Vol. 6 includes more translations, the original texts of the English translations in Vol. 5 & recollections of contact with The Mother.

Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6

MA non so qual divin romor benigno

vada tonando nei mortali cuori

come canta divinamente il cigno,

lasciando il suo corpo nei freschi fiori.

Puri pensieri, d'un gran impeto il segno,

speranze benvenute, come cori

di voci amabili, fan l'uomo degno

del ciel, vincendo peccati e timori.

Sri Aurobindo

Page 62

An Italian stanza

I KNOW not what godly blissful sound

Goes thundering in mortal hearts

Like the swan singing divinely

When it leaves its body amongst fresh flowers.

Pure thoughts, mark of a great urge,

Welcome hopes, like a chorus of kindly voices,

Make man worthy of heaven,

Conquering all sin and fear.

Sri Aurobindo

Page 63

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