Vol. 5 includes 'Light of Lights', 'Eight Talks', 'Sweet Mother', translations from Sanskrit, Dhammapada (Pali), Bengali & French. Original writings in French.

Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5

Modern Poems


O goddess, vendor of liberty!

Bind me not in thy boundlessness;

And in the unending path of destiny

Happy be thy unmoving voyage.

Goddess, veiling the Love Eternal,

Come to our mortal land, here bring Heaven's nectar,

To this transient pilgrim life;

O Guide eternal! draw the pause of our tiresomeness.

O Mind of magic!

A stirless stream art thou upon our stilled earth,

As though the sweet enchanted ocean engulfing a golden boat –

O I kiss the Twin Hearts!

               THE VIGIL

(A Surrealistic Poem)

Twigs and straws, broken bits, strewn about

              in a lumber room – all nettles' teeth.

Shadows, somewhat old and familiar, humming low

                                                  make a merry band.

If you have the trump card to flick down,

                         the whole game would turn right about:

In the blue hibiscus bush of adolescence – Io,

                                           the dumbfounded Sesame!                                             

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The net is cast and the pool is a drunken

                                              swell and swirl:

Shrunken blackened petals are afloat,

       Oh, the children that came down under a curse:

Fortunate are they who remember past lives; here

              it is a midnight trap for rats­ –

If this were all the shelter, the other shelter

                                           would be nowhere.

No more time to lose – whose is the refrain

              coming back again and again?

Whose the image looking straight into your eyes

                             level to level – since when?

Under the rotting weeds they go down

                             into the depths one by one

Flowerets that grandmother wove into a pattern,

       as though with the lightest strokes of a brush!

                                                                               RUHIRA SHYAM


Let us all move together, one and all,

Together into the cavern of the ribs,

Raise there a song of discordant sounds­ –

Red and blue and white, kin or alien.

Listen, the groan plays on:

Dreams as if possessed

Swing, like bats on branches;

Is now the time for dance?

Come, let us all move together, one and all.

Let the streams meet in the body, one and all;

Yea, let the bones brighten up still more,

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Let us all go around the fire

And scrape and eat of the very liver of the Muse. . .

Let us go, let us go, let us go one and all.


              21 February 1959

Hold me so to Thy breast, O Mother,

Let aeon after aeon pass,

I'd on Thy bosom, Mother,

Rest my head for e'er.

Closed are all my concerns with life,

Closed are all my dealings with the world,

Renounced are all my desires,

For the celestial sweetness of Thy Love.

Not for me the royal seat,

Not for me ruby and robe,

Nothing, nothing but Thy touch alone

Can fill the thirst of my soul.

Immersed Thou art in bliss,

In the boundless bliss of Thy infinite consciousness,

Hold me, bind me, 0 Mother,

To Thy breast of eternal ecstasy.


Days. . . Nights. . . Ages. . .

A shattered mind without solace.

Words. . . tunes. . . rhythms.

What else but sighs of misery.

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Eyes unwinking and tearful

Close at the lashing even of a frown;

Vain lament weeps its winding ways

Only to mock at me.

And yet desires cry out in despair

And hopes rise in life's bosom. . .

The path ahead lies through dust and gale.

I hear afar the breathings of a high flood.

I long for the song of freedom,

But helpless the mind is bound in its own webs

And I follow the tortuous path in front

Through nights. . . ages.

                                                                                           LABANYA PALIT


In Thy name the eyes are still dim with tears

And the heavens tremulous with the song of birds.

In Thy name a world of flowers is still in bloom

And on memory's waters spread grey yearnings and illusions.

In Thy name Love lingers still in the bosom

And the wounded heart weeps and laughs in silence.

In Thy name a blue spell still dwells upon life

And eyes in their depths enshrine a mournful dark shadow.

                                                                                                                   PARIMAL CHAKRABARTY

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There passed a storm last night:

A whole forest of trees that grew lush in my mind

Now stand shorn of their leaves

Like rows of skeletons.

Last night a cruel, ruthless storm

Passed by.

Yet in its very wake,

A crescent moon,

Like a necklet

Rose in a corner of the sky.

I gazed at it

And the memory of the storm vanished:

The withered forest of the mind

Bathed in a wondrous light.

The crescent moon, like a necklet . . .

Was it your mouth, was it your eye?

O my far one!

                                                                       RAMAKRISHNA PRASAD CHATTOPADHYAYA


A fire-fly is this mind,

Now it flares, now it fades;

It must cross the darkness,

So runs about here and there.

As if a needle of light

I t pierces the mighty curtain:

On an edge of the inner being

It weaves a fringe of glimmering consciousness.

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Even like a lightning flash

In this small bit of my sky

That too gleams

Off and on.

A fire-fly is this mind

And I know it will never receive an answer:

Around lies a blind Night, dark, impenetrable

Ever dumb.

Within there as if the spark of a question

This fire-fly of the mind

With no reason blooms and withers.

It vainly believes that all existence hangs on it

As a flower on its stem.

And yet

There is a secret rumour in the darkness

As creation rows along dashing and splashing.

