. Chaturvedi, Former Auditor and Comptroller General of India, and a Rajya Sabha Member.

Ill Recommendations of the Seminar

3.1 The National Seminar on the Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education proposed several recommendations which are included in the main Report of the Seminar.

IV Feedback about the Seminar

4.1 During deliberations of the seminar and during tea-break and lunch, certain observations, comments and suggestions about orgnizational aspects and other matters related to the Seminar were given. The Faculty of IPCR noted the observations and suggestions etc., for keeping these in view in organizaing future programmes (seminars, workshops, meetings, etc.) on Value Education. However, as a follow up of the Seminar, the ICPR felt that a rapid survey of reaction and suggestions of the participants may be made so as to obtain pinpointed well expressed comments and suggestions. For this purpose, a brief Questionnaire was drafted and sent on 4.2.2002 to the participants under the signature of the Chairman ICPR. The Questionnaire is as follows:

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4.2 Feed Back/Follow up of Seminar on Value-Oriented Education

1.Have you participated in "Seminar on Philosophy of Value Oriented

Education" conducted by ICPR?

Yes ()

No( )

If yes, for how many days?


2-( )

3.( )

2.Do you think that this type of Seminar will be helpful in providing Quality Education, especially in the school system?

Yes ( )

No( )

3.If yes, give views about implementation of the Value Education in the education system?

4.What do you think about the organization of this Seminar ?

Excellent ( )

Very Good ( )

Good ( )

Moderate ( )

Not Satisfactory ( )

5.Give suggestion for improvement, if any




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4.3 The Chairman, ICPR, requested the participants to send their observations and suggestions to Professor R.M. Kalra, Honorary Adviser to the Seminar on "Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education" and Visiting Professor (Education) USA and Canada. By 28th February, 2002, responses to the questionnaire were received from seventysix participants which included (i) Philosophers/eminent educationists, (ii) Heads and faculty of apex autonomous educational orgnizations, (iii) Managers and teachers of Universities, Colleges, and Schools, (iv) representatives from NGOs, and (v) individuals.

V Analysis of Feedback

5.1Numeriacal analysis about two aspects, viz. (i) Attendance and (ii)Rating of the Seminar is given below:

5.2Statement showing attendance and Feedback about Rating of the Seminar

Vii Annexure III - 0008-1.jpg

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The feedback from the Rapid Survey revealed the 57% participants rated the Seminar as excellent, 37% participants rated the Seminar as Very Good, and 6% participants rated the Seminar as Good. 69% participants attended the Seminar for all three days, 19% participants attended the Seminar for two days and 12% participants attended the Seminar for one day only.

A: General Comments/Suggestions about Organizational Aspects of the Seminar

1. The IPCR may organize a follow up workshop for discussion on recommendations of the Seminar on Value Education organized by it from 18 to 20 January, 2002 with a view to developing a "Plan of Action". Concerted efforts are needed to operationalize the Value Education programme. Among other things, teams of experts may be formed for advising and assisting in planning and implementation of Value Education Pro-

2.The papers presented in the IPCR Seminar (18-20 January, 2002) may be compiled and published in a book form. Valuable suggestions given in the papers presented in the Seminar may be shifted for taking appropriate follow up action.

3.The IPCR Seminar schedule(18-20 January, 2002)was very tight.

4.The time for ceremonial function during seminars on Value-Education may be reduced.

5.Ensure that voice of speakers is audiable to audience through the public address system in each block of seats in the Conference Hall.

6.The participants for the Seminar may also include:

*Stake holders in planning and implementation of Value-Education programmes in the education system

*Actual implementers

*Some representations of teachers, parents and students

*People from diverse sections of society

*Eminent literary figures

7.One of the sessions of the seminar on Value Education may be earmarked for students.

8.The Seminars on Value Education may inter alia deliberate on a significant issue, viz. how to integrate the Value Education programme in the examination-oriented system of education, without adding workload on students and teachers.

