Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5

The Adept




Pain exists not in him who has ended his journey, who has no grief, who is free in every way, released from all knots.




The heedful ever strive, they delight not staying at home. As a swan quits his pond, even so he moves away from home to home.




They who have no possessions, who live on measured food, who have realised the emptiness of things and the unconditioned

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freedom, their movement is hard to follow even as that of the bird in the air.




They whose longings have withered, who are indifferent to their food, who have realised the emptiness of things and the unconditioned freedom, their movement is hard to follow even as that of the bird in the air.




Even the gods esteem such a person who has his senses tranquilised, even as a good charioteer has his steeds controlled, who has purged all pride and is free from taint.




One who follows the discipline is unshakable even as the Earth, even as the heavenly Pillar. He is like a lake free from mud, he is free from the cycle of births.




Calm is his mind, calm his words and acts. Perfect knowledge has freed him and all is calmed in him.




He is the greatest of men, one who is not credulous, but has the sense of the uncreated, who has cut away all the bonds, who has killed all chance of birth, silenced all yearning.




Whether it is a village or a forest, whether it is a low land or an upland, wherever the Adepts roam, that spot is indeed delightful.




Delightful are the forests where the crowd do not take delight. It is they who are without passion that find delight there, for they are not in the pursuit of pleasures.

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