Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1


A. E. (George Russell), 45, 152,195,275

Adwaita, 139

Aesop, 97

Africa, 56, 101

Agastya, 281

Agni, 9, 247

Ajanta, 136, 179

Akbar, 93, 394

Alexander, 208, 394

Allies, the, 75, 88, 89

America, 56, 72, 81, 87, 89, 91, 103-4, 111, 119, 209

Amitabha, 273

Anarchism, 112

Anaxagoras, 326

Angst, 377

Anselm, 150

Apollo, 177,220

Aquinas, Thomas, 150

Aristotle, 128, 182,219,322

Arjuna, 60, 188-9,384-5, 391

Arminius, 88

Arnold, Matthew, 68, 192, 240, 272

Artemis, 195

Asia, 16, 48, 70, 101, 148, 152-3, 240, 245


Asura, 18, 69-74, 186, 201, 234, 267,

272, 291, 376, 382-3, 386 Aswatthama, 298

Aswins, 9

Athena, 222

Atlantic, 210

Atlantis, 223

Augustan Age, 205, 212

Augustine, St., 150

Augustus, 207

Australia, 106

Avatara(s), 49, 55, 69, 161, 205, 261, 277, 286, 390


Babylon, 223

Bacon, 16

Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, 114, 197

Bartho1omews, St., 52

Baudelaire, 48

Beethoven, 88

Behaviourism, 326

Benda, Julien, 119

- La Trahison des Clercs, 119

Bentham, 50, 140

Berdyaev, 260

Bergson, 16-20, 255, 327, 351, 364

Bernard, Tristan, 373

Bernhardi, 24

Bethlehem, 215

Beveridge Plan, the, 129

Bharata, 93, 161

Bhasa, 96

Bhisma, 80

Bhrigu, 376

Bible, the, 70, 248, 267

Blake, 164

Boehme, 150

Bosanquet, 326

Boscovich, 333

BoseiJagadish Chandra, 306, 322

Bottrall, Ronald, 193-4

-The Thyrsus Retipped, 193n

Brahmanas, the, 222, 365

Bradley, 326

Britain, 89, 104-5, 128

British Isles, the, 100

Buddha, 8, 50, 54-5, 166, 195, 208, 215-6, 222, 243, 280, 384 Buddhism, 54, 110, 166, 280

Byron, 194

CAESAR, jULIUS, 206, 208, 239, 367,394

Calcutta Review, the, 336n., 339n Camoens, 197

Canada, 106

Cato, 239


Chaldea, 219, 223

Chamberlaine, Neville, 100

Chandragupta, 93, 394

Chaucer, 194

China, 119, 238-40, 242

Christ, 6, 50, 14511., 151, 154, 164, 195, 208,213-14,259,273-4,381,384

Christianity, 23, 58, 151, 168, 213, 280,282,359

Churchill, Winston, 91, Ill, 128

Coleridge, 194

Commonwealth, 91, 106, 236

Communism, 25, 27-8, 125-6 Confucius, 222

Copernicus, 308

Cordelia, 185n

Corneille, 197

Crete, 214

Cyrus, 240

Czechoslovakia, 100

DANTE, 39, 79, 197

. - Divina Commedia, 39

Darshallas, the, 344

Das, Prof. A. C., 336-9

Dasarathi, 91

De Broglie, Louis, 319

-La Physique Nouvelle et les Quanta, 319n Democritus, 326

Descartes, 321

Dirac, 318

Drona, 80

Du Noiiy, Lecomte, 260

Duryadhona, 80

EDDINGTON, 313-14, 317-19, 326, 332

Egypt, 106, 119, 127, 177n., 219, 223, 236, 238-41

Einstein, 139, 304, 308, 314-16, 325, 334, 401

Eliot, T. S., 115, 192-3, 195

-The Waste Land, 193n Encyclopaedists, the, 16

Engels, 128

England, 145,210,245

Equator, the, 304

Euclid, 81

Europe, 16,52,59,69-70,88, Ill, 117, 148, 150-2, 154-6, 158-9, 167, 178, 180, 211-12, 216-17, 225, 239, 243-6, 261, 326, 346

Existentialists, the, 348-50, 359, 362


Flanders, 74

France, 16, 69, 89-90, 101, 128, 145, 159, 197, 241, 244-6

France, Anatole, 145

French Revolution, 32, 52, 59, 101, 105,. 126, 149, 155, 207-8 Francis I, 90, 120