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9.In the Seminar on Value Education organized by IPCR:

(i)Interactive goals were clear but there was a scope of improvement

(ii)Participation of audience was coordinated quantitatively

(iii)It could have been a seminar-cum-workshop

10.Adequate time may be allocated for group discussions on issues to planning, implementation and monitoring of Value Education programme. The recommendations of groups may be presented and discussed in plenary sessions. Strategies for introduction, implementation of programmes in Value Education in schools, colleges and under alternative education system may be deliberated specially.

11.Each speaker should suggest action points for operationalization of Value-Education Programme.

12.The Seminars on Value Education may be organized in different parts of the country. The Seminars may be organized in collaboration with apex educational organisations at national and state level like UGC,


13.Relevant material on Value Education may be distributed in the seminars on Value Education.

14.Good practices in Value Education may be highlighted in the seminars on Value Education instead of mentioning theoretical aspects only.

15.In the Seminars on Value Education deliberations may inter alia be made on the essential and eternal Values.

16.In the Seminars on Value Education emphasis should be laid on the significance of spiritual consciousness to be inculcated in students, teachers and parents; Inner growth is essential for real intergral education.

B. Specific suggestions regarding Value Education Programme

I Planning of Value Education Programme

1.1Value Education may be made an integral part of educational process.

1.2Value Education may be an integral part of the curriculum but not an independent subject.

Another View: Introduce a paper on Value Education at the school stage

which my be compulsory.

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1.3A holistic approach is needed for planning and implementation of Value-Education Programme. In this endeavor, personnel related to formal schooling, NGOs and Media may work in a coordinated manner, pursuing a common agenda.

1.4Diversity of humanity requires several approaches in respect of Education in Human Values. What stimulates one may bore another. Appropriate practical research is essential to make the Value Education Programme truly effective.

1.5Moral and Spiritual teaching be made compulsory.

1.6A list of values may be prepared through general consensus.

1.7Emphasis in the education system may be given on values such as:

- Nationalism/national integration

- Patriotism

- Satya

- Dharma

- Daya

- Dana

- Self Study

- Respect for parents, teachers, classmates

- Values enshrined in the Constitution such as equality, justice, freedom, peace.

1.8Create balance between national goals/societal concerns and individual goals/concerns.

1.9Reconcile mismatch between values in home and values in school.

1.10Introduce skill-based value education courses/programmes in value education.

1.11The programme of Education in Human Values at college level may be slightly different from such programme at school level.

1.12Define/decide values which can be implemented in schools.

II Materials on Value Education

2.1 Efforts may be made to develop a comprehensive package on Value

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Education. A core group may be assigned the task of preparation of draft oudines/framework for preparation of a comprehensive package on Value Education.

2.2A panel of inter-religious people may be formed to compile from existing inspirational scripture the essence of each religion/sect on fundamental issues such as:

- Who am I?

- Purpose of life.

- How human beings are interconnected?

- Concept of oneness of all.

- Harmony of religions

2.3Values may be culled out from traditional texts in the context of programmes on Education in Human Values.

2.4Highlight educational philosophies of Indian thinkers (from ancient to modern period) in so far as these relate to education in human values with particular reference to:

- development of textual material

- teaching/learning strategies

- pupil evaluaion

2.5The textual material and teaching/learning strategies may reflect on:

(i)What is value?

(ii)How value system changes or remains constant with change of time?

(iii)Relation of values in the society.

2.6Textual materials/books may inter alia include:

(i) brief biographies of great personalities, and (ii) stories with inspiring message etc.

2.7The existing textual materials may be examined from the standpoint of education in human values. Tools for evaluation of values in textual materials may be developed and used.

2.8Values may be woven implicitly in textual material of different subjects like language, arts, science and mathematics. Specific material on value education may not be prescribed in the curriculum.

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2.9Existing material on value education may be adopted or suitably adapted in the context of operationalization of Value Education Programme.

2.10Provide teaching/learning material that may stir the souls of children.

2.11Flood the schools and colleges with value based literature.

