Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8

  On Veda

Hymn to Peace and Power

(Sam yoh)


Chapter 36


I SEEK the Grace of Rik, the Word. I seek the Grace of Yajur, the Mind. I seek the Grace of Sam a, the Life-Force. I seek the Grace of the Eye and the Ear; may the energy that is Speech, the Energy that is Power and the Life-Force, both the higher and the lower, there be ever in me.


Whatever rift is there in my vision, in my heart, in my mind, or whatever there is torn, may the Master of the Word heal it; may the Master of the Universe be all Peace and Grace to us.


Lo, the Earth, the Mid-region, the Heaven! I contemplate upon that Supreme (Sovereign) Light of the Sun who im­pels to us all intelligence.


O the manifold Delight, what is that vastness by which thou becomest our ever-increasing comrade and what is that Supreme Flaming Lustre which surrounds thee?

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What is that Mightiest of Drinks, full of truth which gives you the ecstasy of the divine Soma-juice and breaks open even a stronghold?


All around us with thy vastnesses thou becomest hundred­fold, the protector of thy comrades and adorers.


Oh, the Mighty, what is that vastness with which thou delightest us? And how is it that thou bringest gifts to thy adorers?


lndra with his lustres rules all the worlds. May there be Peace and Grace for us in the twofold status as well in the fourfold status.


May Mitra be Peace and Grace to us. May Varuna be Peace and Grace to us. May Aryaman be Peace and Grace to us. May lndra be Peace and Grace to us. May Brihaspati be Peace and Grace to us. May the vast-ranging Vishnu be Peace and Grace to us.


May the Wind blow to us the Peace and the Grace, may the Sun bring to us the warmth of the Peace and the Grace, may the Rain-God roar and thunder and pour shower to us of the Peace and Grace.

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May the days be Peace to us, may the nights be Peace and upbear us; may Indra and Agni with their protection be Peace to us, may Indra and Varuna pour their oblations and give Peace to us, may Indra and Pushan who conquer the plenitudes be Peace to us, may Indra and Soma be Peace to us for our perfect journey. May Peace and Power be there for us.


May the Goddesses, the Waters, bring to us the Peace and the Grace so that we may have the right impulsions and drink of the Perfect Delight. May Peace and Power flow towards us in a stream.


O Earth, be delightful to us and a thornless habitation; bestow upon us the all-round welfare.


O Divine Waters, you are there indeed, creators of delight, uphold us so that we may attain to the Might, the great Delight and the Perfect Sight.


With that pure Delight which is full of your utmost blessed­ness, do you nourish us here, like a loving mother.


May we approach Him towards whose dwelling you move; O Waters, increase too our progeny.

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Peace be the Heavens, Peace the Mid-region, Peace the Earth, Peace the Waters. May the Healing Plants be Peace, the great Trees be Peace; may the all-Gods be Peace, may Brahma, the Supreme, be Peace, may all be Peace: may Peace be Peace, may that Peace come to us.


Firm thou art, make me firm. For me may they with the eye of Mitra look at all beings. May I with the eye of Mitra look at all beings. May we with the eye of Mitra look at all beings.


Firm thou art, make me firm! Constantly may I dwell in thy happy sight.


Obeisance to Thee, O wrath, O Flame, obeisance to Thee, O Radiance. They who are other than us, them do thou afflict with thy weapons (missiles). For us do thou be the Purifier and the Benign Lord.


Obeisance to Thee, the Lightning, obeisance to Thee, the Thunderer, obeisance to Thee, the Supreme Lord, whence thou impellest the Sun-world.


From wheresoever Thou willest us away, may we have no fear thence. May our progeny have thy Grace and our live­stock thy protection.

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Perfect friends may to us be the waters and the plants; un­friendly let those be who discard us and whom we discard.


May we see that bright "Eye" founded on the Divine arise in front of us for a hundred autumns. May we live a hundred autumns, may we continue to hear for a hundred autumns, may we continue to speak for a hundred autumns, may we be without want for a hundred autumns, a hundred autumns over again, indeed beyond a hundred autumns.

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