GALILEO, 308, 322

Germany, 32, 70, 72, 87-9

Gibbon, 238

-The Decline & Fall of the Roman EmPire, 238

Gide, Andre, 353-4

Gita, the, 27, 57,68, 83, 161, 163,188-9, 276, 280, 328, 340, 363, 369, 371, 381, 394

Goethe, 88, 197

Goncourts, 145

Gondwanaland, 223

Govind Singh, 396

Gray, Thomas, 115n

Greece, 16, 25, 119, 159, 205-6, 211,2H, 238-41, 244-6


Haeckel, 140

Hamlet, 186-90


Heard, Gerald, 260

Hegel, 318

Heine, 88

Henry, the Great, 90

Hera, 220

Heraclitus, 150,211,329

Hennes, 220

Hibbert Journal, the, 251

Himalayas, the, 54, 100

Hinduism, 54, 110, 166

Hider. 70, 87-8, 106, 386

-Mein Kampf, 70

Homer, 136, 197,206,219

Hugo, Victor, 197,275

-A Villequier, 275n

Huma m, 16, 129-30, 163, 166, 168

Huxley, T. H., 140, 192

Hellas, 219

IDA, 219

Impressionists, 145

India, 25, 52-9, 74-5,. 90-2, 94, 98, 103-7, 119, 127, 153-7, 159-63, 168, 205, 207, 215, 217, 221-3, 229, 235, 238-43, 245, 260-2, 327

Indra, 9, 222

Industrial Revolution, 101 Industrial League, 102 Inge, Dean, 341 -Mysticism in Religion, 341n

