A set of twelve exercises, covering the whole body. It is meant for the common man, who is busy the whole day & has very little time to spare.

Daily dozen for Men

  Physical Edu.

Daily Dozen for Men

1. The Stretch ~ (Min. 5 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet apart, hands beside shoulders, fists closed (elbows pulled down).

(i) Raise the hands up, rise on toes (stretch). Breathe in.

(ii) Revert to starting position. Breathe out.

2. Trunk Bending, Down and Back ~ (Min. 5 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet apart, back of hands on the small of the back.

(i) Bend the trunk forward and down (knees straight). Breathe out.

(ii) Arch backwards. Breathe in.

3a. Seated Twist ~ (Min. 10 - Max. 15)

(Those who have stiff joints may do 3b instead.)

Starling position: Sit on floor, hands on waist, feet wide apart, torso erect.

(i) Twist the trunk to the right, touch the left hand to right toes (without moving the feet). Breathe out.

(ii) Revert to starting position (torso erect). Breathe in.

(iii) Twist the trunk to the left, right hand touching left toes (without moving the feet). Breathe out.

(iv) Revert to starting position (torso erect). Breathe in.

3b. Standing Twist ~ (Min. 10 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet apart, hands on waist.

(i) to (iv) as in 3a.

4. Kicks ~ (Min. 10 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet together, hands on waist.

(i) Raise the right leg sideways (kick the foot as high as possible). Breathe in.

(ii) Revert to starting position. Breathe out.

(iii) Raise the right leg forward (kick the foot as high as possible). Breathe in.

(iv) Revert to starting position. Breathe out.

(v) to (viii) Repeat with the left leg.

5. Trunk Bending, Sideways ~ (Min. 10 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet apart, hands behind the head (elbows pulled back).

(i) Bend the trunk to the right, hands stretched over head. Breathe out.

(ii) Revert to starting position. Breathe in.

(iii) Bend the trunk to the left, hands stretched over head. Breathe out.

(iv) Revert to starting position. Breathe in.

6. Neck Stretching ~ (Min. 10 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet apart, hands on waist.

(i) Press the head back without bending the trunk. Breathe in.

(ii) Press the head down (chin to the chest) without bending the trunk. Breathe out.

7. Squats ~ (Min. 10 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet together.

(i) Squat (heels raised, knees together, hands on floor near the feet). Breathe in.

(ii) Straighten the knees keeping hands on floor. Breathe out.

(iii) Squat as in (i). Breathe in.

(iv) Stand erect. Breathe out.

8. Leg Raising ~ (Min. 10 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Lie flat on the back, palms on the floor, feet together.

(i) Raise legs to vertical position (knees straight, feet together, small of the back pressed to the ground). Breathe in.

(ii) Lower legs to the floor, keeping the small of the back pressed to the ground. Breathe out.

9. The Compressor ~ (Min. 10 - Max. 15, each side)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet wide apart, arms raised sideways.

(i) Bend trunk forward, downward, oblique, right knee slightly bend, arms wrapped around right thigh, chest on right knee. Breathe out.

(ii) Revert to the starting position. Breathe in.

(iii) Bend trunk forward, downward, oblique, left knee slightly bend, arms wrapped around left thigh, chest on left knee. Breathe out.

(iv) Revert to the starring position. Breathe in.

10. Dips ~ (Min. 5 - Max. 15)

Starting position: Squat (heels raised, knees together, hands on floor near the feet, shoulder- width apart).

(i) Thrust the feet backward to front support position (body on hands and toes, feet together, elbows straight, trunk and legs in line). Breathe in.

(ii) Bend the elbows and lower the body to the floor . Breathe out.

(iii) Straighten the elbows and revert to front support position. Breathe in.

(iv) Revert to starting position. Breathe out.

11. Jogging on Spot ~ (Min. 25 - Max. 100)

Starting position: Stand erect, elbows bent at 90°, fists closed.

Jog on spot, raise arms and knees vigorously, lower feet lightly, there should be no jarring. Breathe normally.

12. Deep Breathing ~ (Min. 5 - Max. 10)

Starting position: Stand erect, feet slightly apart.

(i) Rotate arms outwards, head back, look up. Breathe in.

(ii) Return to starting position without drooping. Breathe out.

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