Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5






Vigilance is the way to immortality. Negligence the way to Death. The vigilant never dies; the negligent is already dead.




They know this thoroughly well, the wise in vigilance and they rejoice in their vigilance, ever in the presence of the Great Ones.




They who are intelligent, meditative, persevering, combat ceaselessly against themselves, reach the Nirvana that is supreme felicity.





He who is full of zeal, he who is mindful, he who is pure in deed, and acts thoughtfully, who is self-controlled and lives in accordance with the Law sees his fame ever growing.




By his zeal and vigilance and discipline and self-control, the intelligent man should create an island for himself which no flood can overwhelm.




The stupid, devoid of intelligence, give themselves to negli­gence. The intelligent guards vigilance as the supreme treasure.




Do not give yourself to negligence nor to the enjoyment of the passions. It is the vigilant, given to meditation, that attains the vast happiness.




The wise dispel negligence by vigilance, they climb to the heights of wisdom and griefless themselves they contemplate from a hilltop as it were the ignorant ones grieving on the plains.

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Vigilant among the negligent, wide awake among the slumber­ous, one intelligent goes fast like a steed that leaves behind a faint mount.




By vigilance Indra has become supreme among the gods. Vigilance is praiseworthy. Negilgence is always blameworthy.




The Bhikkhu who is given to vigilance and who shuns negli­gence moves forward like a fire consuming all bonds, great or small.




The Bhikkhu who is given to vigilance and who shuns negli­gence never goes astray, he moves near unto Nirvana.


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