Iraq, 106

Ireland 106, 127, 151

Irish Renaissance, 152

Ishwara, 4

Inquisition, the, 123

Isis, 220

Islam, 55-6, 110

Israel, 219

Italy, 89, 244


Japan, 70, 160,209


Jeanne d'Arc, 90

Jeans, Sir James, 317-18, 332-3

-Physics & Philosophy, 317n Jehovah, 220

Johnson, Samuel, 212

Junkerism, 88, 89

Juno, 220

KABALA, 151, 214 Kahler,

Erich, 358-9

-Man the Measure, 358

Kali, 327

Kalidasa, 8, 55, 136, 197

Kant, 326, 345

Kanwa, 247

Keats, 120, 194

Kepler, 301, 308

Khilafat, 51

Kierkegaard, 362, 375-6

Koran, the, 70

Korea, 209


Kurukshetra, 80,81


Lamarck, 254

Lao-tse, 242

Laplace, 225, 312, 319, 388

League of Nations, 78, 80, 85

Leibnitz, 327

Lenin, 125

Leo X, 207

Leonardo da Vinci, 120

Lewis, Cecil Day, 195

Louis XIV, 207

Lucifer, 267


Madhusudan Dutt, 120, 197

Mahabharata, the, 188,217,222

Mahalakshmi, 275


Mahashakti, 327

Maheshwari, 275

Maitreyi, 160

Manchester Guardian, the, 163n Mao-tse-Tung,242


Mars, 323

Maruts, 222

Marx, 128

-Dos Kapital, 118

Marxism, 326

Mathura, 91

Maupassant, 145

Maxwell, 308

Maya, 50, 55, 67, 280, 284, 361, 381


Mazzini, 59, 91

Mephistopheles, 83 Michelson-Morley experiment, 315

Middle Age(s), 69, 145, 150, 152, 155, 213, 221, 346

Mill, 140

Milton, 194, 251

Minerva, 222

Mitra, 9

Modem Age, 145, 152

Moghuls, 58, 239

Mohammed, 208,215

Mohenjo-daro, 238, 243

Moliere, 197

Moloch, 220


Morris, 151

Mother, The, 366, 372


-Christian, 153

-Druidic, 151, 153

-Eleusinian, 150, 151, 153

-Kabalistic, 153

-Platonic, 153

Mythic Age, 221


Napoleon, 7, 8.. 90, 1l5, 195,208,394

Nazism, 127



New Testament, the, 214, 244

Newton, 301, 308, 356

Nietzsche, 16, 18-19,21-24, 130,261, 272, 358

Nineveh, 91

ODIN, 201

Old Testament, the, 214, 244

Olympus, 201, 234

Osiris, 220

PACIFIC, the, 209

Paracelsus, 150

Paris, 373

Parthenon, 136

Patanjali, 315, 319

Pericles, 206-7, 239

Periclean Age, 206

Persia, 240

Pharaohs, the, 239

Phidias, 220

Phoenicia, 219

Pisa, 322

Pisacha, 201, 234

Planck, Max, 356

Plato, 1l7, 150, 211, 219, 326

Plotinus, 150, 361

Poland, 72, 127

Pole, the, 304

Polonius, 187

Pope, 212

Pound, Ezra, 192

Pragmatism, 326

Prithwiraj, 90

Prometheus, 234

Proteus, 274

Prussia, 88

Puranas, the, 71

Pythagoras, 150,211,219


RACINE, 197 Raghus, the, 55

Ramayana, the, 217

Ramdas, 396

Raphael, 176-8

Red Cross, 104

Reichenbach, Hans, 315

-Atom .& Cosmos, 315n

Relativity, 141

Renaissance, 21, 52, 130, 145, 149, 152, 163, 206-8, 211, 329 Renan, Emest, 91, 94

-Qp'est-ce qu'une nation?, 94n Ribhus; 271

Richelieu, 90

Riemann, 325

Romains, Jules, 69, 360

-Vie Unanime, 360

Romanticism, 212

Romantic Revival, the, 207, 212

Rome, 16, 25, 72, 119, 206, 238-9, 245

Rossetti, 151

Rousseau, 113, 145

Roy, D. L., 192

Rumi 280

Russell, Bertrand, 140, 317, 326-7

Russia... 81, 91, 104, 106, 125, 207

Russian Revolution, 101, 207

SANKHYA(S), 139, 222, 315, 327, 349

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 348, 351-2, 375-7

Satan, 267, 280

Sati, 268

Schweitzer, Albert, 359

Sedan, 106

Shakespeare, , 120, 160, 182, 194, 197, 251, 337

-Hamlet, 185, 188n., 386n

-King Lear, 185

-Mm;beth, 185

Shankaracharya, 8, 215-16, 229, 276

Shaw, Bernard, 140, 145, 254

-Back to Methuselah, 140

Shelley, 194

Shiva, 268

Shivaji,93, 394, 396

Shylock, 100

Sisupala, 80

Socrates, 16, 150,219-20,222,229,273

Solon, 219

Spain, 72

Sparta, 25

Spengler, Oswald, 238

Sri Aurobindo, 96, 222, 239, 250, 262, 270n., 277-8, 280-1, 283, 288, 336-7, 339-40, 345-6, 392

-A God's Labour, 278

-Savitri, 270n

-The Life Divine, 392n

-Who, 341n

Sri Krishna, 80, 83, 243, 384, 391

Sri Ramakrishna, 57, 161, 239, 385, 395

St. Augustine, 150

St. Bartholomews, 52

St. Bernard, 150

St. Francis, 150, 164

St. Peter, 382

St. Teresa, 150

St.. Thomas Aquinas, 150

Stalin, 106, 125

Sumeria, 223

Sun-yat-Sen, 242


Tagore, Rabindranath, 195, 197-8, 200-1

Tantras, the, 63, 216, 248

Thales, 329

Thebes, 91

Thor, 201

Tibet, 177n

Times Literary Supplement, the, 254

Toynbee, Arnold, 238, 242n

Trethowan, Rev. 252

Treitschke, 24


Ukraine, 74

Upanishads, the, 55, 200, 214-15, 217, 255, 306, 320, 325, 337, 340-2, 344, 363, 367-8

Upanishadic Age, 222

-Kena, 393

- TaittiriYa, 376


Vansittart, Lord, 88

Varona, 9, 270

Varus, 88

Vedas, the, 5, 54, 63,70, 162,217-18, 221 2, 242, 247, 249, 272, 276, 281, 296

Vedic Age, 241

. Venizelos,239

Venus, 177

Versailles Treaty, 106

Vibhisana, 298

Vibhutis, 390

Virgil, 197,211,375

-Ae1Ulid, 375n

Virochana, 288, 376

Vishnu, 133, 277

Vwekananda, 56, 59, 154, 161, 165,396

Voltaire, 16, 50, 212 .


Watson-Watt, Sir Robert, 251-2

Wave mechanics, 316

Wells, H. G., 140

Whitehead, A. N., 345-6

Wordsworth, 183, 194

World Review, the, 353

World War I, 101, 373


Yajnavalkya, 160, 167,200,259

Yama, 381

Yeats, 152, 195

Yudhisthira, 93

ZEUS, 24, 123,220,222 Zola, 145

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