To that measure does this fire-fly of the mind

Glimmer – flare and fade

Seeking an ascension elsewhere

Beyond knowing and unknowing.

                                                                                    PREMENDRA MITRA


Have you ever lost your way

Mar from marts and paths and cities

in an endless meadow Where with a lone simool

The sky passes its life-long day?

There after a long search for a road

The earth lies down, eyes closed,

Heart reposed,

The lone simool at her head standing silent.

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Tired in the search for a road

Some chance one day to arrive at the meadow,

Amazed they look

About and above.

There where no road exists

Just a trail appears of a new hope,

Where all other ways are lost

One seems to find one's own.

One day, why not, go out and lose your way,

leave your familiar city for the unknown meadow,

There where a lone simool and the sky

Stand and look into each other's eyes.

                                                                                             PREMENDRA MITRA


Trampling my own shadow

on a long, long path I came

And saw a river of gladness.

I pushed the bank with my left foot

And with the right landed

          into the boat.

Here a straw canopy over the head,

A wooden floor to sit upon,

A helm sure and certain,

an oar within reach

And a sail to unfurl in the sky, –

All were there:

A whole lung-full of breath

turned into a flight of pigeons

  that found the sky.

                                                                                            PURNENDUPRASAD BHATTACHARYA

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I know not when you may arrive

From behind the light:

The waves may break upon the door

And I shall stretch out my hands In a tremor.

I have lived ages in the embrace of the shade:

Now I do not see the earth's sun

I have made a home of the shade:

I have not seen myself

Mirrored nor in the light, nor in the air

Nor in the water.

Tremblingly I wait:

I know not when you may arrive

From behind the screen of light,

Out of my sight, in the pattern of cruel falsehood

I have been used

And for ages I know not myself.

Tremblingly I await:

I know not when you may arrive

Just from behind my own self!


Time and Space endless, seamless the grey ocean,

Then aeons of trance broke into a voiceful play of tossing waves

And last an insentient earth now holds in her womb the seed of


We who have seen a red lotus blazing ceaselessly

And a white lotus ever winkless upon the earth. . .

Do we yet understand? Can we assess the value?

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Even today the earth is sundered and man goes hungry and


Blood burns in pain, life lives barren in the veins;

And still, O Lord, thou hast sent thy messengers time and


Who brought with them the legacy of the starry lights. . .

Another hunger, another untamed pain now

Has awakened a sudden mighty restlessness in the roots of

the being!

It is Night's low tide: in the dark we tug the boat on . . .

Sinews we have none, when shall we fly our wings,

when shall the consciousness dawn?


Night comes back again and again, and yet

It goes back again and again, and

The morning sky rings with the quiet and tranquil music of Light.

Sorrow comes back again and again, and yet

It goes back again and again, and

Life swells with the billowing ocean of Delight.

Death comes back again and again, and yet

It goes back again and again, and

Man's deathless world sings the hymn of Birth.


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Clouds, evening and I

stand under the sky.

It appears

Daylight is an illusion

And darkness is real:

And I have gone back again into the womb

and effaced the scars of time.

Time here is timelessness.

When you are in its embrace

there is no death nor birth,

You are just a grey notch upon the sky –

Ended the earth's business, vanished the crowd.



My mind must have yearned for some purest white:

That is why one day the sunbright embrace of hills

and clouds left me enchanted­ –

And I find another light in the light of my eyes.

This is also the whiteness of the soul in its vastness:

It illumines smoothly

the thickened darkness among the stars;

Its silence descends like moonbeams­

The whole business of life seems

            to possess that alone;

and in the dark cave of the heart it is that I seek,

            I seek.


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A dismal shadow upon the harbour,

            A broad day in swoon. . .

But you are restive, my beauty! my love!

Wipe then the red mark on your memory,

            forget the words of promise. . .

The bank heaves with the rising tide. . .

            all's ready for the drift!

Boats and masts and sails and the

             bustle and hubbub. . .

And your secret desire and the boundless swell of waters.

I too cast my blood's yearning into the streaming flow. . .

My destiny, the gloomy shadow upon the harbour.

                 SUNIL KUMAR NANDI


Oh, wipe out all the light of the sky,

The whole world of the sun must never be seen


Kindle the flame of the eye that is turned

Inward­ –

The darkness in the heart – and see

If it does not grow yet more dark.

And then, the sounds surging mountain-high,

Let them, even like a landslide, hurtle down,

One and all of these shouting particles

Under the shelter of Night's solitude:

Seal up your ears, listen to the stillness

Within the heart, listen

If it is yet more still...

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Silence evermore, solitude evermore,

Darkness evermore –

In my heart shines the light of countless suns

And I shall know if you are there!



A bit of light within my soul,

But more perhaps is there of darkness.

Darkness hides in secret

In the fathomless depths.

A streak from some Dawn

Shall touch one day this soul

And this soul shall rise

Out of the Darkness

And in its body of a flooding fountain

Shall achieve a full-throated cadence.

So shall the Secret be relumed.

My love in the core of my heart

I have borne everywhere around.

You will see every breath

Has left there its imprint­ –

Oh, you will see there a child

Pure and innocent

And you will long to clasp it

Within your bosom.


