A set of twelve exercises, covering the whole body. It is meant for the common man, who is busy the whole day & has very little time to spare.
Physical Edu.
1. Execute the Daily Dozen every day.
2. Play some vigorous athletic game three times a week.
3. Spend at least one afternoon a week in the open.
4. Walk a brisk mile or two daily.
5. Breathe deeply several times a day.
6. Sleep for eight hours in a well-ventilated room.
7. Eat some fruits and vegetables every day.
8. Chew food well before swallowing.
9. Drink eight glasses of water every day.
10. Ensure regular natural movement of bowels.
11. Take a bath daily, rubbing your body vigorously.
12. Keep a little time each day for quiet contemplation on your highest thoughts and have an annual health check-up.
Pranab Bhattacharya
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