Ill Teachmg/Learning Strategies

3.1Metholdology for implementation of the programme of Value Education may be devised before actual implemetation (for better pedagogical utility)

3.2Co-curricular activities play significant role in value education. Inculcate values through :

- Stories

- Poetry

- Anecdots

- Playfield activities

- Literary classes

- Scouts and Guides programme (to instill values such

- as caring, painting, music, dance, etc.)

- Cooperative learning

- Activities in morning assembly

- Care of environment

3.3Values can be conveyed effectively through stories, plays, quizzes, songs, dances, paintings, sports, etc.

3.4An action-oriented approach is needed for full participation of (i) teachers, (ii)parents and (iii) community in planning and operationalization of Value-Oriented Programmes.

3.5Implementation of Value Education Programme requires very close cooperation between school and home.

3.6The teachers and other educationists may practise values which may be caught by the students. The role of the teacher in this regard should be constructive and proactive.

3.7Efforts may be made to ensure that teachers act as role models for students.

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Parents may also play their role in responsible manner in the interest of inclucation of human values in children. Schools and colleges may interact with parents in this regard.

3.8Each teacher may devote some time to relate value education with the concerned subjects.

3.9Involve children in soul redeeming activities like promoting literacy.

3.10Develop power of concentration through Yogic Exercises.

3.11Ensure positive media intervention in the context of implementation of Programme of Value Education.

3.12Dovetail the Value Education Programme with cultural programme in schools.

3.13The schools may organize talks on Value Education by specialists. Documentary films reflecting values may be shown periodically to students, teachers and parents.

3.14Earmark a period/time of about twenty minutes in school time table for silence/meditation and studying the lives of great personalities, saints, their ideas/teachings. Such programmes may help acquiring desirable values and controlling the mind.

3.15Provide chances to children to live in the company of cultured and well mannered persons/teachers.

IV Training of Personnel

4.1Ensure quality in teacher education programme and eventually in the teacher educators who are to serve as true harbingers of change.

4.2Make suitable provision for providing recurrent in-service training of teachers.

4.3Make suitable provision for providing recurrent in-service training of teachers in value education.

4.4Organize orientation programmes/camps of teachers and students in which Value Education may be the main agenda.

The orientation/awareness programme may inter alia include themes such as "Power of Attitude" and "Science of Living". Such material has been developed by "Gnostic Centre".

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4.5 Teachers, students and other concerned personnel may be sensitised about matters related to values such as (i) purpose of life, (ii) fearlessness, (iii) wisdom, and (iv) peace.

VFramework for Value Education Programme

5.1A task force under the Chairmanship of the Chairman, UGC may develop a comprehensive framework for the Value Education Programme. This task force may inter alia include the Director, NCERT, the Director NIEPA, and some experienced/dynamic persons from school sector, etc.

5.2A Committee of experts may be formed that may guide the schools about implementation strategies for Value Education Programme.

5.3Some Nodal Agency/Nodal Agencies may coordinate the efforts of various organisation in Value Education.

5.4ICPR may set up a Value Education Research Centre.

5.5ICPR may disseminate widely the recommendations of its Seminar on the "Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education". The Education Departments and educational institutions may be persuaded to adopt/adapt the recommendation and taking suitable follow up action.

5.6Forums need to be provided for exchange of ideas and focussed decision on implementation strategies.

5.7Involve more women teachers, particularly at the primary stage.

5.8Prepare an army of volunteers for implementation of the Programme of Value Education.

5.9Explicit political will is necessary for a Programme of Education in Human Values.

VIGeneral Suggestion about improvement of Quality of Education

6.1A significant aim of education should be the character building. Education may go beyond words to include experience and action. Education should teach how to live.


(i)Child-centred value education

(ii)Women-centred family values

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(iii)Values at work-place (diligence as nucleus)

(iv)Civilization and culture-centred social values

(v)Spirit-centred global values

(vi)Interface between East and West on values

(vii)Inculcation of universal values

6.3We may accept the good things that the English brought, provided we develop our own spirit, our own intallectual vigour and vital capacities.

6.4Vocational Education component may be strengthened in textual material. Suitable guidelines may be prepared in this regard.


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