Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5





Better than a thousand phrases built with meaningless words is one single meaningful word which brings tranquillity to the hearer.




Better than a thousand verses built with meaningless words is one single verse that brings tranquillity to the hearer.




Better than a hundred verses built with meaningless words on the lips is one single word of the Law that tranquilises you when you hear it.




One may conquer thousands and thousands of men in a battle, but he is the best among conquerors who has conquered himself.


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Better to have conquered one's own self than to have conquered all these peoples.

And if one has conquered the self and moves always self-­controlled, neither gods nor angels nor Mara nor even Brahma can change that victory of his into defeat.




If month after month one offers sacrifices by thousands for one hundred years and if one worships an accomplished soul even for a single moment, then this worship is greater than the other hundred-year sacrifice.




If for hundred years one tended the fire in a forest, and if one worshipped an accomplished soul even for a single moment, then that worship is worth more than the sacrifice done through hundred years.




Whatever sacrifice or offering is made in this world for a whole


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year, in expectation of merit, is not worth even a fourth part of that greater thing, the homage done to the Righteous.




In him who is always full of respect for the aged, these four attributes increase; life, beauty, happiness and strength.




Better than one who lives a hundred years in immorality and dissipation is one who lives a single day in righteousness and contemplation.




Better than one who lives a hundred years in ignorance and dissipation is the one who lives one single day in wisdom and meditation.




Better than one who lives a hundred years in indolence and inertia is the one who lives a single day in strength and energy.




Better than one who lives a hundred years seeing neither the beginning nor the end is the one who lives a single day seeing both the beginning and the end.




Better than one who lives a hundred years and does not see the seat of immortality is one who lives a single day but sees the seat of immortality.




Better than one who lives a hundred years not seeing the Supreme Law is the one who lives a single day but sees the Supreme Law.


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