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Oh, the deep, the unerring aim:

In a moment you did it, Ocean.      

And you knew not even the gift you made. . .

In barren June you brought down the whole monsoon.

Jewels and pearls, emeralds and sapphires,

Summer and autumn, rain and spring,

Dreams and desires and gains, all

All are faint images of inanity.

Towers and arches, columns and corridors

Crumble down, huge abysses fade out:

Decline or fall effaced in a moment.

Alone survives the heaving flatness,

The humid heart seeps with its dripping liquid,

It melts in an ardent embrace, in an unerring gesture!

Into your waters, this water is poured out,

offering all unto the last,

O, the Deep, the Vast, receive within you

This lotus, flower of the water!



Sobs sway Nature. . . whose are the sobs?

In the sky even beyond Sight: drops of pain. . . whose are these?

The blue is mute. . . aeons pass. . . a frozen stillness. . .

Even now here am I, an illusory proxy bird. . .

I write poems picking up the twinkles of stars

as they scatter their hues and shed their petals,

In this dwindling glow of footlights. . .

The shadows sway timidly,

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The darkness stretches hesitant her arms,

Thoughts are a-cold in doubt and fear,

The dense silence of a dark age spreading mist and haze,

A sky of hard concrete.

Termless concepts piled somewhere beyond ken­

Pain drips in the blue mute and mystic. . .

Ages past bring down their primal stillness,

The stars make an illegible script on heaven's glowing slate. . .

Who has scribbled this poem unutterable and undecipherable,

Who has written down these unending ideas,

Who has painted this image of the mind, beyond understanding,

An epistle of things secret... a throbbing heart... Stars sleepless.

A sob sways Nature. . . the whole night

Someone is in pain, a muffled and repressed pain.



His name is written on the wings of sunlight,

His thought lies a harvest field of autumn. . .

And under the sky of the ending day

Often do I lay down my head

with eyes shadow-bedimmed.

I glide into the sun-flooded waters

And I look for a shade­ –

No shore anywhere,

I trudge on foot upon dusty roads­ –

Oh, these roads of our earth.

Shall I find it at last shall I?

In the sun, in the fields, at the end of the day?

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Still I wade through billowing waters­ –

          the unmoving goal in front.



I can leave everything, but not the tree;

May it remain,

Straight and simple, may the tree remain

in my life,

May it remain, remain ever wakeful.

I can leave everything, but not the river; May it remain,

By the side of the tree, may it remain in my life,

May it remain, remain ever wakeful.

I can leave everything, but not the boat; May it remain,

May the boat remain upon the river, remain in my life,

May it remain ever wakeful.

All I can give up, not you, O my pole-star!

You must remain – ­

Tree and river and boat, when all are swept away

in the black darkness,

Even then, do remain transfixed in the night sky.

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The centre of this body is a sun

                      with its seven-winged flames.

Burn the strings of the body – the fire is pitiless,

       he does not know, if it is soft or hard, high or Iowa scale.

He dissolves in the fiery heat the thin cord that links me

                      to the earth.

In the heavens of your heart

I am a flying light, a flame bird.

The pair of wings is loosened by the heat­ –

The body drunk with the black smoke of gold

is sunk in a swoon­

Both lie out-stretched, the front veering upward.

The wandering stars in the spaces are in flight,

in flight – out of sight.

The sun has absconded, the moon a handful of ashes.

Draining life to a pale emptiness, a bunch of roses

blooms in the crimson garden of the veins,

The pupil of the eye is torn out, the tired eye-lashes

                      droop down stilled.

Time trembles with the rise and fall of the breast.

Life with its wings of fire is a soaring light:

Your heavens are a cloudless beauty – ­

Love and affection, memory and happiness

Are now a cascade of gold-dust, as though

drifting autumn leaves.

                                                                                   UMA DEVl


Rains come down in a sudden burst,

Overcasting all the ego-skies,

The destitute traveller turns to penance and solitude:

Yesteryear's accounts are settled and closed.

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Tearing open the heart's poignant secrecy.

Chunks of darkness crash down,

The eye shades within it a splashing stream,

Footprints leave their echoes behind.

A long night stops stilled in pain,

Hard it is to forget even if one wishes to;

It lashes and breaks upon the inner soul­ –

The promise of a Sunrise.



One by one I catch the stars

      And I bring them to touch my body one by one:

      They all turn into birds and flyaway.

The stars glow like fire-flies

They come and settle all over my body:

      Indeed my body is made of countless stars.

At long last I have found out:

        I exist no longer,

      Filled with stars, am myself a Star.

Take away the stars and I am no longer in the body,

      I leave my star-filled body

      And go up into the star-filled sky.

Now I am a heavenly star

Hence I shall become a starry heaven.


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I am a sweet fondling of the Sky,

I condescended to come down upon earth.

Whoever makes a link with me

Creates a link with the sky.

I am a human from the sky treading upon this mud,

At every step my anklets ring through earth's bosom.

Upon the soft breast of earth

I draw the very image of the sky.

With my tinkling anklets on

I walk through the bosom of the earth.

This earth is a stage for me,

I play there a celestial drama –

a true and real drama!


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